Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Hump day and to top it off the chef took the day off for feeling under the weather. No comment from me on that one, though. I can sum up the entire day from one table that we had this evening.

We served tomato bisque as our soup for the evening and a woman at a table asked if there was any sugar added into the soup. Now before I finish this story, who the fuck adds sugar to a soup like that...did I say Ketchup Bisque? Back to the story, the server knew the answer but came back to check with me anyways, and I tried not to crack a smile and politely said no.

He then went back to the table and said no, but also asked if the woman was a diabetic. She replied no and said (true story), "No I'm just fat and don't want any sugar in my food." The server, then replied "well it has cream in it," and she said "oh I can have that, that's fine."

How do you reply to that?

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