I saw my chef for a total of maybe an hour today. He just left and it's almost 9pm, where was he? Dunno and don't care. If I had time to worry about things like that then I wouldn't have a job.
There was a party of 115 and a party of 30, not including what we did for service during the course of the night. I think we did about 130 covers. All in all everything went over great, the parties were all smooth and service was a breeze. That's leaving out the graphic language I spoke for the 4 hours leading up to service while I prepped everything else for the party, along with fabricating 85 pounds of fish from here to West Africa. That African fish is sumthin' else man...I had to take the pin bones from a "Red Mullet" fish.

The fish is as small as an infants hands, I thought I was a fucking surgeon for almost an hour!
Anyways, since I'm not going into detail about how I busted my ass to make mashed potatoes for 150 people (both parties), cut assorted vegetables for them, cut fish, make sauces, and mark all the beef, chicken, and fish...I guess that's all I got for the day!
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