Thursday, January 29, 2009
Beat It
No time for sittin around today. Been to the gym already and its not even noon yet on my only day off from the kitchen. I will be back in one this evening working on some recipes with Panas Gourmet, but first comes the running around looking for all of the ingredients that I mentioned in the recipes. That will be the challenge of my day, since some foods are not easily found.
Now if I had planned ahead and begged my awesome vendor at Coastal Sunbelt, maybe she could have given me the foods I need in the small increments I want. It would have been a bit more expensive though since I am on a credit with them outside of my work, and it would have been delivered to me, it may have been worth it to go that route. Oh well.
Bills to pay, a house to check out, Fios to call and bitch about billing, food to search for, and recipes to test in a few hours. Fun filled day for me! As I type this I cant help but think about all the things I have set out to do while listening to this track that my friends in The Higher Concept sent me.
Have you ever sat down in a studio and watched someone make a song? I mean the producer plays a beat, but in this case a guitarist plays a few cords, and the guys all write a verse? Right before my eyes and over the course of 3 hours a song was made up. The rough version of course with no editing done.
It's raw for lack of a better word but it makes you appreciate what artists go through to create a masterpiece. Once the final editing is done I will be sure to post it on here so any of you can see what I am going crazy about. [Note from The Brain: Bitch, you must have forgotten about my band's recording sessions back in the day! I want my CD back...]
Oh yeah, I had every intention of going to check out my host Mike Way tonite at 8:30pm at the DC Improv, but that may have to wait because my meeting with Panas is at 7pm. Hopefully Saturday night I will get the opportunity to see his awesomeness in person. I have heard through the grapevine his new material is his own "Thriller," if you are old enough to fully understand that reference!
No time for sittin around today. Been to the gym already and its not even noon yet on my only day off from the kitchen. I will be back in one this evening working on some recipes with Panas Gourmet, but first comes the running around looking for all of the ingredients that I mentioned in the recipes. That will be the challenge of my day, since some foods are not easily found.
Now if I had planned ahead and begged my awesome vendor at Coastal Sunbelt, maybe she could have given me the foods I need in the small increments I want. It would have been a bit more expensive though since I am on a credit with them outside of my work, and it would have been delivered to me, it may have been worth it to go that route. Oh well.
Bills to pay, a house to check out, Fios to call and bitch about billing, food to search for, and recipes to test in a few hours. Fun filled day for me! As I type this I cant help but think about all the things I have set out to do while listening to this track that my friends in The Higher Concept sent me.
Have you ever sat down in a studio and watched someone make a song? I mean the producer plays a beat, but in this case a guitarist plays a few cords, and the guys all write a verse? Right before my eyes and over the course of 3 hours a song was made up. The rough version of course with no editing done.
It's raw for lack of a better word but it makes you appreciate what artists go through to create a masterpiece. Once the final editing is done I will be sure to post it on here so any of you can see what I am going crazy about. [Note from The Brain: Bitch, you must have forgotten about my band's recording sessions back in the day! I want my CD back...]
Oh yeah, I had every intention of going to check out my host Mike Way tonite at 8:30pm at the DC Improv, but that may have to wait because my meeting with Panas is at 7pm. Hopefully Saturday night I will get the opportunity to see his awesomeness in person. I have heard through the grapevine his new material is his own "Thriller," if you are old enough to fully understand that reference!
Under Pressure
Day 2 of waking up at 5:15 and heading to the gym before getting to work at 8am. Much easier than yesterday, and I am a step ahead of everyone since I have already put in my workout...and a 2nd cup of coffee before 9:30 doesn't hurt.
This morning as I made a batch of chowder in our steam kettle, here is a pic so you understand how large this thing is. The reason why I tell you about this portion of my day is that these things generate heat from the steam inside. You need to fill a portion of them with water every other use or so. And when the pressure builds up there is an auto release, usually unexpected.
Cool huh? I mean, who wouldn't want to hear or feel 100 plus degrees of steam being pushed out at around 115 pounds of pressure through a hole the size of a dime. One of my cooks didn't, and slid from one side of the kitchen to the other when it went off. Great times I swear, he probably thought he was back in the militia...bad joke, nevermind.
Going to check out a possible venue for CRS tomorrow afternoon most likely. And another meeting with the Panas Gourmet people. I got an email from them last week inquiring when I was going to produce this food I had written about on the blog a few days ago...well, just ask!
Day 2 of waking up at 5:15 and heading to the gym before getting to work at 8am. Much easier than yesterday, and I am a step ahead of everyone since I have already put in my workout...and a 2nd cup of coffee before 9:30 doesn't hurt.
This morning as I made a batch of chowder in our steam kettle, here is a pic so you understand how large this thing is. The reason why I tell you about this portion of my day is that these things generate heat from the steam inside. You need to fill a portion of them with water every other use or so. And when the pressure builds up there is an auto release, usually unexpected.
Cool huh? I mean, who wouldn't want to hear or feel 100 plus degrees of steam being pushed out at around 115 pounds of pressure through a hole the size of a dime. One of my cooks didn't, and slid from one side of the kitchen to the other when it went off. Great times I swear, he probably thought he was back in the militia...bad joke, nevermind.
Going to check out a possible venue for CRS tomorrow afternoon most likely. And another meeting with the Panas Gourmet people. I got an email from them last week inquiring when I was going to produce this food I had written about on the blog a few days ago...well, just ask!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Chili and Chillin
One day removed from the trip I must say, it was a blast. THAT JUST HAPPENED would barely scrape the surface. All of my trips to NY and The House of Dreams go down in style.
Arriving at 1am, meeting new faces that I may never see again and listening to some good tunes being created before our very ears. The Higher Concept is never one to disappoint newcomers. Too bad cameras only travel so far since, well, some things just aren't PC for the camera. I must have fallen asleep around 4am since I had been up at 6am that Friday. Woke up around 7:30am to prepare the chili, and off I went.
Around 10am when the chili was finally done, things were starting to move around in The House of Dreams, with producer Tekst finalizing plans to be at a show in Baltimore that evening. Tony Crush of the Zulu Nation checked in before noon and by then everything was in motion.
We made it to the Bronx just after noon and I was treated with the name "The Ringer"...I guess they were expecting me? It was a damn good time while my friend Wes and I ran the beer pong table for the majority of the party...until being kicked off in favor of a more team oriented game of flip cup. Eh, good enough for us, we established our PG County dominance in style for all the 'Cuse grads...though they made me do a keg stand after winning the contest, and I won't make that mistake again...
One day removed from the trip I must say, it was a blast. THAT JUST HAPPENED would barely scrape the surface. All of my trips to NY and The House of Dreams go down in style.
Arriving at 1am, meeting new faces that I may never see again and listening to some good tunes being created before our very ears. The Higher Concept is never one to disappoint newcomers. Too bad cameras only travel so far since, well, some things just aren't PC for the camera. I must have fallen asleep around 4am since I had been up at 6am that Friday. Woke up around 7:30am to prepare the chili, and off I went.
Around 10am when the chili was finally done, things were starting to move around in The House of Dreams, with producer Tekst finalizing plans to be at a show in Baltimore that evening. Tony Crush of the Zulu Nation checked in before noon and by then everything was in motion.
We made it to the Bronx just after noon and I was treated with the name "The Ringer"...I guess they were expecting me? It was a damn good time while my friend Wes and I ran the beer pong table for the majority of the party...until being kicked off in favor of a more team oriented game of flip cup. Eh, good enough for us, we established our PG County dominance in style for all the 'Cuse grads...though they made me do a keg stand after winning the contest, and I won't make that mistake again...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I am the Champion...My Freinds!
Sunday evening and I am back at home after the weekend in NY. Coming back home with a chili cookoff trophy, coming back home with a severe hangover, coming back home on maybe 3 hours of sleep. It was a blast, and it all actually happened.
Much was caught on film and may make it onto here someday. Met some cool people as soon as we arrived in Staten Island, and the group was working at 1am like it was barely 3 in the set the tone for a great weekend. I will write more about it tomorrow, but for now just know that I got a trophy, bitches!
Sunday evening and I am back at home after the weekend in NY. Coming back home with a chili cookoff trophy, coming back home with a severe hangover, coming back home on maybe 3 hours of sleep. It was a blast, and it all actually happened.
Much was caught on film and may make it onto here someday. Met some cool people as soon as we arrived in Staten Island, and the group was working at 1am like it was barely 3 in the set the tone for a great weekend. I will write more about it tomorrow, but for now just know that I got a trophy, bitches!
Friday, January 23, 2009
So as I walk into my office today, I see I only have 2 cooks. One for the raw bar, one for the line. I know we are slow but I had an extra person all week and there is a party to prep for this evening. So the day when I would have work for everyone to do, there is no one to delegate to. Brilliant.
So, with my mind on a cookoff in the Bronx tomorrow afternoon, I down a coffee and some egg whites and hop to it. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten up at the crack of dawn for that run this morning? Ugh.
5 different passed apps to prep, 2 sauces to make and 4 different fish to cut totaling around 70 pieces. Don't forget the special for this evening and the menu to be written. Since there is no time to waste today because I want everything done by the time my chef gets here, it's time to say have a great weekend!
12 hours from now I intend to be inebriated to the fullest in NY somewhere!
So as I walk into my office today, I see I only have 2 cooks. One for the raw bar, one for the line. I know we are slow but I had an extra person all week and there is a party to prep for this evening. So the day when I would have work for everyone to do, there is no one to delegate to. Brilliant.
So, with my mind on a cookoff in the Bronx tomorrow afternoon, I down a coffee and some egg whites and hop to it. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten up at the crack of dawn for that run this morning? Ugh.
5 different passed apps to prep, 2 sauces to make and 4 different fish to cut totaling around 70 pieces. Don't forget the special for this evening and the menu to be written. Since there is no time to waste today because I want everything done by the time my chef gets here, it's time to say have a great weekend!
12 hours from now I intend to be inebriated to the fullest in NY somewhere!
No Sex in the VIP Room
Looking for a house is a PITA. That's really all I want to say about that part of my life. I cannot wait to be in NY for 3 days, even if it is to cook for a day. It will be a nice change of pace and sure to be a great evening with my friends in The Higher Concept. I won't be in NY until after midnight but to those kids that's about 9pm, which means I will be traveling into the city for some festivities on the VIP list.
VIP in NY basically means you get to skip the line, which ain't bad but not much more than that. Should be good times nonetheless, but I also got an email that I have to arrive at the chili competition by noon. That's around the time I usually wake up by NY standards, so it could get interesting cooking on a least I get to start drinking again as soon as I start cooking!
This diet that I have been following is really starting to take its affect on me. I have started incorporating complex carbs into my diet on a regular basis and my energy has shot through the roof, but boy do I ever just want some fucking french fries and a burger! Sweet potatoes and brown rice are just 2 of the new foods I am eating on a regular basis before 5pm every evening. After that there are no carbs, and that is a real beast to do when you never sleep before midnight. Of course quitting the drinking part never really happened, but the abs that are starting to peak through is enough motivation to keep going.
Pilot? Someone asked me about that yesterday and patience is a virtue that I have yet to master. C.R.S.? Yeah, that too, my partner on that venture is struggling to find a first venue when the other 2 aren't going to available for months. Back to the pilot though, since my host Mike Way is performing at the DC Improv for the rest of this month I am forced to be patient yet again. Can't be upset for others wanting to make progress, at least in the meantime I can check out how funny the man really is before we put him in front of a camera in my kitchen studio! The studio itself is really what seems to be holding us back. Hopefully by the first of the month I will be writing about progress on that front.
And oh yeah...Top Chef, if you are going to cheat on your significant other, try not to do it on national television!
Looking for a house is a PITA. That's really all I want to say about that part of my life. I cannot wait to be in NY for 3 days, even if it is to cook for a day. It will be a nice change of pace and sure to be a great evening with my friends in The Higher Concept. I won't be in NY until after midnight but to those kids that's about 9pm, which means I will be traveling into the city for some festivities on the VIP list.
VIP in NY basically means you get to skip the line, which ain't bad but not much more than that. Should be good times nonetheless, but I also got an email that I have to arrive at the chili competition by noon. That's around the time I usually wake up by NY standards, so it could get interesting cooking on a least I get to start drinking again as soon as I start cooking!
This diet that I have been following is really starting to take its affect on me. I have started incorporating complex carbs into my diet on a regular basis and my energy has shot through the roof, but boy do I ever just want some fucking french fries and a burger! Sweet potatoes and brown rice are just 2 of the new foods I am eating on a regular basis before 5pm every evening. After that there are no carbs, and that is a real beast to do when you never sleep before midnight. Of course quitting the drinking part never really happened, but the abs that are starting to peak through is enough motivation to keep going.
Pilot? Someone asked me about that yesterday and patience is a virtue that I have yet to master. C.R.S.? Yeah, that too, my partner on that venture is struggling to find a first venue when the other 2 aren't going to available for months. Back to the pilot though, since my host Mike Way is performing at the DC Improv for the rest of this month I am forced to be patient yet again. Can't be upset for others wanting to make progress, at least in the meantime I can check out how funny the man really is before we put him in front of a camera in my kitchen studio! The studio itself is really what seems to be holding us back. Hopefully by the first of the month I will be writing about progress on that front.
And oh yeah...Top Chef, if you are going to cheat on your significant other, try not to do it on national television!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
What a week. I honestly do not think that I have been able to get more then 5 hours of sleep each night because of work and a few other things. Sunday with the family was great, but I got off work around 7pm Saturday night and helped my parents with some recipes until 11, then came back to my place and cooked until around 1 am.
Sunday all afternoon was spent with the fam and the evening was dedicated to my Jack Russell, a small fireball doesn't really describe her well enough. Monday I dusted off the cob webs and jumped behind the line for around 200 covers. Yes, 200, finally a busy night and I spent it cooking with my cooks as opposed to directing the kitchen. Tuesday for inauguration we did a party of 60 and around 100 covers, with me on the line again. My cooks must have thought hell froze over because I worked along side them, and actually carried them if I may say so myself.
But last night things went back to the same rather quickly, it was fairly slow. I did see a table of 4 walk out after looking over the lunch menu...they said it was too expensive. So was the fur coat the woman was wearing that said it to the server. There was also a couple from Detroit, the server had to tell one of them that she was looking over the menu upside down. Her reply "Oh it's OK honey, I wouldn't be able to see it anyways without my glasses."
Weird time to be in the restaurant business.
Sunday all afternoon was spent with the fam and the evening was dedicated to my Jack Russell, a small fireball doesn't really describe her well enough. Monday I dusted off the cob webs and jumped behind the line for around 200 covers. Yes, 200, finally a busy night and I spent it cooking with my cooks as opposed to directing the kitchen. Tuesday for inauguration we did a party of 60 and around 100 covers, with me on the line again. My cooks must have thought hell froze over because I worked along side them, and actually carried them if I may say so myself.
But last night things went back to the same rather quickly, it was fairly slow. I did see a table of 4 walk out after looking over the lunch menu...they said it was too expensive. So was the fur coat the woman was wearing that said it to the server. There was also a couple from Detroit, the server had to tell one of them that she was looking over the menu upside down. Her reply "Oh it's OK honey, I wouldn't be able to see it anyways without my glasses."
Weird time to be in the restaurant business.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Stealing Cable Was So Much Easier
Just rambling on here a bit. How was your weekend? Mine was spectacular, first FiOS came and left and I got to watch the NFL Network for all of ten minutes before the box went out and forgot how to work. An hour on the phone with "tech support" (probably in India) gave me the answer of making another appointment for them to replace the box...thanks assholes. If the karma of free cable hadn't caught up with me after 2 years I would still be with Comcast.
Enough of that though, have I mentioned it's a little slow around here? We did 46 covers last night. We averaged just under 100 a year ago, ouch. It's OK though, no worries so long as I still get to play with food, I'm a happy camper.
Thursday is just around the corner and Panas Gourmet sent me an email a few days ago giving me their initial reactions to the recipes I sent them. They only flat out dissed one, and that's fine because it was meant to go with one of their sweet empanadas, bleh. This is a great experience for me because they gave me their opinion on most of the recipes, and the bottom line was sounds interesting but we have to taste them first.
That's the only nod of encouragement I need because I can make the food taste good. It may even broaden their horizons more as it has my own. It has already helped my culinary skills to do research into Latin cuisine, beyond what Anthony Bourdain shows me from time to time on No Reservations. My cooks here in the kitchen talk a lot about certain foods but rarely come in with anything more then empanadas, some type of sweet cornbread they call "quesadillas," and papusas. They're not much for inspiration.
I also have the party for G-ma this weekend. There are 75 confirmed to be attending and I have yet to think of anything, awesome. Looks like this Thursday will be a little time with FiOS, some at the gym, research, and then research & development with Panas Gourmet.
Just the way I want my days off to be, running around like a chicken with it head cut off...mmm, I love chicken.
Just rambling on here a bit. How was your weekend? Mine was spectacular, first FiOS came and left and I got to watch the NFL Network for all of ten minutes before the box went out and forgot how to work. An hour on the phone with "tech support" (probably in India) gave me the answer of making another appointment for them to replace the box...thanks assholes. If the karma of free cable hadn't caught up with me after 2 years I would still be with Comcast.
Enough of that though, have I mentioned it's a little slow around here? We did 46 covers last night. We averaged just under 100 a year ago, ouch. It's OK though, no worries so long as I still get to play with food, I'm a happy camper.
Thursday is just around the corner and Panas Gourmet sent me an email a few days ago giving me their initial reactions to the recipes I sent them. They only flat out dissed one, and that's fine because it was meant to go with one of their sweet empanadas, bleh. This is a great experience for me because they gave me their opinion on most of the recipes, and the bottom line was sounds interesting but we have to taste them first.
That's the only nod of encouragement I need because I can make the food taste good. It may even broaden their horizons more as it has my own. It has already helped my culinary skills to do research into Latin cuisine, beyond what Anthony Bourdain shows me from time to time on No Reservations. My cooks here in the kitchen talk a lot about certain foods but rarely come in with anything more then empanadas, some type of sweet cornbread they call "quesadillas," and papusas. They're not much for inspiration.
I also have the party for G-ma this weekend. There are 75 confirmed to be attending and I have yet to think of anything, awesome. Looks like this Thursday will be a little time with FiOS, some at the gym, research, and then research & development with Panas Gourmet.
Just the way I want my days off to be, running around like a chicken with it head cut off...mmm, I love chicken.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Oh Snap!
NEW YORK (Jan. 10) - A 140-year-old lobster once destined for a dinner plate received the gift of life Friday from a Park Avenue seafood restaurant.
George, the 20-pound supercentenarian crustacean, was freed by City Crab and Seafood in New York City.

PETA spokesman Michael McGraw said the group asked City Crab to return George to the Atlantic Ocean after a diner saw him at the restaurant, where steamed Maine lobster sells for $27 per pound. George had been caught off Newfoundland, Canada and lived in the tank for about 10 days before his release.
Some scientists estimate lobsters can live to be more than 100 years old. PETA and the restaurant guessed George's age at about 140, using a rule of thumb based on the creature's weight.
He was to be released Saturday near Kennebunkport, Maine, in an area where lobster trapping is forbidden.
NEW YORK (Jan. 10) - A 140-year-old lobster once destined for a dinner plate received the gift of life Friday from a Park Avenue seafood restaurant.
George, the 20-pound supercentenarian crustacean, was freed by City Crab and Seafood in New York City.
"We applaud the folks at City Crab and Seafood for their compassionate decision to allow this noble old-timer to live out his days in freedom and peace," said Ingrid E. Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
PETA spokesman Michael McGraw said the group asked City Crab to return George to the Atlantic Ocean after a diner saw him at the restaurant, where steamed Maine lobster sells for $27 per pound. George had been caught off Newfoundland, Canada and lived in the tank for about 10 days before his release.
Some scientists estimate lobsters can live to be more than 100 years old. PETA and the restaurant guessed George's age at about 140, using a rule of thumb based on the creature's weight.
He was to be released Saturday near Kennebunkport, Maine, in an area where lobster trapping is forbidden.
No Trout for You!
Yesterday was a bit of a random day in the kitchen. A customer asked one of our servers if the chef could make a "trout meuniere." Uhhh, I hadn't even heard that term since culinary school. It almost threw me for a loop, almost being the key word. I had to answer no though, making a brown butter sauce isn't difficult, but it's not a 3 minute sauce either. On top of that, if it ain't on the menu then I usually say no. Go find a New Orleans style seafood house for something like that, dude.
I honestly think the customer just wanted to sound cool, because it was a kid. He was probably still in school and wanted to see if the chef could actually produce such a thing. Sure I can fry a damn trout man, but making you a sauce on the fly like that just isn't gonna happen. Not in the time frame you want at least, but I will probably make a brown butter sauce tomorrow for my special now since he put it in my head.
I got a random email from my produce vendor asking me if i was interested in cooking for a friend's engagement party. Eh, why not? If I can't be busy at work, I can make myself busy outside of it.
On what is turning out to be a bitter side note, Panas Gourmet asked me for my time and has yet to get back to me in almost a week. It wasn't difficult to come up with the sauces that I did. They asked me to follow a few guidelines and that was it. I sent out 10 different ideas and I haven't heard shit back. I would figure at least 4 of them were really good for what they were looking for. I could be wrong, but I doubt all of them could have been that bad. I even went so far as to outline cost effectiveness and cross utilize products in my own notes that I had yet to show them. Oh well, we will see what happens with that. That meeting isn't until next Thursday anyways...
Fios technician just arrived...hopefully I will be able to catch the bowl game this evening on my own TV!
Yesterday was a bit of a random day in the kitchen. A customer asked one of our servers if the chef could make a "trout meuniere." Uhhh, I hadn't even heard that term since culinary school. It almost threw me for a loop, almost being the key word. I had to answer no though, making a brown butter sauce isn't difficult, but it's not a 3 minute sauce either. On top of that, if it ain't on the menu then I usually say no. Go find a New Orleans style seafood house for something like that, dude.
I honestly think the customer just wanted to sound cool, because it was a kid. He was probably still in school and wanted to see if the chef could actually produce such a thing. Sure I can fry a damn trout man, but making you a sauce on the fly like that just isn't gonna happen. Not in the time frame you want at least, but I will probably make a brown butter sauce tomorrow for my special now since he put it in my head.
I got a random email from my produce vendor asking me if i was interested in cooking for a friend's engagement party. Eh, why not? If I can't be busy at work, I can make myself busy outside of it.
On what is turning out to be a bitter side note, Panas Gourmet asked me for my time and has yet to get back to me in almost a week. It wasn't difficult to come up with the sauces that I did. They asked me to follow a few guidelines and that was it. I sent out 10 different ideas and I haven't heard shit back. I would figure at least 4 of them were really good for what they were looking for. I could be wrong, but I doubt all of them could have been that bad. I even went so far as to outline cost effectiveness and cross utilize products in my own notes that I had yet to show them. Oh well, we will see what happens with that. That meeting isn't until next Thursday anyways...
Fios technician just arrived...hopefully I will be able to catch the bowl game this evening on my own TV!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Bear Market
Last night was a bear, bear meaning at was almost unbearable to stand through. We did less then 50 covers once again, and it's not only this place that is slowing down. I don't want to talk about that though.
Onto more progressive things for this year. I can't wait to be at home tonite and have an actual hour to myself to get things done. I have to send out several emails to start networking for what is to come. Party of 90 with the family is next Sunday, Panas Gourmet next Thursday, and the chili competition in NYC on the 24th.
For the party with the fam I only know one of the items I will be making, and it includes truffles, hehehe. I will send off several recipe ideas to the catering company I am to meet with next Thursday. In turn, hopefully a few of the ideas I send will pique their interest into seeing the product itself. The chili competition will just be a fun trip, nuff said. Depending how many people enter I expect to...well, I expect to win this one dammit. Then there is that pilot I was so hell bent on several months ago. I will start nagging to get my foot in the door once again. By the time it happens I just hope it was worth the wait.
Oh yeah, and as a small addition to a "resolution" this year, I intend to post waaaaaaayyy more pictures when I go onto events this time around. Visuals kill the written word, I figure, so I will be better at that this year. This blog has been going on for a few months now and I only intend to make it better with time.
Last night was a bear, bear meaning at was almost unbearable to stand through. We did less then 50 covers once again, and it's not only this place that is slowing down. I don't want to talk about that though.
Onto more progressive things for this year. I can't wait to be at home tonite and have an actual hour to myself to get things done. I have to send out several emails to start networking for what is to come. Party of 90 with the family is next Sunday, Panas Gourmet next Thursday, and the chili competition in NYC on the 24th.
For the party with the fam I only know one of the items I will be making, and it includes truffles, hehehe. I will send off several recipe ideas to the catering company I am to meet with next Thursday. In turn, hopefully a few of the ideas I send will pique their interest into seeing the product itself. The chili competition will just be a fun trip, nuff said. Depending how many people enter I expect to...well, I expect to win this one dammit. Then there is that pilot I was so hell bent on several months ago. I will start nagging to get my foot in the door once again. By the time it happens I just hope it was worth the wait.
Oh yeah, and as a small addition to a "resolution" this year, I intend to post waaaaaaayyy more pictures when I go onto events this time around. Visuals kill the written word, I figure, so I will be better at that this year. This blog has been going on for a few months now and I only intend to make it better with time.
Slow doesn't really cover what is going on here right now. It's rather sad in a way to watch the servers begin to get a little "cut-throat" if you will, about the table coming in. Yet it does mean that I need to stay especially on my toes about keeping the proper rotation of food and labor during these times.
Onto the diet...I don't even want to call it that anymore. I had some wheat pasta last night with a bunch of steamed veges that I added to it. Hardly what I would call spaghetti by any means, but it tasted damn good to eat some carbs for once!!!
I am on my 4th container of pom juice and 3rd of carrot juice. I am taking both of those for another week and I will be done with those juices for good. I am surprised my stomach hasn't rejected it thus far, rejected being a nice way to put it!
Panas gourmet catering sauces to come up with, and a new project in the works with a friend similar to what was going on with 1435 Girard. The Culinary Renegade Society, be on the look out because I already have 3 confirmed venues that a friend and I will be doing events. Can't wait...
Oh yeah, since it is the new year and the holidays are finally over, it's time for me to get back on my producer about that damn pilot. It will happen!
Slow doesn't really cover what is going on here right now. It's rather sad in a way to watch the servers begin to get a little "cut-throat" if you will, about the table coming in. Yet it does mean that I need to stay especially on my toes about keeping the proper rotation of food and labor during these times.
Onto the diet...I don't even want to call it that anymore. I had some wheat pasta last night with a bunch of steamed veges that I added to it. Hardly what I would call spaghetti by any means, but it tasted damn good to eat some carbs for once!!!
I am on my 4th container of pom juice and 3rd of carrot juice. I am taking both of those for another week and I will be done with those juices for good. I am surprised my stomach hasn't rejected it thus far, rejected being a nice way to put it!
Panas gourmet catering sauces to come up with, and a new project in the works with a friend similar to what was going on with 1435 Girard. The Culinary Renegade Society, be on the look out because I already have 3 confirmed venues that a friend and I will be doing events. Can't wait...
Oh yeah, since it is the new year and the holidays are finally over, it's time for me to get back on my producer about that damn pilot. It will happen!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Diet or Die!
Aww man, this detox shit is for the birds! OK, so it does work, but I didn't want to even attempt to say anything about it until I had done it for 2 days. Day one was fine until around 6pm and my body was ready to shut down. Yesterday wasn't any better since I worked the entire day. Today I feel like I dropped 10 pounds and could run a marathon. Well, that may be a bit exaggerated, but I feel great nonetheless. I thought if I just quit drinking I would feel good after a few days...
8 glasses of pomegranate juice, 4 glasses of carrot juice, 200 grams of almonds, and a huge bowl of brown rice each night. Yup, that's what I did, and I suggest taking it easy, i.e. not working out and as little activity as possible. My mood was pretty foul last night for no other reason than I had nothing in me to "burn" to keep me going. No coffee, soda, smoking and plenty of water along the way. That's about 1200 calories a day, which is pretty low for a guy but for 2 days and the way I feel this morning it was totally worth it. Now onto the rest of this diet plan.
I have never been one for calorie counting, but if this is ever going to work for someone else there is no other way. My lineup of food for the day is oatmeal to start, and not the instant crap either, too processed. I am going old school Quaker Oats and some salt. OK, so I may not make it that serious for more then a week, but gotta start out right and introduce certain foods later on in the plan. Lunch will be some type of salad with a oil/vinegar dressing with no sugar added into the recipe. Snacks will be some almonds, or fruit. Most likely I am thinking apples over the nuts.
A piece of grilled chicken breast with the salad will only help. Dinner...gotta think about that one. Seeing is I will be at work, I'm thinking grilled salmon with some steamed spinach. The goal is to stay below 1500 calories for the day, this shouldn't be difficult. What will be difficult is going to the gym 4 days a week for the first week of this diet. And no supplements aside from my daily vitamins should make things interesting...
Aww man, this detox shit is for the birds! OK, so it does work, but I didn't want to even attempt to say anything about it until I had done it for 2 days. Day one was fine until around 6pm and my body was ready to shut down. Yesterday wasn't any better since I worked the entire day. Today I feel like I dropped 10 pounds and could run a marathon. Well, that may be a bit exaggerated, but I feel great nonetheless. I thought if I just quit drinking I would feel good after a few days...
8 glasses of pomegranate juice, 4 glasses of carrot juice, 200 grams of almonds, and a huge bowl of brown rice each night. Yup, that's what I did, and I suggest taking it easy, i.e. not working out and as little activity as possible. My mood was pretty foul last night for no other reason than I had nothing in me to "burn" to keep me going. No coffee, soda, smoking and plenty of water along the way. That's about 1200 calories a day, which is pretty low for a guy but for 2 days and the way I feel this morning it was totally worth it. Now onto the rest of this diet plan.
I have never been one for calorie counting, but if this is ever going to work for someone else there is no other way. My lineup of food for the day is oatmeal to start, and not the instant crap either, too processed. I am going old school Quaker Oats and some salt. OK, so I may not make it that serious for more then a week, but gotta start out right and introduce certain foods later on in the plan. Lunch will be some type of salad with a oil/vinegar dressing with no sugar added into the recipe. Snacks will be some almonds, or fruit. Most likely I am thinking apples over the nuts.
A piece of grilled chicken breast with the salad will only help. Dinner...gotta think about that one. Seeing is I will be at work, I'm thinking grilled salmon with some steamed spinach. The goal is to stay below 1500 calories for the day, this shouldn't be difficult. What will be difficult is going to the gym 4 days a week for the first week of this diet. And no supplements aside from my daily vitamins should make things interesting...
Friday, January 2, 2009
Aught 9
Day one...
How was your night? Did you ring in the new year the way you wanted? I hope so, I stayed out of trouble and laid as low as possible this year. I got too many mass texts to count from so many people, I am beginning to consider it spam if it doesn't include an actual message other then 3 words.
Anyways, this year will be a one of work to make things happen I can say that much. Nothing will come easy and I wouldn't have it any other way. It may be a time of change, or things may stay the same, only time will tell.
First things first, as much as I would love this to be a day to sit on my ass and do nothing productive, that just isn't the case. Last week I was sent an email from a catering company I did some recipe development with a few years back by the name of Panas Gourmet. Well it looks as if they are doing pretty well for themselves and by looking over the menu, I can see a few things here and there I came up with. That's always a cool thing to see, feels good to have had a small hand in that.
They sent me an email asking for some new sauces and dips. Not too difficult right? If you know how to cook Argentinian foods that is. Which I do not, but I didn't know much before I did some research either. I am no expert on the food, but with the help of this Interweb thing and my own food knowledge, I think I can come up with some pretty cool stuff.
Back to gathering more info on the foods. One day at a time, feast or famine, something is going to get done this year. The Mad Chef of M Street is out to make this year two thousand and mine.
How was your night? Did you ring in the new year the way you wanted? I hope so, I stayed out of trouble and laid as low as possible this year. I got too many mass texts to count from so many people, I am beginning to consider it spam if it doesn't include an actual message other then 3 words.
Anyways, this year will be a one of work to make things happen I can say that much. Nothing will come easy and I wouldn't have it any other way. It may be a time of change, or things may stay the same, only time will tell.
First things first, as much as I would love this to be a day to sit on my ass and do nothing productive, that just isn't the case. Last week I was sent an email from a catering company I did some recipe development with a few years back by the name of Panas Gourmet. Well it looks as if they are doing pretty well for themselves and by looking over the menu, I can see a few things here and there I came up with. That's always a cool thing to see, feels good to have had a small hand in that.
They sent me an email asking for some new sauces and dips. Not too difficult right? If you know how to cook Argentinian foods that is. Which I do not, but I didn't know much before I did some research either. I am no expert on the food, but with the help of this Interweb thing and my own food knowledge, I think I can come up with some pretty cool stuff.
Back to gathering more info on the foods. One day at a time, feast or famine, something is going to get done this year. The Mad Chef of M Street is out to make this year two thousand and mine.
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