Thursday, May 1, 2008

You Got (Wrongly) Served

For some reason this shift seemed extra long...a plate disappears in the middle of the black hole that is our dining room, the entire table went out, 9 items on the check, 9 people at the table...1 item missing???

Sometimes I can't control everything, it's at these times, to make it easier on all parties involved, (or I'm just in a good mood) I will say it was my fault. Yeah, it was my fault, but read that again, server. I could really care less, shit happens sometimes and someone has to take the blame so it will be me this time.

My only concern is getting that missing item out to the table as quickly as possible and in the correct fashion, i.e. not microwaving, frying, cutting the product in half, smashing it paper thin...all of which I have seen happen during my ten year career. None of which I will EVER let happen in my kitchen. The diner could be screaming in the dining room after a moment of not having food and the manager on duty could come back screaming at me, doesn't matter...some things just have to be done correctly and can't be rushed.

Get it right or don't get it at all, can't half ass things in a restaurant. The people who choose to eat here don't have to be here to eat, why risk screwing things up more then they need to be? Buy them their meal, a drink...have a coke and a smile and, well, I hope you know the Richard Pryor line because I luckily don't have to deal with customers.

I saw an angry one tonight, I couldn't even tell you what he was upset about. I tried to overhear the conversation with the manager but from what I could tell the guy couldn't even come up with a story as to why he was so upset...maybe he just wanted a free meal?? I don't know. 2 new servers on the floor ringing in checks wrong, other servers just forgetting to ring certain items in...thank goodness this new cook can move, or else the kitchen would have gone down in flames trying to correct so many mistakes at once.

It was great, all fun and comical when I look back on it. Not too much screaming on my part, but again, my cooks keep me up like kickstands when I need them too and thats what matters most. Sorry if this seems like a discombobulated post days off can sometimes get to ya!! But hey, this is what it's all about, two more 12+ hour days and then glorious SUNDAY to do absolutely nothing...oh wait, I have to do a test run on that chili!

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