Friday, July 18, 2008

Awesome in the Morning

EITM this morning was a blast. Elliot has the most intense stare and never seems to lose focus. Every time he looked my way I felt like an embarrassed little school child. Diane didn't touch the seafood, as I thought she wouldn't and is much more attractive in person then the pic on the DC101 site gives credit for! And FYI, Whitney is actually kinda hawt...for a DJ!

Sister Hazel and Pat McGee couldn't be nicer. I got a few pics with them before I left and one of the band members actually interrupted Elliot before they started an acoustic set to give props to The Mad Chef of M Street for "the best food I've ever had in a studio." Overall it was a great experience with no issues and no tribulations. I can't wait to do it again.

That however, was just the start of the day for me and The Brain. From the studio we had to whip over to a little town called Hyattsville to meet up with 2 representatives from Lucyd Entertainment, LLC. Why you ask? Entertainment! We'll get more into that as details come about. But it's just say there will be plenty more work for The Mad Chef of M Street if The Brain has anything to do about it!

From there I had about 2 hours of downtime, imagine that, before I had to head to Costco to wrap up my final bit of necessities for Sunday's gig for Access Interpreting. From there?? BEER, its fucking Friday!!!! The Mad Chef is off all weekend...well sorta, I don't consider cooking in the comforts of my own home ever to be work, it's just too much fun.

Have a great weekend peeps! Pics and more musings coming.

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