Friday, May 15, 2009

The Food Cometh


Did you get a chance to read the article that The Brain put up yesterday? Barton's choice of clothing is true to form, LOL.

Things are really moving here now. I had a laundry list of things to prepare for food being delivered tomorrow in the kitchen (Yeah, I said it! We WILL OPEN within 2 weeks). Unfortunately for me, lots of cleaning, including the front of the restaurant...I really can't complain though, anything that makes these doors open sooner is fine with me. Though I will leave the climbing on the roof to check AC units to my chef. He doesn't seem to mind heights.

Today Barton is letting us leave before 5 pm, and my guess is because there will be no days off in the foreseeable future. The "future" probably being 3 months or so...I mean, I am sure I will get a half day somewhere along the line, hopefully a few of them, but a full day off will not be on my calendar for quite some time.

We will most likely be turning the gas on tomorrow and be testing food by the end of the day. Gotta go, not much time let in the day to enjoy myself!

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