Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Update


This weekend went by in a blur. It started with racing to the kosher market Friday night, and ended with getting home around 10pm Sunday night. After the market ordeal Friday night, I had to head straight home to meet up with everyone about the pilot being filmed in less then a month. A lot of ground was covered (finally) on that does the name "Chasing Flavor" sound?

Saturday morning things got rolling by 9am with the park dedication for a relative. Numerous celebrities were there to speak including Oprah and author Khaliah Ali. My father actually got pictures with Ms. Ali without knowing who she was and was "star struck" to say the least by both of the speakers presence.

I digress, by 1pm I was in the Potomac area, the kitchen was enormous, and I started cutting away. I was there with my partner for abuout 5 hours preparing everything in detail before cleaning and leaving. There was much to be learned about using the proper plate/silverware for the various foods we were making. Dairy to one set and meat to another, these plates were practically color coordinated. I couldn't imagine actually paying such attention to my food, ever.

Out of time for now, I will update more from the weekend later! Back into the kitchen to finish up that gastrique...

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