Thursday, November 6, 2008

HBO, Fool...


Thirsty Thursday and I am heading into work. Yup, took off on Monday night to go to the game, only to wake up that morning too sick to even attempt to go. Thank goodness I didn't, with the outcome that I saw...that was just ugly.

Great news is Obama won, bad news is the pilot shoot date has been pushed back. Who would have ever thought that getting a PUBLIC ACCESS studio would be that difficult with already having a sponsor for the studio. Also...what is up with that pic that was posted about victory the other day?

Gotta ask The Brain about that one, and ask him what he thought about dinner Saturday night? (Note from The Brain: Apparently, The Mad Chef has never seen Entourage before. Also, my review of an evening Sea Catch is coming...)

Off to work peeps, hope everyone is as happy as I am about the outcome of Tuesday!

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