Monday, December 8, 2008

Get Your Office Space References Here!


My team sucks, plain and simple. If only it were that easy to describe the Washington Redskins, they are good at breaking my heart that's for sure. Really good, actually.

The hangover to boot is making my "case of the Mondays" want to be over before it started. I was shorted several items on my orders this morning, was on the phone with 2 different companies scrambling to fix the problem, and my coffee doesn't even taste good. And my stomach is making me pay for the shots it took last night, literally.

While looking around my walk-in for a special I found...nothing. Man I hate it when that happens but even chefs hit a wall sometimes, I'd compare it to writer's block. I have some Hawaiian fish to play with and since it is cold as shit outside, I am thinking risotto with some fontina cheese and truffle oil that I got robbed for by buying it down the street at Dean & Deluca. Keep it simple, stupid today. My mind is still in bed...or at the bar, take your pick.

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