Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Training Day

The revolving door of the kitchen smacked me in the face iun the last week. Basically, cook(s) quit, chef works, cook(s) get hired, chef trains...maybe after another week chef will have a minute to breathe. Yup, that's what is happening right now, and it couldn't be at a worse time for me with the cook-off getting closer and closer.

We had a cook give his notice a couple weeks ago, and some people would just bring in the next available person (err Latino) off the streets to fill the position. Not here though...I went through 4 cooks that came in day after day and did a follow with myself or the chef. Some with lots of experience, some with minimal experience...a week and a half later one of my cooks brings me a friend from another restaurant. It's almost a done deal when a cook that I trust brings me another cook...so maybe by the time the chili cook-off rolls around I will be able to take the weekend off. The way it was starting to look was that the kitchen would be too short handed to allow me the days off.

Personally, had the roles been reversed I would have bitched at my sous that he owes me big time for the ass kicking I would recieve in the kitchen (on a weekend) without him...but this is not the case and this is not my kitchen, so I'm pretty lucky in that respect. Let's hope that this new guy makes a good impact on the kitchen tonite, enough for me to want him back for a second day of employment.

If not, it's back to the drawing board and the cook-off is less then 2 weeks away!!!

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