For those of you who love celebrity eco-scandals, this one's a doozy. Perhaps inspired by the recent fish fraud uncovered by those teenagers in New York, Greenpeace decided to do some investigative work of its own at Nobu, the swank sushi restaurant chain owned in part by Robert De Niro. They found that De Niro's restaurants, consisting of 21 locations across 4 continents, are serving unwitting customers endangered bluefin tuna.
Bluefin isn't illegal to serve, however it is listed as critically endangered due to overfishing by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List. Not only that, but the US has called for a total ban on Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin -- so, it's not exactly a secret that eating bluefin is a eco-sin. To make matters worse, Nobu's clientele consists of Hollywood elites like the greenwashing queen of pop, and the über-aware Leonardo DiCaprio. Both of whom might have unintentionally enjoyed some endangered tuna. Oops, way to make De Niro look bad.
Hmm....I could have told you De Niro was a douche way back when him and his entourage took a banquet area at Zola back in '01. Not only did he take a room fit for 300 with only 15 people, but we were also told...get this, not to make eye contact with him or speak to him directly. True story. And just for the record we serve the, mocking the article a little here, über-popular and tasty yellowfin tuna at Sea Catch!
Happy Thursday!
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