Tuesday, December 30, 2008
"Will Rap for Food"
Short day today and all day tomorrow. The restaurant is always slow the day before New Year's, at least every one that I have ever worked in. My special tonite will be whatever I can put together in the walk-in because inventory is going to be done soon and I have to utilize whatever product possible to keep costs in line. With that said, my chef has let me go off the deep end for my special for tomorrow evening. I want to keep it simple because that's what I do best, but I will be throwing some flavors onto the plate that I rarely get to use so I'm pretty excited about it.
I was able to order some Hawaiian fish, my favorite which is Walu or Hawaiian Butter Fish. It is the distant cousin of a fish we have over here on the East Coast called Wahoo. I'm going to crust the fish with caramelized onions and bake it for starters. I will be making a truffle and lobster risotto to go along with it. I just ordered the truffles and opted for the least expensive ones being black (why it gotta be bout color man?) truffles, coming in at a nice 147 bucks a pound. I also ordered some white truffle oil to help them out because the white truffles (there goes that color thing again) themselves are around $2,100 a pound, no exaggeration. Why do you think so many people have never seen, let alone heard of white truffles?
The white truffle oil is much more fragrant then the black, so it will have the appearance of looking really nice on the plate and smelling wonderful once I sprinkle that oil into the mix. Should go over really well...you should come in and try it! We still have a few slots open on the books for tomorrow. It is looking nothing like our reservations last year, which topped us out around 270 if I remember correctly, but it will be a great night, and there is no better place to celebrate New Year's than Georgetown!
If anyone is interested, send me an email or comment below. I'll make sure your experience is a great one!
Short day today and all day tomorrow. The restaurant is always slow the day before New Year's, at least every one that I have ever worked in. My special tonite will be whatever I can put together in the walk-in because inventory is going to be done soon and I have to utilize whatever product possible to keep costs in line. With that said, my chef has let me go off the deep end for my special for tomorrow evening. I want to keep it simple because that's what I do best, but I will be throwing some flavors onto the plate that I rarely get to use so I'm pretty excited about it.
I was able to order some Hawaiian fish, my favorite which is Walu or Hawaiian Butter Fish. It is the distant cousin of a fish we have over here on the East Coast called Wahoo. I'm going to crust the fish with caramelized onions and bake it for starters. I will be making a truffle and lobster risotto to go along with it. I just ordered the truffles and opted for the least expensive ones being black (why it gotta be bout color man?) truffles, coming in at a nice 147 bucks a pound. I also ordered some white truffle oil to help them out because the white truffles (there goes that color thing again) themselves are around $2,100 a pound, no exaggeration. Why do you think so many people have never seen, let alone heard of white truffles?
The white truffle oil is much more fragrant then the black, so it will have the appearance of looking really nice on the plate and smelling wonderful once I sprinkle that oil into the mix. Should go over really well...you should come in and try it! We still have a few slots open on the books for tomorrow. It is looking nothing like our reservations last year, which topped us out around 270 if I remember correctly, but it will be a great night, and there is no better place to celebrate New Year's than Georgetown!
If anyone is interested, send me an email or comment below. I'll make sure your experience is a great one!
Season Over
The season is over for my beloved Washington Redskins, fitting and frustrating, we are what our record says we are. I wasn't ready for the bitter ending that will now sit for the next 32 weeks until they start back up again, hopefully with some of the same coaches in place. Maryland has their bowl game tomorrow evening and "America's Poll" has 72% giving the win to UMD, great, we all know how the team plays when they are expected to win.
On to more important things dealing with food. In 3 weeks I will be doing up some food for 90 people for my Grandmother's 80th birthday. OK, so this should be interesting to say the least. My mother asked me to make the food and there is no way I can say no to family, right? I have only been asked to make 3 different passed apps for the get together, which isn't anything too difficult, right?
I was even told to go ahead and "show off," but what can I make that will sit right with a bunch of senior citizens that fully demonstrates my skills? Can't exactly do raw foods for this sort of thing, though there will be some people who aren't older than dirt, so maybe I can do one dish over the top and two on the conservative side.
I also got an email from my favorite blonde, giving me my heads up for this year's DC101 Chili Cook-Off, which is still 6 months away...guess they like to get started early, huh? This year the event will be held at RFK instead of downtown DC. Should be pretty cool, and less traffic in the way!
Gotta go get started on my day, lots to do on my only day off!
The season is over for my beloved Washington Redskins, fitting and frustrating, we are what our record says we are. I wasn't ready for the bitter ending that will now sit for the next 32 weeks until they start back up again, hopefully with some of the same coaches in place. Maryland has their bowl game tomorrow evening and "America's Poll" has 72% giving the win to UMD, great, we all know how the team plays when they are expected to win.
On to more important things dealing with food. In 3 weeks I will be doing up some food for 90 people for my Grandmother's 80th birthday. OK, so this should be interesting to say the least. My mother asked me to make the food and there is no way I can say no to family, right? I have only been asked to make 3 different passed apps for the get together, which isn't anything too difficult, right?
I was even told to go ahead and "show off," but what can I make that will sit right with a bunch of senior citizens that fully demonstrates my skills? Can't exactly do raw foods for this sort of thing, though there will be some people who aren't older than dirt, so maybe I can do one dish over the top and two on the conservative side.
I also got an email from my favorite blonde, giving me my heads up for this year's DC101 Chili Cook-Off, which is still 6 months away...guess they like to get started early, huh? This year the event will be held at RFK instead of downtown DC. Should be pretty cool, and less traffic in the way!
Gotta go get started on my day, lots to do on my only day off!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Opening for the first time in a long time here today. It was a little rough getting up this morning but hey, I won't be here come 10 pm!! Tonite promises to be a lively one with a show at the 930 with my friends in The Dance Party, playing one of their final shows on the east coast before heading out to LA for a few months.
I ordered some butternut squash to come in this morning but I also found some cauliflower hiding in the back of the walk-in, so it looks like the squash will have to wait until Monday. FIFO dammit, that's first in first out in culinary speak. I also had to use a fish that is already on the regular menu because I had too much of it.
I ordered too much Halibut the other day and half of it is covered in roasted macadamia nuts and the other half is still an uncut filet. If I don't cut a fish the next day, the shelf life of it becomes that much longer. I usually don't like to let fish go longer then 3 days, that's just a personal preference though. I have seen some places let the fish go for 6 when it is submerged in olive oil for the extended time. Great preservation method, still no good as far as I'm concerned.
So I will be roasting the Halibut in the oven, making up a raspberry & habenero gastrique, and cooking the cauliflower in milk until it is soft and puree it. I think this dish needs some type of mushrooms roasted off to go with it so I will check in the walk-in and pick out some to add to the plate.
Have a great weekend!
Opening for the first time in a long time here today. It was a little rough getting up this morning but hey, I won't be here come 10 pm!! Tonite promises to be a lively one with a show at the 930 with my friends in The Dance Party, playing one of their final shows on the east coast before heading out to LA for a few months.
I ordered some butternut squash to come in this morning but I also found some cauliflower hiding in the back of the walk-in, so it looks like the squash will have to wait until Monday. FIFO dammit, that's first in first out in culinary speak. I also had to use a fish that is already on the regular menu because I had too much of it.
I ordered too much Halibut the other day and half of it is covered in roasted macadamia nuts and the other half is still an uncut filet. If I don't cut a fish the next day, the shelf life of it becomes that much longer. I usually don't like to let fish go longer then 3 days, that's just a personal preference though. I have seen some places let the fish go for 6 when it is submerged in olive oil for the extended time. Great preservation method, still no good as far as I'm concerned.
So I will be roasting the Halibut in the oven, making up a raspberry & habenero gastrique, and cooking the cauliflower in milk until it is soft and puree it. I think this dish needs some type of mushrooms roasted off to go with it so I will check in the walk-in and pick out some to add to the plate.
Have a great weekend!
Maybe I Should Convert...
So how was your Christmas? Mine wasn't too shabby, got a nice little laptop as a new toy so I have no excuses but to actually keep track of things on the Web now. Christmas Eve I went to an event called "Matzo Ball" if you can figure out what that means. Let's just say that while the Christians are going to mass to rejoice in the coming of the sun err I mean son (Zietgiest reference) the Hebrews are out partying it up half way through Hanukkah like it's New Year's Eve.
Only a place for the classy, evidently, so I had to get dressed up to keep up with the Joneses but it was a great time. It made Christmas day a little too short though since I was right back to work today, and it made Thursday into a recovery day but it was well worth it.
Do you know that some of these department stores opened at 5am this morning in hopes of today becoming Black Friday part deux? Too bad there wasn't a lick of traffic on the road to support the theory.
So how was your Christmas? Mine wasn't too shabby, got a nice little laptop as a new toy so I have no excuses but to actually keep track of things on the Web now. Christmas Eve I went to an event called "Matzo Ball" if you can figure out what that means. Let's just say that while the Christians are going to mass to rejoice in the coming of the sun err I mean son (Zietgiest reference) the Hebrews are out partying it up half way through Hanukkah like it's New Year's Eve.
Only a place for the classy, evidently, so I had to get dressed up to keep up with the Joneses but it was a great time. It made Christmas day a little too short though since I was right back to work today, and it made Thursday into a recovery day but it was well worth it.
Do you know that some of these department stores opened at 5am this morning in hopes of today becoming Black Friday part deux? Too bad there wasn't a lick of traffic on the road to support the theory.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Feast or Famine
It seems sometimes that's just the way things go. Some days I am arguing with vendors over pricing, scheduling meetings for development of the pilot, creating a diet plan, running around the kitchen keeping things in line or planning for new Mad Chef events all in a days work. Other days, I'm running out of corners in the kitchen to clean. Today I am wondering how I can cut labor cost by sending cooks home, instead of sweating out 300+ covers in one night. Back and forth, back and forth. Bad times, indeed.
We are looking at 35 reservations for the evening...on a Saturday night. Yikes.
Enough of that though, there is still plenty to talk about outside of the kitchen. Christmas shopping yesterday? Honestly, I took 10 steps into Montgomery Mall and watched a young child knock over an entire rack of clothing and laugh like he had done nothing wrong. That was enough for me to leave, that and the old man that obviously wasn't a parent of any sort attempt to scold the child verbally. Kinda comical now that I think about it, but I really don't do well with such chaos going on around me, outside of the kitchen anyway. In the kitchen I have a voice that people have to listen to.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas is Creepin'
DUDE, Christmas is next week...maybe when I have a nite off I will go do some shopping for the Mrs., cuz it sure as hell ain't happened yet!
Party of 90 on the books for tonite with no food plated, but 2 carvers are needed and they want 8 different sauces for 6 food items...some people like variety I guess. The prep required for this party reminds me of when I was working at a former haunt and was responsible for 7 sauces every day, each to be made within 2 hours. Guess how long I plan on those 8 sauces taking me today? Too long.
Soon as I start all of these sauces, I have to get started on banging out this evening special, which I really don't know what it is going to be. Have to check the walk-in for that one. If I can get all of this food set up in the next 3 hours, I have to begin thinking about what I need to buy for Christmas for those special people around me.
Don't be fooled into thinking that I am slacking by saying that I haven't gone shopping yet, for the past 5 years and counting it usually happens on the 22nd-23rd, so I am going early this year. It really is a PITA to accomplish this every year, especially since I am not the greatest at giving gifts. If I could get a gift certificate to everyone's favorite store, my shopping would be done in a matter of moments with the help of the Internet.
$hit...time has slipped away and I need to get started, since I've got to try and get out of here early tonite to do this shopping...
DUDE, Christmas is next week...maybe when I have a nite off I will go do some shopping for the Mrs., cuz it sure as hell ain't happened yet!
Party of 90 on the books for tonite with no food plated, but 2 carvers are needed and they want 8 different sauces for 6 food items...some people like variety I guess. The prep required for this party reminds me of when I was working at a former haunt and was responsible for 7 sauces every day, each to be made within 2 hours. Guess how long I plan on those 8 sauces taking me today? Too long.
Soon as I start all of these sauces, I have to get started on banging out this evening special, which I really don't know what it is going to be. Have to check the walk-in for that one. If I can get all of this food set up in the next 3 hours, I have to begin thinking about what I need to buy for Christmas for those special people around me.
Don't be fooled into thinking that I am slacking by saying that I haven't gone shopping yet, for the past 5 years and counting it usually happens on the 22nd-23rd, so I am going early this year. It really is a PITA to accomplish this every year, especially since I am not the greatest at giving gifts. If I could get a gift certificate to everyone's favorite store, my shopping would be done in a matter of moments with the help of the Internet.
$hit...time has slipped away and I need to get started, since I've got to try and get out of here early tonite to do this shopping...
Not much to write home about once again, I did however get some white truffle shavings to play with. Risotto or mashed potatoes, I haven't decided which to use yet. We have a banquet of 38 tonite, or is it 45? Unfortunately, my paperwork is pointing to 38 with a set count and what foods to make. The computer up front, however, says something different.
Even more unfortunate is the fact that no one has alerted me to which it is. Either way it's not a big deal, as in my past experiences counts would jump by larger then 10 when the party arrived. So here it seems things are no different, hopefully someone will let me know before the first course goes out so I do not dig myself into a hole.
It also looks as if we will have a productive night with well over 100 reservations on the books, thank goodness because it means I get to run the kitchen instead of cook in the kitchen tonite. It's great to switch things up every now and again.
This detox diet thing that I have been schemin' the past few days is informative to say the least. Did you know that pomegranates contain the most natural anti-oxidants of any food we grow here in the States? Remember that one the next time you go to that special person who hands you a tiny cup and says "fill to this line please." I can also now give out a 1200 calorie day detox using almonds, pomegranate juice, carrot juice and brown rice. OK, so it's not exactly gourmet but who the hell ever heard of a gourmet detox diet. This ain't no acai berry.
Not much to write home about once again, I did however get some white truffle shavings to play with. Risotto or mashed potatoes, I haven't decided which to use yet. We have a banquet of 38 tonite, or is it 45? Unfortunately, my paperwork is pointing to 38 with a set count and what foods to make. The computer up front, however, says something different.
Even more unfortunate is the fact that no one has alerted me to which it is. Either way it's not a big deal, as in my past experiences counts would jump by larger then 10 when the party arrived. So here it seems things are no different, hopefully someone will let me know before the first course goes out so I do not dig myself into a hole.
It also looks as if we will have a productive night with well over 100 reservations on the books, thank goodness because it means I get to run the kitchen instead of cook in the kitchen tonite. It's great to switch things up every now and again.
This detox diet thing that I have been schemin' the past few days is informative to say the least. Did you know that pomegranates contain the most natural anti-oxidants of any food we grow here in the States? Remember that one the next time you go to that special person who hands you a tiny cup and says "fill to this line please." I can also now give out a 1200 calorie day detox using almonds, pomegranate juice, carrot juice and brown rice. OK, so it's not exactly gourmet but who the hell ever heard of a gourmet detox diet. This ain't no acai berry.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Not the Whales...
Beluga lentils...what else can I say? That is what I am working with today and I do not know why they are stuck in my head so much this week. It is cold out, it is slow in the restaurant and I don't smell no chestnuts. Did someone cancel Christmas? There was absolutely no foot traffic outside and there was no traffic coming in to work this morning, which almost never happens in Georgetown.
Oh well, keep on cooking I guess. I am also very close to coming up with my own detox diet to use after New Year's...because it's necessary after the night I usually have, not to mention the holiday food...
Beluga lentils...what else can I say? That is what I am working with today and I do not know why they are stuck in my head so much this week. It is cold out, it is slow in the restaurant and I don't smell no chestnuts. Did someone cancel Christmas? There was absolutely no foot traffic outside and there was no traffic coming in to work this morning, which almost never happens in Georgetown.
Oh well, keep on cooking I guess. I am also very close to coming up with my own detox diet to use after New Year's...because it's necessary after the night I usually have, not to mention the holiday food...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Fire Up the Foreman Grill, They Won't Notice...
Apparently, I told numerous friends they could come in to eat tonite. I mean, it's no big deal by any means, but I don't usually invite people in when I know I am not closing. We also have a party of 75 and had to suspend a cook for not following directions. Short handed tonite because of that and the friends coming in to top it off, well it seems as if I just made my night a little more interesting.
As soon as I go in this afternoon I need to set a few items aside to for them to eat when they come in. I guess I should consider myself lucky that they aren't the most, how do I say this, culinary inclined eaters. Not good enough? OK, they aren't food snobs like myself so just about anything I put on the plate and make look pretty they will probably like without giving me shit.
Tomorrow looks to be a bookworm and study day without being in school. I have numerous recipes to gather for a diet plan I am working on, and yes it involves calorie counting. I also intend to go over the script for this pilot that will eventually come around. Latest news on that is my sponsor had to step in and the studio got a little upset because a loophole was found for us to get in. Meaning that my group is going through some PC BS, get it? No matter, I am confident that it will go down eventually, and what's the harm in improving on it until it comes around, right???
Have a good weekend and GO SKINS...even if we do suck, I'm still a FANatic.
Apparently, I told numerous friends they could come in to eat tonite. I mean, it's no big deal by any means, but I don't usually invite people in when I know I am not closing. We also have a party of 75 and had to suspend a cook for not following directions. Short handed tonite because of that and the friends coming in to top it off, well it seems as if I just made my night a little more interesting.
As soon as I go in this afternoon I need to set a few items aside to for them to eat when they come in. I guess I should consider myself lucky that they aren't the most, how do I say this, culinary inclined eaters. Not good enough? OK, they aren't food snobs like myself so just about anything I put on the plate and make look pretty they will probably like without giving me shit.
Tomorrow looks to be a bookworm and study day without being in school. I have numerous recipes to gather for a diet plan I am working on, and yes it involves calorie counting. I also intend to go over the script for this pilot that will eventually come around. Latest news on that is my sponsor had to step in and the studio got a little upset because a loophole was found for us to get in. Meaning that my group is going through some PC BS, get it? No matter, I am confident that it will go down eventually, and what's the harm in improving on it until it comes around, right???
Have a good weekend and GO SKINS...even if we do suck, I'm still a FANatic.
Bought Out
After working around the clock and then some yesterday, today I stumble into leftover equipment all over the place. All of which was rented for the buyout by Clark Realty. They dropped just over 100k for the entire event, 3 chocolate fountains and an ice luge (yes there were some drinkers there) were just a few of the items they brought with them to the event.
After an event like that I would love to say I have some breathing room to order some different stuff to play with. Unfortunately, things like chantrelle mushrooms still run just over 20 bucks a pound. Being that I would be using it for a special that would require around 4-5 pounds of them, simple math right? So that thought has been put on hold once again. We do however have beluga lentils upstairs, so I think I will start with that. Gotta find some pork fat because, in my humble opinion, some foods just need that to taste good.
After working around the clock and then some yesterday, today I stumble into leftover equipment all over the place. All of which was rented for the buyout by Clark Realty. They dropped just over 100k for the entire event, 3 chocolate fountains and an ice luge (yes there were some drinkers there) were just a few of the items they brought with them to the event.
After an event like that I would love to say I have some breathing room to order some different stuff to play with. Unfortunately, things like chantrelle mushrooms still run just over 20 bucks a pound. Being that I would be using it for a special that would require around 4-5 pounds of them, simple math right? So that thought has been put on hold once again. We do however have beluga lentils upstairs, so I think I will start with that. Gotta find some pork fat because, in my humble opinion, some foods just need that to taste good.
Also, I think after some further reading, after all it is fundamental, maybe I will start to play around with the molecular gastronomy thing. Seems interesting enough and with the right toys like "agar-agar" and some imagination I just might be able to pull this stuff off! Time to get on the phone with a vendor!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Dr. Evil New Year's Eve
A buy out this evening kept me busy the entire time I was here yesterday, and today will be no different. And as soon as I got here this morning, I was bombarded with questions. Um, we are still hours away from opening and I just walked thru the doors. My staff knows me well enough to not do such things, but the opening manager in the kitchen...not so much. Can't be mad though, she is just trying to do her job and it's not her fault I suck in the mornings. And my patience showed through, which is a good thing because I have 12 hours left of this today.
After some thorough reading recently, I am convinced that it is time to introduce some new foods to this restaurant. The challenge I have in front of me is going to be getting my cooks to duplicate the foods I want to bring in. I won't lie, I am not looking forward to it, but boredom with the food I am cooking would be an understatement. We always have new and different varieties of fish, but it's the other stuff, man! Seasons change, and I want to get more fresh, local and different ingredients in here so I am fully equipped to create with the fish, etc.
My chef has left the door open for me to share a special on the New Year's Eve menu. Cue Dr. Evil from Austin Powers, please! I can see squid ink, chantrelle & morel mushrooms in my future plates, maybe even some mustard lentils. Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, it is time to start working the foods that I have been studying.
Too bad I work in a seafood restaurant, I would love to start using duck again...
A buy out this evening kept me busy the entire time I was here yesterday, and today will be no different. And as soon as I got here this morning, I was bombarded with questions. Um, we are still hours away from opening and I just walked thru the doors. My staff knows me well enough to not do such things, but the opening manager in the kitchen...not so much. Can't be mad though, she is just trying to do her job and it's not her fault I suck in the mornings. And my patience showed through, which is a good thing because I have 12 hours left of this today.
After some thorough reading recently, I am convinced that it is time to introduce some new foods to this restaurant. The challenge I have in front of me is going to be getting my cooks to duplicate the foods I want to bring in. I won't lie, I am not looking forward to it, but boredom with the food I am cooking would be an understatement. We always have new and different varieties of fish, but it's the other stuff, man! Seasons change, and I want to get more fresh, local and different ingredients in here so I am fully equipped to create with the fish, etc.
My chef has left the door open for me to share a special on the New Year's Eve menu. Cue Dr. Evil from Austin Powers, please! I can see squid ink, chantrelle & morel mushrooms in my future plates, maybe even some mustard lentils. Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, it is time to start working the foods that I have been studying.
Too bad I work in a seafood restaurant, I would love to start using duck again...
It's Too Early for This Shit...
Hump day, plenty to do with a buy of just under 100 large to prep for. Yea, I got my work cut out for me today. I glanced over the menu and I can already see this could keep me busy the entire evening. I walked in this morning to see my chef's cell phone on the desk. My first thought was, there is no way I misread my schedule. If there was any way I could have still been in bed, I would have known about it.
So I step into the kitchen and one of the cooks is going off at the mouth about how the chef told someone who is off today to make some soup or something. OK, don't make it today, better yet, I will take care of it. Just stop screaming, because I only walked through the doors 3 minutes ago and we ain't open for another 3 hours. Oh, and trust me, I pointed out the cell phone that she had called in a panic hoping my chef would answer. You know, the one that was on the desk?
I don't need this drama.
Japanese eggplant just got here, hope I have some pretty mushrooms to work with because that was the first thought that jumped into my head. Also, is anyone concerned that it is 64 degrees outside? It is December after all. Damn you AL GORE!!!!
Hump day, plenty to do with a buy of just under 100 large to prep for. Yea, I got my work cut out for me today. I glanced over the menu and I can already see this could keep me busy the entire evening. I walked in this morning to see my chef's cell phone on the desk. My first thought was, there is no way I misread my schedule. If there was any way I could have still been in bed, I would have known about it.
So I step into the kitchen and one of the cooks is going off at the mouth about how the chef told someone who is off today to make some soup or something. OK, don't make it today, better yet, I will take care of it. Just stop screaming, because I only walked through the doors 3 minutes ago and we ain't open for another 3 hours. Oh, and trust me, I pointed out the cell phone that she had called in a panic hoping my chef would answer. You know, the one that was on the desk?
I don't need this drama.
Japanese eggplant just got here, hope I have some pretty mushrooms to work with because that was the first thought that jumped into my head. Also, is anyone concerned that it is 64 degrees outside? It is December after all. Damn you AL GORE!!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Get Your Office Space References Here!
My team sucks, plain and simple. If only it were that easy to describe the Washington Redskins, they are good at breaking my heart that's for sure. Really good, actually.
The hangover to boot is making my "case of the Mondays" want to be over before it started. I was shorted several items on my orders this morning, was on the phone with 2 different companies scrambling to fix the problem, and my coffee doesn't even taste good. And my stomach is making me pay for the shots it took last night, literally.
While looking around my walk-in for a special I found...nothing. Man I hate it when that happens but even chefs hit a wall sometimes, I'd compare it to writer's block. I have some Hawaiian fish to play with and since it is cold as shit outside, I am thinking risotto with some fontina cheese and truffle oil that I got robbed for by buying it down the street at Dean & Deluca. Keep it simple, stupid today. My mind is still in bed...or at the bar, take your pick.
My team sucks, plain and simple. If only it were that easy to describe the Washington Redskins, they are good at breaking my heart that's for sure. Really good, actually.
The hangover to boot is making my "case of the Mondays" want to be over before it started. I was shorted several items on my orders this morning, was on the phone with 2 different companies scrambling to fix the problem, and my coffee doesn't even taste good. And my stomach is making me pay for the shots it took last night, literally.
While looking around my walk-in for a special I found...nothing. Man I hate it when that happens but even chefs hit a wall sometimes, I'd compare it to writer's block. I have some Hawaiian fish to play with and since it is cold as shit outside, I am thinking risotto with some fontina cheese and truffle oil that I got robbed for by buying it down the street at Dean & Deluca. Keep it simple, stupid today. My mind is still in bed...or at the bar, take your pick.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Business is Squashed
Ahh man, it has been a long and drawn out week. This slow period before the banquets begin to pound the kitchen each night is getting old. There is a time when it is welcomed but there is also a time when it gets redundant. It is beyond that stage now. I have been working more then one station each night this week, aside from last night. It isn't worth it to keep all of my cooks each night because there is only so much we can clean when it is slow. This kitchen would make Mr. Clean proud right now. I can see myself on my oven doors, really.
Last night we had a party of 100 and it was a small wake up call for everyone in the kitchen. I actually had plenty to do and was able to keep my head down for most of the day, only peeking up every now and again for...COFFEE.
Today looks to be a bit different unfortunately, with a little less then 100 on the books for the evening. All the same I am sure I can make a few things to keep me busy.... I am thinking about a butternut squash soup...
Ahh man, it has been a long and drawn out week. This slow period before the banquets begin to pound the kitchen each night is getting old. There is a time when it is welcomed but there is also a time when it gets redundant. It is beyond that stage now. I have been working more then one station each night this week, aside from last night. It isn't worth it to keep all of my cooks each night because there is only so much we can clean when it is slow. This kitchen would make Mr. Clean proud right now. I can see myself on my oven doors, really.
Last night we had a party of 100 and it was a small wake up call for everyone in the kitchen. I actually had plenty to do and was able to keep my head down for most of the day, only peeking up every now and again for...COFFEE.
Today looks to be a bit different unfortunately, with a little less then 100 on the books for the evening. All the same I am sure I can make a few things to keep me busy.... I am thinking about a butternut squash soup...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Chili in NYC
We going international!!!
OK, not really, more like going north...NYC that is! That doesn't sound cool at all either, huh? Either way, someone in The Higher Concept has invited me to a chili cook-off taking place in January. Who am I to turn down such an opportunity...to DRINK!!! OK, so it will be about me making some chili, this one may only have 40 contestants or so, meaning I intend to sweep the floor with whoever I am going up against. It's fucking chili man, one of these times I am going to start reaping whatever rewards they offer and this will be the start. First this, and then the DC101 competition in May.
Back to reality ....
Tuesday and boy is it slow. I burned myself, deservingly so after grabbing a pan that I had just taken out of the oven. See where my focus goes when its slow? I start thinking about chili cook-offs that are months away and a pilot that just can't seem to come together fast enough and I'm gonna cut off one of my hands before too long. Today, I took some cauliflower and just sliced them real thick. "Cauliflower steaks," for lack of a better name, if you wanted to imagine what they look like. I will roast these off to get some nice color on them, make up a red pepper & chipotle jus and find some fish to pair it with.
I also took some time to find a pumpkin mousse recipe and I will make that later on tonite if I have the time. Whoever made that dish on Top Chef last week really fucked it up when they put it with fruit! I will be putting it with layers of a brown sugar & orange whipped cream and some chopped ginger snaps. Simple and way the heck better then pumpkin with strawberries!!!
OK, not really, more like going north...NYC that is! That doesn't sound cool at all either, huh? Either way, someone in The Higher Concept has invited me to a chili cook-off taking place in January. Who am I to turn down such an opportunity...to DRINK!!! OK, so it will be about me making some chili, this one may only have 40 contestants or so, meaning I intend to sweep the floor with whoever I am going up against. It's fucking chili man, one of these times I am going to start reaping whatever rewards they offer and this will be the start. First this, and then the DC101 competition in May.
Back to reality ....
Tuesday and boy is it slow. I burned myself, deservingly so after grabbing a pan that I had just taken out of the oven. See where my focus goes when its slow? I start thinking about chili cook-offs that are months away and a pilot that just can't seem to come together fast enough and I'm gonna cut off one of my hands before too long. Today, I took some cauliflower and just sliced them real thick. "Cauliflower steaks," for lack of a better name, if you wanted to imagine what they look like. I will roast these off to get some nice color on them, make up a red pepper & chipotle jus and find some fish to pair it with.
I also took some time to find a pumpkin mousse recipe and I will make that later on tonite if I have the time. Whoever made that dish on Top Chef last week really fucked it up when they put it with fruit! I will be putting it with layers of a brown sugar & orange whipped cream and some chopped ginger snaps. Simple and way the heck better then pumpkin with strawberries!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
You Know What A Butternut Squash Looks Like, Right?
Monday morning...
After going to a weeding on Saturday on the beach, yes on the beach, the weekend didn't seem to get any better. Had to make a several hour drive to be at of the wedding and had to make that same drive back at night. The Redskins get stomped on, and the Terps follow suit. Not a great weekend I guess, so not much to write about.
Today I am making a butternut squash and oyster mushroom risotto. Wish I could get my hands on some truffle oil at a decent price. Dean & Deluca down the street wants to charge 26 bucks for 7 ounces of the stuff. Totally not worth it, and it's the white truffle oil...not the good stuff. I will make up a port reduction and add some demi to it to make a nice savory sauce to go along with the risotto. I need to find some different foods to play with so I can continue to diversify my own skills. This should become my top priority for an extended period of time if I ever expect to kick it with the big dogs on Top Chef.
The only problem with "upping the anty" on my food is I have to get my cooks to follow suit with what it is I expect on the plate. Easier said then done and I will leave it at that. Won't back down on such a thing though, it's the little speed bumps that make you better later on.
After going to a weeding on Saturday on the beach, yes on the beach, the weekend didn't seem to get any better. Had to make a several hour drive to be at of the wedding and had to make that same drive back at night. The Redskins get stomped on, and the Terps follow suit. Not a great weekend I guess, so not much to write about.
Today I am making a butternut squash and oyster mushroom risotto. Wish I could get my hands on some truffle oil at a decent price. Dean & Deluca down the street wants to charge 26 bucks for 7 ounces of the stuff. Totally not worth it, and it's the white truffle oil...not the good stuff. I will make up a port reduction and add some demi to it to make a nice savory sauce to go along with the risotto. I need to find some different foods to play with so I can continue to diversify my own skills. This should become my top priority for an extended period of time if I ever expect to kick it with the big dogs on Top Chef.
The only problem with "upping the anty" on my food is I have to get my cooks to follow suit with what it is I expect on the plate. Easier said then done and I will leave it at that. Won't back down on such a thing though, it's the little speed bumps that make you better later on.
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