Sunday, March 29, 2009


Yes, change is coming. I have put in my notice to this restaurant, and yes, bigger and better things are on the horizon. Sorry, I will not mention any names as to where I will be landing in the next few weeks, at least not yet. But suffice it to say that it's a big step up in the restaurant world, and I'm ready to take it on.

When I put in my notice, it was unexpected from just about everybody. Except I do not think it caught the acting GM by surprise, that or they realized things were not going to go according to plan. It is a business, after all, so things will keep on rolling around here. My replacement was here the second day after I had given my notice.

Fine by me, but I am curious (not really) as to how things will turn out 3 months from now. Hopefully the kitchen will look brand new, labor isn't through the roof, and food cost is lower then what I will post up this month. I am personally looking for 30%, which is lower then it has ever been since I started working here.

Part of me wanted to stay and make things better around here, but I would be kidding myself if I thought my name would ever be put on the menu. I would be kidding myself if I thought I would actually get half the raise I wanted to stay here. So, instead of beating around the bush, why not treat it like the biz it already is.

In business, it's here today gone tomorrow, keep it professional, cut your losses, keep your gains. So...what else is there to do but to say PEACE OUT BITCHES! I will write more later about my replacement and how long I have known him...and the GM that used to run a restaurant in Bethesda...til it went bankrupt.

Fun times ahead!

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