Tuesday, December 30, 2008
"Will Rap for Food"
Short day today and all day tomorrow. The restaurant is always slow the day before New Year's, at least every one that I have ever worked in. My special tonite will be whatever I can put together in the walk-in because inventory is going to be done soon and I have to utilize whatever product possible to keep costs in line. With that said, my chef has let me go off the deep end for my special for tomorrow evening. I want to keep it simple because that's what I do best, but I will be throwing some flavors onto the plate that I rarely get to use so I'm pretty excited about it.
I was able to order some Hawaiian fish, my favorite which is Walu or Hawaiian Butter Fish. It is the distant cousin of a fish we have over here on the East Coast called Wahoo. I'm going to crust the fish with caramelized onions and bake it for starters. I will be making a truffle and lobster risotto to go along with it. I just ordered the truffles and opted for the least expensive ones being black (why it gotta be bout color man?) truffles, coming in at a nice 147 bucks a pound. I also ordered some white truffle oil to help them out because the white truffles (there goes that color thing again) themselves are around $2,100 a pound, no exaggeration. Why do you think so many people have never seen, let alone heard of white truffles?
The white truffle oil is much more fragrant then the black, so it will have the appearance of looking really nice on the plate and smelling wonderful once I sprinkle that oil into the mix. Should go over really well...you should come in and try it! We still have a few slots open on the books for tomorrow. It is looking nothing like our reservations last year, which topped us out around 270 if I remember correctly, but it will be a great night, and there is no better place to celebrate New Year's than Georgetown!
If anyone is interested, send me an email or comment below. I'll make sure your experience is a great one!
Short day today and all day tomorrow. The restaurant is always slow the day before New Year's, at least every one that I have ever worked in. My special tonite will be whatever I can put together in the walk-in because inventory is going to be done soon and I have to utilize whatever product possible to keep costs in line. With that said, my chef has let me go off the deep end for my special for tomorrow evening. I want to keep it simple because that's what I do best, but I will be throwing some flavors onto the plate that I rarely get to use so I'm pretty excited about it.
I was able to order some Hawaiian fish, my favorite which is Walu or Hawaiian Butter Fish. It is the distant cousin of a fish we have over here on the East Coast called Wahoo. I'm going to crust the fish with caramelized onions and bake it for starters. I will be making a truffle and lobster risotto to go along with it. I just ordered the truffles and opted for the least expensive ones being black (why it gotta be bout color man?) truffles, coming in at a nice 147 bucks a pound. I also ordered some white truffle oil to help them out because the white truffles (there goes that color thing again) themselves are around $2,100 a pound, no exaggeration. Why do you think so many people have never seen, let alone heard of white truffles?
The white truffle oil is much more fragrant then the black, so it will have the appearance of looking really nice on the plate and smelling wonderful once I sprinkle that oil into the mix. Should go over really well...you should come in and try it! We still have a few slots open on the books for tomorrow. It is looking nothing like our reservations last year, which topped us out around 270 if I remember correctly, but it will be a great night, and there is no better place to celebrate New Year's than Georgetown!
If anyone is interested, send me an email or comment below. I'll make sure your experience is a great one!
Season Over
The season is over for my beloved Washington Redskins, fitting and frustrating, we are what our record says we are. I wasn't ready for the bitter ending that will now sit for the next 32 weeks until they start back up again, hopefully with some of the same coaches in place. Maryland has their bowl game tomorrow evening and "America's Poll" has 72% giving the win to UMD, great, we all know how the team plays when they are expected to win.
On to more important things dealing with food. In 3 weeks I will be doing up some food for 90 people for my Grandmother's 80th birthday. OK, so this should be interesting to say the least. My mother asked me to make the food and there is no way I can say no to family, right? I have only been asked to make 3 different passed apps for the get together, which isn't anything too difficult, right?
I was even told to go ahead and "show off," but what can I make that will sit right with a bunch of senior citizens that fully demonstrates my skills? Can't exactly do raw foods for this sort of thing, though there will be some people who aren't older than dirt, so maybe I can do one dish over the top and two on the conservative side.
I also got an email from my favorite blonde, giving me my heads up for this year's DC101 Chili Cook-Off, which is still 6 months away...guess they like to get started early, huh? This year the event will be held at RFK instead of downtown DC. Should be pretty cool, and less traffic in the way!
Gotta go get started on my day, lots to do on my only day off!
The season is over for my beloved Washington Redskins, fitting and frustrating, we are what our record says we are. I wasn't ready for the bitter ending that will now sit for the next 32 weeks until they start back up again, hopefully with some of the same coaches in place. Maryland has their bowl game tomorrow evening and "America's Poll" has 72% giving the win to UMD, great, we all know how the team plays when they are expected to win.
On to more important things dealing with food. In 3 weeks I will be doing up some food for 90 people for my Grandmother's 80th birthday. OK, so this should be interesting to say the least. My mother asked me to make the food and there is no way I can say no to family, right? I have only been asked to make 3 different passed apps for the get together, which isn't anything too difficult, right?
I was even told to go ahead and "show off," but what can I make that will sit right with a bunch of senior citizens that fully demonstrates my skills? Can't exactly do raw foods for this sort of thing, though there will be some people who aren't older than dirt, so maybe I can do one dish over the top and two on the conservative side.
I also got an email from my favorite blonde, giving me my heads up for this year's DC101 Chili Cook-Off, which is still 6 months away...guess they like to get started early, huh? This year the event will be held at RFK instead of downtown DC. Should be pretty cool, and less traffic in the way!
Gotta go get started on my day, lots to do on my only day off!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Opening for the first time in a long time here today. It was a little rough getting up this morning but hey, I won't be here come 10 pm!! Tonite promises to be a lively one with a show at the 930 with my friends in The Dance Party, playing one of their final shows on the east coast before heading out to LA for a few months.
I ordered some butternut squash to come in this morning but I also found some cauliflower hiding in the back of the walk-in, so it looks like the squash will have to wait until Monday. FIFO dammit, that's first in first out in culinary speak. I also had to use a fish that is already on the regular menu because I had too much of it.
I ordered too much Halibut the other day and half of it is covered in roasted macadamia nuts and the other half is still an uncut filet. If I don't cut a fish the next day, the shelf life of it becomes that much longer. I usually don't like to let fish go longer then 3 days, that's just a personal preference though. I have seen some places let the fish go for 6 when it is submerged in olive oil for the extended time. Great preservation method, still no good as far as I'm concerned.
So I will be roasting the Halibut in the oven, making up a raspberry & habenero gastrique, and cooking the cauliflower in milk until it is soft and puree it. I think this dish needs some type of mushrooms roasted off to go with it so I will check in the walk-in and pick out some to add to the plate.
Have a great weekend!
Opening for the first time in a long time here today. It was a little rough getting up this morning but hey, I won't be here come 10 pm!! Tonite promises to be a lively one with a show at the 930 with my friends in The Dance Party, playing one of their final shows on the east coast before heading out to LA for a few months.
I ordered some butternut squash to come in this morning but I also found some cauliflower hiding in the back of the walk-in, so it looks like the squash will have to wait until Monday. FIFO dammit, that's first in first out in culinary speak. I also had to use a fish that is already on the regular menu because I had too much of it.
I ordered too much Halibut the other day and half of it is covered in roasted macadamia nuts and the other half is still an uncut filet. If I don't cut a fish the next day, the shelf life of it becomes that much longer. I usually don't like to let fish go longer then 3 days, that's just a personal preference though. I have seen some places let the fish go for 6 when it is submerged in olive oil for the extended time. Great preservation method, still no good as far as I'm concerned.
So I will be roasting the Halibut in the oven, making up a raspberry & habenero gastrique, and cooking the cauliflower in milk until it is soft and puree it. I think this dish needs some type of mushrooms roasted off to go with it so I will check in the walk-in and pick out some to add to the plate.
Have a great weekend!
Maybe I Should Convert...
So how was your Christmas? Mine wasn't too shabby, got a nice little laptop as a new toy so I have no excuses but to actually keep track of things on the Web now. Christmas Eve I went to an event called "Matzo Ball" if you can figure out what that means. Let's just say that while the Christians are going to mass to rejoice in the coming of the sun err I mean son (Zietgiest reference) the Hebrews are out partying it up half way through Hanukkah like it's New Year's Eve.
Only a place for the classy, evidently, so I had to get dressed up to keep up with the Joneses but it was a great time. It made Christmas day a little too short though since I was right back to work today, and it made Thursday into a recovery day but it was well worth it.
Do you know that some of these department stores opened at 5am this morning in hopes of today becoming Black Friday part deux? Too bad there wasn't a lick of traffic on the road to support the theory.
So how was your Christmas? Mine wasn't too shabby, got a nice little laptop as a new toy so I have no excuses but to actually keep track of things on the Web now. Christmas Eve I went to an event called "Matzo Ball" if you can figure out what that means. Let's just say that while the Christians are going to mass to rejoice in the coming of the sun err I mean son (Zietgiest reference) the Hebrews are out partying it up half way through Hanukkah like it's New Year's Eve.
Only a place for the classy, evidently, so I had to get dressed up to keep up with the Joneses but it was a great time. It made Christmas day a little too short though since I was right back to work today, and it made Thursday into a recovery day but it was well worth it.
Do you know that some of these department stores opened at 5am this morning in hopes of today becoming Black Friday part deux? Too bad there wasn't a lick of traffic on the road to support the theory.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Feast or Famine
It seems sometimes that's just the way things go. Some days I am arguing with vendors over pricing, scheduling meetings for development of the pilot, creating a diet plan, running around the kitchen keeping things in line or planning for new Mad Chef events all in a days work. Other days, I'm running out of corners in the kitchen to clean. Today I am wondering how I can cut labor cost by sending cooks home, instead of sweating out 300+ covers in one night. Back and forth, back and forth. Bad times, indeed.
We are looking at 35 reservations for the evening...on a Saturday night. Yikes.
Enough of that though, there is still plenty to talk about outside of the kitchen. Christmas shopping yesterday? Honestly, I took 10 steps into Montgomery Mall and watched a young child knock over an entire rack of clothing and laugh like he had done nothing wrong. That was enough for me to leave, that and the old man that obviously wasn't a parent of any sort attempt to scold the child verbally. Kinda comical now that I think about it, but I really don't do well with such chaos going on around me, outside of the kitchen anyway. In the kitchen I have a voice that people have to listen to.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas is Creepin'
DUDE, Christmas is next week...maybe when I have a nite off I will go do some shopping for the Mrs., cuz it sure as hell ain't happened yet!
Party of 90 on the books for tonite with no food plated, but 2 carvers are needed and they want 8 different sauces for 6 food items...some people like variety I guess. The prep required for this party reminds me of when I was working at a former haunt and was responsible for 7 sauces every day, each to be made within 2 hours. Guess how long I plan on those 8 sauces taking me today? Too long.
Soon as I start all of these sauces, I have to get started on banging out this evening special, which I really don't know what it is going to be. Have to check the walk-in for that one. If I can get all of this food set up in the next 3 hours, I have to begin thinking about what I need to buy for Christmas for those special people around me.
Don't be fooled into thinking that I am slacking by saying that I haven't gone shopping yet, for the past 5 years and counting it usually happens on the 22nd-23rd, so I am going early this year. It really is a PITA to accomplish this every year, especially since I am not the greatest at giving gifts. If I could get a gift certificate to everyone's favorite store, my shopping would be done in a matter of moments with the help of the Internet.
$hit...time has slipped away and I need to get started, since I've got to try and get out of here early tonite to do this shopping...
DUDE, Christmas is next week...maybe when I have a nite off I will go do some shopping for the Mrs., cuz it sure as hell ain't happened yet!
Party of 90 on the books for tonite with no food plated, but 2 carvers are needed and they want 8 different sauces for 6 food items...some people like variety I guess. The prep required for this party reminds me of when I was working at a former haunt and was responsible for 7 sauces every day, each to be made within 2 hours. Guess how long I plan on those 8 sauces taking me today? Too long.
Soon as I start all of these sauces, I have to get started on banging out this evening special, which I really don't know what it is going to be. Have to check the walk-in for that one. If I can get all of this food set up in the next 3 hours, I have to begin thinking about what I need to buy for Christmas for those special people around me.
Don't be fooled into thinking that I am slacking by saying that I haven't gone shopping yet, for the past 5 years and counting it usually happens on the 22nd-23rd, so I am going early this year. It really is a PITA to accomplish this every year, especially since I am not the greatest at giving gifts. If I could get a gift certificate to everyone's favorite store, my shopping would be done in a matter of moments with the help of the Internet.
$hit...time has slipped away and I need to get started, since I've got to try and get out of here early tonite to do this shopping...
Not much to write home about once again, I did however get some white truffle shavings to play with. Risotto or mashed potatoes, I haven't decided which to use yet. We have a banquet of 38 tonite, or is it 45? Unfortunately, my paperwork is pointing to 38 with a set count and what foods to make. The computer up front, however, says something different.
Even more unfortunate is the fact that no one has alerted me to which it is. Either way it's not a big deal, as in my past experiences counts would jump by larger then 10 when the party arrived. So here it seems things are no different, hopefully someone will let me know before the first course goes out so I do not dig myself into a hole.
It also looks as if we will have a productive night with well over 100 reservations on the books, thank goodness because it means I get to run the kitchen instead of cook in the kitchen tonite. It's great to switch things up every now and again.
This detox diet thing that I have been schemin' the past few days is informative to say the least. Did you know that pomegranates contain the most natural anti-oxidants of any food we grow here in the States? Remember that one the next time you go to that special person who hands you a tiny cup and says "fill to this line please." I can also now give out a 1200 calorie day detox using almonds, pomegranate juice, carrot juice and brown rice. OK, so it's not exactly gourmet but who the hell ever heard of a gourmet detox diet. This ain't no acai berry.
Not much to write home about once again, I did however get some white truffle shavings to play with. Risotto or mashed potatoes, I haven't decided which to use yet. We have a banquet of 38 tonite, or is it 45? Unfortunately, my paperwork is pointing to 38 with a set count and what foods to make. The computer up front, however, says something different.
Even more unfortunate is the fact that no one has alerted me to which it is. Either way it's not a big deal, as in my past experiences counts would jump by larger then 10 when the party arrived. So here it seems things are no different, hopefully someone will let me know before the first course goes out so I do not dig myself into a hole.
It also looks as if we will have a productive night with well over 100 reservations on the books, thank goodness because it means I get to run the kitchen instead of cook in the kitchen tonite. It's great to switch things up every now and again.
This detox diet thing that I have been schemin' the past few days is informative to say the least. Did you know that pomegranates contain the most natural anti-oxidants of any food we grow here in the States? Remember that one the next time you go to that special person who hands you a tiny cup and says "fill to this line please." I can also now give out a 1200 calorie day detox using almonds, pomegranate juice, carrot juice and brown rice. OK, so it's not exactly gourmet but who the hell ever heard of a gourmet detox diet. This ain't no acai berry.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Not the Whales...
Beluga lentils...what else can I say? That is what I am working with today and I do not know why they are stuck in my head so much this week. It is cold out, it is slow in the restaurant and I don't smell no chestnuts. Did someone cancel Christmas? There was absolutely no foot traffic outside and there was no traffic coming in to work this morning, which almost never happens in Georgetown.
Oh well, keep on cooking I guess. I am also very close to coming up with my own detox diet to use after New Year's...because it's necessary after the night I usually have, not to mention the holiday food...
Beluga lentils...what else can I say? That is what I am working with today and I do not know why they are stuck in my head so much this week. It is cold out, it is slow in the restaurant and I don't smell no chestnuts. Did someone cancel Christmas? There was absolutely no foot traffic outside and there was no traffic coming in to work this morning, which almost never happens in Georgetown.
Oh well, keep on cooking I guess. I am also very close to coming up with my own detox diet to use after New Year's...because it's necessary after the night I usually have, not to mention the holiday food...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Fire Up the Foreman Grill, They Won't Notice...
Apparently, I told numerous friends they could come in to eat tonite. I mean, it's no big deal by any means, but I don't usually invite people in when I know I am not closing. We also have a party of 75 and had to suspend a cook for not following directions. Short handed tonite because of that and the friends coming in to top it off, well it seems as if I just made my night a little more interesting.
As soon as I go in this afternoon I need to set a few items aside to for them to eat when they come in. I guess I should consider myself lucky that they aren't the most, how do I say this, culinary inclined eaters. Not good enough? OK, they aren't food snobs like myself so just about anything I put on the plate and make look pretty they will probably like without giving me shit.
Tomorrow looks to be a bookworm and study day without being in school. I have numerous recipes to gather for a diet plan I am working on, and yes it involves calorie counting. I also intend to go over the script for this pilot that will eventually come around. Latest news on that is my sponsor had to step in and the studio got a little upset because a loophole was found for us to get in. Meaning that my group is going through some PC BS, get it? No matter, I am confident that it will go down eventually, and what's the harm in improving on it until it comes around, right???
Have a good weekend and GO SKINS...even if we do suck, I'm still a FANatic.
Apparently, I told numerous friends they could come in to eat tonite. I mean, it's no big deal by any means, but I don't usually invite people in when I know I am not closing. We also have a party of 75 and had to suspend a cook for not following directions. Short handed tonite because of that and the friends coming in to top it off, well it seems as if I just made my night a little more interesting.
As soon as I go in this afternoon I need to set a few items aside to for them to eat when they come in. I guess I should consider myself lucky that they aren't the most, how do I say this, culinary inclined eaters. Not good enough? OK, they aren't food snobs like myself so just about anything I put on the plate and make look pretty they will probably like without giving me shit.
Tomorrow looks to be a bookworm and study day without being in school. I have numerous recipes to gather for a diet plan I am working on, and yes it involves calorie counting. I also intend to go over the script for this pilot that will eventually come around. Latest news on that is my sponsor had to step in and the studio got a little upset because a loophole was found for us to get in. Meaning that my group is going through some PC BS, get it? No matter, I am confident that it will go down eventually, and what's the harm in improving on it until it comes around, right???
Have a good weekend and GO SKINS...even if we do suck, I'm still a FANatic.
Bought Out
After working around the clock and then some yesterday, today I stumble into leftover equipment all over the place. All of which was rented for the buyout by Clark Realty. They dropped just over 100k for the entire event, 3 chocolate fountains and an ice luge (yes there were some drinkers there) were just a few of the items they brought with them to the event.
After an event like that I would love to say I have some breathing room to order some different stuff to play with. Unfortunately, things like chantrelle mushrooms still run just over 20 bucks a pound. Being that I would be using it for a special that would require around 4-5 pounds of them, simple math right? So that thought has been put on hold once again. We do however have beluga lentils upstairs, so I think I will start with that. Gotta find some pork fat because, in my humble opinion, some foods just need that to taste good.
After working around the clock and then some yesterday, today I stumble into leftover equipment all over the place. All of which was rented for the buyout by Clark Realty. They dropped just over 100k for the entire event, 3 chocolate fountains and an ice luge (yes there were some drinkers there) were just a few of the items they brought with them to the event.
After an event like that I would love to say I have some breathing room to order some different stuff to play with. Unfortunately, things like chantrelle mushrooms still run just over 20 bucks a pound. Being that I would be using it for a special that would require around 4-5 pounds of them, simple math right? So that thought has been put on hold once again. We do however have beluga lentils upstairs, so I think I will start with that. Gotta find some pork fat because, in my humble opinion, some foods just need that to taste good.
Also, I think after some further reading, after all it is fundamental, maybe I will start to play around with the molecular gastronomy thing. Seems interesting enough and with the right toys like "agar-agar" and some imagination I just might be able to pull this stuff off! Time to get on the phone with a vendor!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Dr. Evil New Year's Eve
A buy out this evening kept me busy the entire time I was here yesterday, and today will be no different. And as soon as I got here this morning, I was bombarded with questions. Um, we are still hours away from opening and I just walked thru the doors. My staff knows me well enough to not do such things, but the opening manager in the kitchen...not so much. Can't be mad though, she is just trying to do her job and it's not her fault I suck in the mornings. And my patience showed through, which is a good thing because I have 12 hours left of this today.
After some thorough reading recently, I am convinced that it is time to introduce some new foods to this restaurant. The challenge I have in front of me is going to be getting my cooks to duplicate the foods I want to bring in. I won't lie, I am not looking forward to it, but boredom with the food I am cooking would be an understatement. We always have new and different varieties of fish, but it's the other stuff, man! Seasons change, and I want to get more fresh, local and different ingredients in here so I am fully equipped to create with the fish, etc.
My chef has left the door open for me to share a special on the New Year's Eve menu. Cue Dr. Evil from Austin Powers, please! I can see squid ink, chantrelle & morel mushrooms in my future plates, maybe even some mustard lentils. Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, it is time to start working the foods that I have been studying.
Too bad I work in a seafood restaurant, I would love to start using duck again...
A buy out this evening kept me busy the entire time I was here yesterday, and today will be no different. And as soon as I got here this morning, I was bombarded with questions. Um, we are still hours away from opening and I just walked thru the doors. My staff knows me well enough to not do such things, but the opening manager in the kitchen...not so much. Can't be mad though, she is just trying to do her job and it's not her fault I suck in the mornings. And my patience showed through, which is a good thing because I have 12 hours left of this today.
After some thorough reading recently, I am convinced that it is time to introduce some new foods to this restaurant. The challenge I have in front of me is going to be getting my cooks to duplicate the foods I want to bring in. I won't lie, I am not looking forward to it, but boredom with the food I am cooking would be an understatement. We always have new and different varieties of fish, but it's the other stuff, man! Seasons change, and I want to get more fresh, local and different ingredients in here so I am fully equipped to create with the fish, etc.
My chef has left the door open for me to share a special on the New Year's Eve menu. Cue Dr. Evil from Austin Powers, please! I can see squid ink, chantrelle & morel mushrooms in my future plates, maybe even some mustard lentils. Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, it is time to start working the foods that I have been studying.
Too bad I work in a seafood restaurant, I would love to start using duck again...
It's Too Early for This Shit...
Hump day, plenty to do with a buy of just under 100 large to prep for. Yea, I got my work cut out for me today. I glanced over the menu and I can already see this could keep me busy the entire evening. I walked in this morning to see my chef's cell phone on the desk. My first thought was, there is no way I misread my schedule. If there was any way I could have still been in bed, I would have known about it.
So I step into the kitchen and one of the cooks is going off at the mouth about how the chef told someone who is off today to make some soup or something. OK, don't make it today, better yet, I will take care of it. Just stop screaming, because I only walked through the doors 3 minutes ago and we ain't open for another 3 hours. Oh, and trust me, I pointed out the cell phone that she had called in a panic hoping my chef would answer. You know, the one that was on the desk?
I don't need this drama.
Japanese eggplant just got here, hope I have some pretty mushrooms to work with because that was the first thought that jumped into my head. Also, is anyone concerned that it is 64 degrees outside? It is December after all. Damn you AL GORE!!!!
Hump day, plenty to do with a buy of just under 100 large to prep for. Yea, I got my work cut out for me today. I glanced over the menu and I can already see this could keep me busy the entire evening. I walked in this morning to see my chef's cell phone on the desk. My first thought was, there is no way I misread my schedule. If there was any way I could have still been in bed, I would have known about it.
So I step into the kitchen and one of the cooks is going off at the mouth about how the chef told someone who is off today to make some soup or something. OK, don't make it today, better yet, I will take care of it. Just stop screaming, because I only walked through the doors 3 minutes ago and we ain't open for another 3 hours. Oh, and trust me, I pointed out the cell phone that she had called in a panic hoping my chef would answer. You know, the one that was on the desk?
I don't need this drama.
Japanese eggplant just got here, hope I have some pretty mushrooms to work with because that was the first thought that jumped into my head. Also, is anyone concerned that it is 64 degrees outside? It is December after all. Damn you AL GORE!!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Get Your Office Space References Here!
My team sucks, plain and simple. If only it were that easy to describe the Washington Redskins, they are good at breaking my heart that's for sure. Really good, actually.
The hangover to boot is making my "case of the Mondays" want to be over before it started. I was shorted several items on my orders this morning, was on the phone with 2 different companies scrambling to fix the problem, and my coffee doesn't even taste good. And my stomach is making me pay for the shots it took last night, literally.
While looking around my walk-in for a special I found...nothing. Man I hate it when that happens but even chefs hit a wall sometimes, I'd compare it to writer's block. I have some Hawaiian fish to play with and since it is cold as shit outside, I am thinking risotto with some fontina cheese and truffle oil that I got robbed for by buying it down the street at Dean & Deluca. Keep it simple, stupid today. My mind is still in bed...or at the bar, take your pick.
My team sucks, plain and simple. If only it were that easy to describe the Washington Redskins, they are good at breaking my heart that's for sure. Really good, actually.
The hangover to boot is making my "case of the Mondays" want to be over before it started. I was shorted several items on my orders this morning, was on the phone with 2 different companies scrambling to fix the problem, and my coffee doesn't even taste good. And my stomach is making me pay for the shots it took last night, literally.
While looking around my walk-in for a special I found...nothing. Man I hate it when that happens but even chefs hit a wall sometimes, I'd compare it to writer's block. I have some Hawaiian fish to play with and since it is cold as shit outside, I am thinking risotto with some fontina cheese and truffle oil that I got robbed for by buying it down the street at Dean & Deluca. Keep it simple, stupid today. My mind is still in bed...or at the bar, take your pick.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Business is Squashed
Ahh man, it has been a long and drawn out week. This slow period before the banquets begin to pound the kitchen each night is getting old. There is a time when it is welcomed but there is also a time when it gets redundant. It is beyond that stage now. I have been working more then one station each night this week, aside from last night. It isn't worth it to keep all of my cooks each night because there is only so much we can clean when it is slow. This kitchen would make Mr. Clean proud right now. I can see myself on my oven doors, really.
Last night we had a party of 100 and it was a small wake up call for everyone in the kitchen. I actually had plenty to do and was able to keep my head down for most of the day, only peeking up every now and again for...COFFEE.
Today looks to be a bit different unfortunately, with a little less then 100 on the books for the evening. All the same I am sure I can make a few things to keep me busy.... I am thinking about a butternut squash soup...
Ahh man, it has been a long and drawn out week. This slow period before the banquets begin to pound the kitchen each night is getting old. There is a time when it is welcomed but there is also a time when it gets redundant. It is beyond that stage now. I have been working more then one station each night this week, aside from last night. It isn't worth it to keep all of my cooks each night because there is only so much we can clean when it is slow. This kitchen would make Mr. Clean proud right now. I can see myself on my oven doors, really.
Last night we had a party of 100 and it was a small wake up call for everyone in the kitchen. I actually had plenty to do and was able to keep my head down for most of the day, only peeking up every now and again for...COFFEE.
Today looks to be a bit different unfortunately, with a little less then 100 on the books for the evening. All the same I am sure I can make a few things to keep me busy.... I am thinking about a butternut squash soup...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Chili in NYC
We going international!!!
OK, not really, more like going north...NYC that is! That doesn't sound cool at all either, huh? Either way, someone in The Higher Concept has invited me to a chili cook-off taking place in January. Who am I to turn down such an opportunity...to DRINK!!! OK, so it will be about me making some chili, this one may only have 40 contestants or so, meaning I intend to sweep the floor with whoever I am going up against. It's fucking chili man, one of these times I am going to start reaping whatever rewards they offer and this will be the start. First this, and then the DC101 competition in May.
Back to reality ....
Tuesday and boy is it slow. I burned myself, deservingly so after grabbing a pan that I had just taken out of the oven. See where my focus goes when its slow? I start thinking about chili cook-offs that are months away and a pilot that just can't seem to come together fast enough and I'm gonna cut off one of my hands before too long. Today, I took some cauliflower and just sliced them real thick. "Cauliflower steaks," for lack of a better name, if you wanted to imagine what they look like. I will roast these off to get some nice color on them, make up a red pepper & chipotle jus and find some fish to pair it with.
I also took some time to find a pumpkin mousse recipe and I will make that later on tonite if I have the time. Whoever made that dish on Top Chef last week really fucked it up when they put it with fruit! I will be putting it with layers of a brown sugar & orange whipped cream and some chopped ginger snaps. Simple and way the heck better then pumpkin with strawberries!!!
OK, not really, more like going north...NYC that is! That doesn't sound cool at all either, huh? Either way, someone in The Higher Concept has invited me to a chili cook-off taking place in January. Who am I to turn down such an opportunity...to DRINK!!! OK, so it will be about me making some chili, this one may only have 40 contestants or so, meaning I intend to sweep the floor with whoever I am going up against. It's fucking chili man, one of these times I am going to start reaping whatever rewards they offer and this will be the start. First this, and then the DC101 competition in May.
Back to reality ....
Tuesday and boy is it slow. I burned myself, deservingly so after grabbing a pan that I had just taken out of the oven. See where my focus goes when its slow? I start thinking about chili cook-offs that are months away and a pilot that just can't seem to come together fast enough and I'm gonna cut off one of my hands before too long. Today, I took some cauliflower and just sliced them real thick. "Cauliflower steaks," for lack of a better name, if you wanted to imagine what they look like. I will roast these off to get some nice color on them, make up a red pepper & chipotle jus and find some fish to pair it with.
I also took some time to find a pumpkin mousse recipe and I will make that later on tonite if I have the time. Whoever made that dish on Top Chef last week really fucked it up when they put it with fruit! I will be putting it with layers of a brown sugar & orange whipped cream and some chopped ginger snaps. Simple and way the heck better then pumpkin with strawberries!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
You Know What A Butternut Squash Looks Like, Right?
Monday morning...
After going to a weeding on Saturday on the beach, yes on the beach, the weekend didn't seem to get any better. Had to make a several hour drive to be at of the wedding and had to make that same drive back at night. The Redskins get stomped on, and the Terps follow suit. Not a great weekend I guess, so not much to write about.
Today I am making a butternut squash and oyster mushroom risotto. Wish I could get my hands on some truffle oil at a decent price. Dean & Deluca down the street wants to charge 26 bucks for 7 ounces of the stuff. Totally not worth it, and it's the white truffle oil...not the good stuff. I will make up a port reduction and add some demi to it to make a nice savory sauce to go along with the risotto. I need to find some different foods to play with so I can continue to diversify my own skills. This should become my top priority for an extended period of time if I ever expect to kick it with the big dogs on Top Chef.
The only problem with "upping the anty" on my food is I have to get my cooks to follow suit with what it is I expect on the plate. Easier said then done and I will leave it at that. Won't back down on such a thing though, it's the little speed bumps that make you better later on.
After going to a weeding on Saturday on the beach, yes on the beach, the weekend didn't seem to get any better. Had to make a several hour drive to be at of the wedding and had to make that same drive back at night. The Redskins get stomped on, and the Terps follow suit. Not a great weekend I guess, so not much to write about.
Today I am making a butternut squash and oyster mushroom risotto. Wish I could get my hands on some truffle oil at a decent price. Dean & Deluca down the street wants to charge 26 bucks for 7 ounces of the stuff. Totally not worth it, and it's the white truffle oil...not the good stuff. I will make up a port reduction and add some demi to it to make a nice savory sauce to go along with the risotto. I need to find some different foods to play with so I can continue to diversify my own skills. This should become my top priority for an extended period of time if I ever expect to kick it with the big dogs on Top Chef.
The only problem with "upping the anty" on my food is I have to get my cooks to follow suit with what it is I expect on the plate. Easier said then done and I will leave it at that. Won't back down on such a thing though, it's the little speed bumps that make you better later on.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Black Friday at that, people are everywhere outside so I am expecting a busy day. The restaurant was closed yesterday for the holiday and I ate enough food for 3 people myself, so the treadmill (or a busy day in the kitchen) is calling me as we speak.
Wednesday night was crazy...before I even got to the 930 Club for the dynamic duo of Method Man and Redman, we hit 3 different bars in less then 2 hours trying to see everyone I possibly could. Getting to the show only 10 minutes before they went on made it even better. People that knew I was going began to regret that they didn't go see those icons of Hip-Hop long before the show even began.
No time to get into the details of seeing the sunrise Thursday morning, because the nite was still young after the shop at 1am. Gotta hop into the kitchen, happy shopping people!
Black Friday at that, people are everywhere outside so I am expecting a busy day. The restaurant was closed yesterday for the holiday and I ate enough food for 3 people myself, so the treadmill (or a busy day in the kitchen) is calling me as we speak.
Wednesday night was crazy...before I even got to the 930 Club for the dynamic duo of Method Man and Redman, we hit 3 different bars in less then 2 hours trying to see everyone I possibly could. Getting to the show only 10 minutes before they went on made it even better. People that knew I was going began to regret that they didn't go see those icons of Hip-Hop long before the show even began.
No time to get into the details of seeing the sunrise Thursday morning, because the nite was still young after the shop at 1am. Gotta hop into the kitchen, happy shopping people!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Slow and Laying Low
If it were any slower I would feel as if it was just a continuation of Monday around here. I won't go into any statistics around the city right now. It's just too depressing!
I did however, have friends J Glaze, Joy Luv, and IB of The Higher Concept stop by after work last night since they have swung into town for the holidays. I wish I could still stay up as late as those kids. We did speak about the pilot for a while and also got to listen to the latest mixtape that THC has put together called Projectivity. It is their 3rd mixtape and it just keeps getting better with the talent that they continue to display and the other artists that they bring on board.
Pack FM, Akrobatik, Slug of Atmosphere, Brother Ali, NYOIL and many more. If you haven't heard of any of the artists I just mentioned then you don't know Hip-Hop. This isn't a mix of the music you hear on the radio. Unfortunately it seems as if these guys are just a little too talented for that sort of thing. By that I mean they aren't talking about "shawty got low" on most of their tracks. Music on the radio today just sucks...
Anyways, them coming into town was a breath of fresh air as always. It promises to be a great week with them around, just hope I can keep up. One of them has already talked me into seeing Redman & Method Man at the 930 tomorrow night. It took a lot of peer pressure, but who could pass up such an opportunity to see the likes of these two! (Note from The Brain: I could...and did!)
If it were any slower I would feel as if it was just a continuation of Monday around here. I won't go into any statistics around the city right now. It's just too depressing!
I did however, have friends J Glaze, Joy Luv, and IB of The Higher Concept stop by after work last night since they have swung into town for the holidays. I wish I could still stay up as late as those kids. We did speak about the pilot for a while and also got to listen to the latest mixtape that THC has put together called Projectivity. It is their 3rd mixtape and it just keeps getting better with the talent that they continue to display and the other artists that they bring on board.
Pack FM, Akrobatik, Slug of Atmosphere, Brother Ali, NYOIL and many more. If you haven't heard of any of the artists I just mentioned then you don't know Hip-Hop. This isn't a mix of the music you hear on the radio. Unfortunately it seems as if these guys are just a little too talented for that sort of thing. By that I mean they aren't talking about "shawty got low" on most of their tracks. Music on the radio today just sucks...
Anyways, them coming into town was a breath of fresh air as always. It promises to be a great week with them around, just hope I can keep up. One of them has already talked me into seeing Redman & Method Man at the 930 tomorrow night. It took a lot of peer pressure, but who could pass up such an opportunity to see the likes of these two! (Note from The Brain: I could...and did!)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Back and Forth
Work, don't work, work, don't work. That is how my chef played it this week with the head honcho in town. When the owner visits from his winter home in Florida (it's a fucking yacht that costs just under 4k to fill up) it is in the best interest of my chef to be present in the restaurant. Well, after already working 7 days last week my chef came in for a few hours on Monday just to be around when the head horseman was around. But he would quickly leave the premises when the guy left because there was no need for him to be here other then for the sake of that guy.
Well, since the man was only in town for 4 days my chef decided he would take off Saturday. Not so fast, things aren't the way they should be, or at least they weren't when I left Wednesday night. So he was going to work Saturday to complete a nice 13 days in a row of seeing this place. If you have never done that before you should try it, it's fabulous. Well, when I walk in Friday morning I find out that my chef is going to take Saturday off, fine by me. I was told I could come in around noon. That's a cake day, kinda like my Mondays but it will hopefully be much more busy tonight then it is on a Monday.
I asked my chef to order me parsnips for this evening. I have come to really like this white carrot. It is sweeter then a regular carrot...actually it doesn't really taste anything like a carrot, think candied sweet potatoes. If you have been reading then you know how much I enjoy those! I will most likely do a puree with a blood orange sauce of some type. I am heading to Dean & Deluca's for some of those right now before I get to work. I am thinking some kind of gastrique...
Is anyone watching Top Chef this season? It seems as if they have reverted backwards instead of progressing forward with the talent they put on there. I know it is only the second episode, but there are 2 Europeans on the show and they may just give a handfull of ass to all the Americans on there. Tsk tsk tsk, I knew I should have tried out for that show. I may have actually made it past the first episode...peeling apples?? C'mon guys, if I hadn't have made it in the top 9 then I would have been the first to say "Sorry Tom, I just don't deserve to be here."
Well, since the man was only in town for 4 days my chef decided he would take off Saturday. Not so fast, things aren't the way they should be, or at least they weren't when I left Wednesday night. So he was going to work Saturday to complete a nice 13 days in a row of seeing this place. If you have never done that before you should try it, it's fabulous. Well, when I walk in Friday morning I find out that my chef is going to take Saturday off, fine by me. I was told I could come in around noon. That's a cake day, kinda like my Mondays but it will hopefully be much more busy tonight then it is on a Monday.
I asked my chef to order me parsnips for this evening. I have come to really like this white carrot. It is sweeter then a regular carrot...actually it doesn't really taste anything like a carrot, think candied sweet potatoes. If you have been reading then you know how much I enjoy those! I will most likely do a puree with a blood orange sauce of some type. I am heading to Dean & Deluca's for some of those right now before I get to work. I am thinking some kind of gastrique...
Is anyone watching Top Chef this season? It seems as if they have reverted backwards instead of progressing forward with the talent they put on there. I know it is only the second episode, but there are 2 Europeans on the show and they may just give a handfull of ass to all the Americans on there. Tsk tsk tsk, I knew I should have tried out for that show. I may have actually made it past the first episode...peeling apples?? C'mon guys, if I hadn't have made it in the top 9 then I would have been the first to say "Sorry Tom, I just don't deserve to be here."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Not much going on around here today. Actually that's because I am at home sitting on my ass!!! Another rare day where I don't have much planned and don't intend on getting much done other then paying some friggin bills.
A little progress on the pilot though, as our sponsor has stepped in and got us in the process of finally getting some studio time. Tonite I will be checking out the host of the pilot at Topaz at 8pm. He will be hosting a little comic session with new comics, some first time stand-ups. In his own words "this could sting a little," but I am not too concerned about the other newbies. I want to see how my host, Mike Way, last years "best up and coming comic in DC" can bring things around to keep the laughs rolling!
Cause he'll be doing the same on my TV show!
Not much going on around here today. Actually that's because I am at home sitting on my ass!!! Another rare day where I don't have much planned and don't intend on getting much done other then paying some friggin bills.
A little progress on the pilot though, as our sponsor has stepped in and got us in the process of finally getting some studio time. Tonite I will be checking out the host of the pilot at Topaz at 8pm. He will be hosting a little comic session with new comics, some first time stand-ups. In his own words "this could sting a little," but I am not too concerned about the other newbies. I want to see how my host, Mike Way, last years "best up and coming comic in DC" can bring things around to keep the laughs rolling!
Cause he'll be doing the same on my TV show!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Special Has Been Leeked to the Media
Hump day and off topic here for a second, I can smell my paycheck coming. OK, probably no need for that part, but I gotta be honest. I will never understand how I am making more and more money every year and I am still broke. OK, I do understand but I think it's like beating a dead horse to say why.
Yesterday my special came out completely different then I thought it would. After I stopped typing I went into the walk-in and grabbed some leeks
and made a confit of them. Now a confit by most definitions is the action of of taking meat, salting it and then preserving it in its own fat. Too bad that definition is as old as it sounds. Nowadays people confit anything, I mean its not like the culinary world just stopped progressing.
So, I took the leeks and let them sit covered in salt for about 15 minutes, then rinsed them off and cooked them in butter (not too healthy, huh?) for about 30 minutes over a really low heat until they were tender. Steamed off some diced potatoes at the same time. Drained the leeks, saved the butter, and started making a sauce. I took some heavy cream, grain mustard and...well I think you can figure out what that sauce was. I also added some nutmeg and champagne vinegar to the cream sauce because otherwise it just doesn't have any life to it.
When using leeks there is this dark green part that this picture shows. Well, people don't usually eat the drak green part because of how tough it is. Not me, because it's winter and I can use that as an excuse to make some extra heavy foods (i.e. not healthy). Well I cut that part into really thin strips soaked em in buttermilk, sprinkled some flour and deep fried them.
Pair that with some black grouper and, well, there isn't any fish left over this morning so I'm thinking it went over pretty well!
Hump day and off topic here for a second, I can smell my paycheck coming. OK, probably no need for that part, but I gotta be honest. I will never understand how I am making more and more money every year and I am still broke. OK, I do understand but I think it's like beating a dead horse to say why.
Yesterday my special came out completely different then I thought it would. After I stopped typing I went into the walk-in and grabbed some leeks
So, I took the leeks and let them sit covered in salt for about 15 minutes, then rinsed them off and cooked them in butter (not too healthy, huh?) for about 30 minutes over a really low heat until they were tender. Steamed off some diced potatoes at the same time. Drained the leeks, saved the butter, and started making a sauce. I took some heavy cream, grain mustard and...well I think you can figure out what that sauce was. I also added some nutmeg and champagne vinegar to the cream sauce because otherwise it just doesn't have any life to it.
When using leeks there is this dark green part that this picture shows. Well, people don't usually eat the drak green part because of how tough it is. Not me, because it's winter and I can use that as an excuse to make some extra heavy foods (i.e. not healthy). Well I cut that part into really thin strips soaked em in buttermilk, sprinkled some flour and deep fried them.
Pair that with some black grouper and, well, there isn't any fish left over this morning so I'm thinking it went over pretty well!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Not So Public Access?
Oh yeah,
Now that I am actually awake and have some random thoughts on my mind I will rattle them off. This pilot is still going to happen, God knows when, but it will. The issue we faced the first time around simply won't happen again. It may have been partly my fault for not getting my sponsor involved sooner. This public access studio never gave my producer an answer to let us use the studio. Public fucking access, what should be so difficult about that? This isn't Comcast here, OK?
Anyways, I call up my sponsor and she laughs at me for not getting her involved sooner. Kinda came across like an agent telling their client, I got this. So next time around it will be much easier. She has more invested in the studio with her equipment than the studio has to offer itself.
Well, now that we have more time, of course we want to go back and go over everything we can to improve on it. I have now involved an old friend for some graphic designs to be displayed on the green screen that is in the studio. Should be pretty cool, but with that comes an entire plethora of opinions and ideas by everyone involved.
Great...no one is getting paid for this, we are all good at what we do in our respective fields, and someone has to spearhead everything to make sure it is what's (this just sounds wrong) "in the best interest of the project." How do you tell someone that you don't like their idea because it brings the wrong appearance to the show? How do you tell someone else that it's not their decision on what is going to happen? Who the fuck is in charge in the first place?
To that and everything else I say, this is what The Brain is for. Yes, by that I mean my boy P, who I can just let make all of the decisions and piss everyone off, or keep them happy! Not my problem!
Gotta get to work.
Now that I am actually awake and have some random thoughts on my mind I will rattle them off. This pilot is still going to happen, God knows when, but it will. The issue we faced the first time around simply won't happen again. It may have been partly my fault for not getting my sponsor involved sooner. This public access studio never gave my producer an answer to let us use the studio. Public fucking access, what should be so difficult about that? This isn't Comcast here, OK?
Anyways, I call up my sponsor and she laughs at me for not getting her involved sooner. Kinda came across like an agent telling their client, I got this. So next time around it will be much easier. She has more invested in the studio with her equipment than the studio has to offer itself.
Well, now that we have more time, of course we want to go back and go over everything we can to improve on it. I have now involved an old friend for some graphic designs to be displayed on the green screen that is in the studio. Should be pretty cool, but with that comes an entire plethora of opinions and ideas by everyone involved.
Great...no one is getting paid for this, we are all good at what we do in our respective fields, and someone has to spearhead everything to make sure it is what's (this just sounds wrong) "in the best interest of the project." How do you tell someone that you don't like their idea because it brings the wrong appearance to the show? How do you tell someone else that it's not their decision on what is going to happen? Who the fuck is in charge in the first place?
To that and everything else I say, this is what The Brain is for. Yes, by that I mean my boy P, who I can just let make all of the decisions and piss everyone off, or keep them happy! Not my problem!
Gotta get to work.
Virginia is for Bad Drivers
Well, for one I am feeling much better this morning after a night of rest. After fighting off traffic for 30 minutes from the edge of Georgetown to get to the middle of Georgetown (about 5 blocks...grrr), I have made a desperate attempt not to let my mood sour. I will do so by saying this, people from Virginia CANNOT drive. Fuckers.
That is all, thank you.
I had to order light as hell yesterday and I don't even think that I gave myself anything special to work with. Can't spend money if you aren't making any right? So with that being said I can feel another of my famous "walk-in" specials coming forth. Hmmmm, that would require me to actually look in my walk-in and see what is there. Off the top of my head I am thinking orzo pasta, cream, goat cheese, some vegetables, and that's all I got. It will taste good, that's all I do know. With that being said it's time to start chasing flavor...or is that cut to the chase?
Well, for one I am feeling much better this morning after a night of rest. After fighting off traffic for 30 minutes from the edge of Georgetown to get to the middle of Georgetown (about 5 blocks...grrr), I have made a desperate attempt not to let my mood sour. I will do so by saying this, people from Virginia CANNOT drive. Fuckers.
That is all, thank you.
I had to order light as hell yesterday and I don't even think that I gave myself anything special to work with. Can't spend money if you aren't making any right? So with that being said I can feel another of my famous "walk-in" specials coming forth. Hmmmm, that would require me to actually look in my walk-in and see what is there. Off the top of my head I am thinking orzo pasta, cream, goat cheese, some vegetables, and that's all I got. It will taste good, that's all I do know. With that being said it's time to start chasing flavor...or is that cut to the chase?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Well Hung(over)
Hungover, an amazing show with The Dance Party Saturday, another UMD win over another ranked opponent, tailgating all day Sunday, and ended with a loss by the Redskins to a rival. What a fucking weekend. I fell out of bed and have to stumble into work for the next 13 hours. Coffee is the cure all medicine, well that and some ginger ale with tons of "bitters" to keep the hangover at bay!
The tailgate went over great yesterday with just over 35 people. My friend and I were over the grill for just about the entire evening with multiple drinking games going on and people weathering the cold as if it were still summer out. The burgers flew, I must have made 60 plus, hot dogs, and about 25 pounds of wings. Don't forget about the chili as well. I made just under 8 gallons I think and I don't have a gallon left over to show for it.
I have no clue what I will be walking into today at work, I only know that Advil and coffee are the first thing that I need to consume before I start this day. I only remember asking my chef to get me some sweet potatoes and to take it easy on me today when I get into work. Hope I have a full staff!!!!
Hungover, an amazing show with The Dance Party Saturday, another UMD win over another ranked opponent, tailgating all day Sunday, and ended with a loss by the Redskins to a rival. What a fucking weekend. I fell out of bed and have to stumble into work for the next 13 hours. Coffee is the cure all medicine, well that and some ginger ale with tons of "bitters" to keep the hangover at bay!
The tailgate went over great yesterday with just over 35 people. My friend and I were over the grill for just about the entire evening with multiple drinking games going on and people weathering the cold as if it were still summer out. The burgers flew, I must have made 60 plus, hot dogs, and about 25 pounds of wings. Don't forget about the chili as well. I made just under 8 gallons I think and I don't have a gallon left over to show for it.
I have no clue what I will be walking into today at work, I only know that Advil and coffee are the first thing that I need to consume before I start this day. I only remember asking my chef to get me some sweet potatoes and to take it easy on me today when I get into work. Hope I have a full staff!!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
A note from chef to cut everyone possible is the first thing I see when I walk into the kitchen. No problem, it's slow anyways and the city is beginning to show effects of the RECESS..... (I won't finish that word) that is already taking over the rest of the country. Our economy sucks, face it, Obama is still months away from stepping into power and his "secret society" of advisors, lawyers, accountants, etc. can't do anything until he steps in. So until then if it takes me working the line every other night to keep this place going, then so be it.
Onto more happy news, did I mention it's Dallas week? I am going to a rally at Dave & Busters at White Flint tonite held by the Redskins and there will be cheerleaders there. Need I say more???
A note from chef to cut everyone possible is the first thing I see when I walk into the kitchen. No problem, it's slow anyways and the city is beginning to show effects of the RECESS..... (I won't finish that word) that is already taking over the rest of the country. Our economy sucks, face it, Obama is still months away from stepping into power and his "secret society" of advisors, lawyers, accountants, etc. can't do anything until he steps in. So until then if it takes me working the line every other night to keep this place going, then so be it.
Onto more happy news, did I mention it's Dallas week? I am going to a rally at Dave & Busters at White Flint tonite held by the Redskins and there will be cheerleaders there. Need I say more???
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Shameless Plug
Make sure to also check out my partners in crime, The Higher Concept, at http://thehigherconcept.blogspot.com/. They will be performing on the pilot, as soon as the damn studio let's us shoot it!
Dallas Week and It's Chili
And I am thirsty, dammit. It is almost time for happy hour somewhere in the city. I am off, the weather is shitty, its Dallas week, and I got shit else to do!
Back to the football part, this reminds me I have to place my orders soon because they don't deliver on the weekends. It is Dallas week, half of my team has come out worse after the bye week then when they started it. Weird huh? No matter though.
This tailgate is going to be pretty big. We are sitting around 30 people or so and The Mad Chef of M Street has every intention of bringing out some toys this weekend. I will be making 6 gallons of chili at the stadium along with the burgers that I fold smoked gouda and mirepoix into. Fried chicken wings that I will brine the day before, maybe grill some of them as well. 2 different dips, plenty of chips, beer pong and a keg. The keg is the only part of all of this that concerns me though, though I am in no way worried that it will be too much. The younger generation around my closest friends and I seem to like Bud Light. I know, where is the Commish when you need him, right? If it's a party and there is going to be a keg my group tends to go with Miller, but "drinkability" is always possible when it's fucking water. Rant over...
I learned a valuable lesson in cooking yesterday, self taught mind you. Well my vendor stopped by with that specialty truck and I chose these Okinawa Sweet Potatoes
that my chef had used a month or so ago. I knew what I wanted to do with them right from the start, make mash potatoes with them. Plain and simple, I like to mess with sweet potatoes so much because of the stuff that I put into them. Brown sugar, salt, really good maple syrup, a egg or two if it is twice baked, good stuff.
Well, not only were the potatoes in no need of sugar. Once I was done mashing them, the gluten had become...well glue-like. OK, I am exaggerating, I would not have served them if they had been that bad. But these potatoes were just short of showing signs of becoming that way. I was told they were great and every plate came back clean, but lesson learned, not all foods need to be messed with before serving them.
And I am thirsty, dammit. It is almost time for happy hour somewhere in the city. I am off, the weather is shitty, its Dallas week, and I got shit else to do!
Back to the football part, this reminds me I have to place my orders soon because they don't deliver on the weekends. It is Dallas week, half of my team has come out worse after the bye week then when they started it. Weird huh? No matter though.
This tailgate is going to be pretty big. We are sitting around 30 people or so and The Mad Chef of M Street has every intention of bringing out some toys this weekend. I will be making 6 gallons of chili at the stadium along with the burgers that I fold smoked gouda and mirepoix into. Fried chicken wings that I will brine the day before, maybe grill some of them as well. 2 different dips, plenty of chips, beer pong and a keg. The keg is the only part of all of this that concerns me though, though I am in no way worried that it will be too much. The younger generation around my closest friends and I seem to like Bud Light. I know, where is the Commish when you need him, right? If it's a party and there is going to be a keg my group tends to go with Miller, but "drinkability" is always possible when it's fucking water. Rant over...
I learned a valuable lesson in cooking yesterday, self taught mind you. Well my vendor stopped by with that specialty truck and I chose these Okinawa Sweet Potatoes

that my chef had used a month or so ago. I knew what I wanted to do with them right from the start, make mash potatoes with them. Plain and simple, I like to mess with sweet potatoes so much because of the stuff that I put into them. Brown sugar, salt, really good maple syrup, a egg or two if it is twice baked, good stuff.
Well, not only were the potatoes in no need of sugar. Once I was done mashing them, the gluten had become...well glue-like. OK, I am exaggerating, I would not have served them if they had been that bad. But these potatoes were just short of showing signs of becoming that way. I was told they were great and every plate came back clean, but lesson learned, not all foods need to be messed with before serving them.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Stranger By The Day
OK, so my mood has been piss poor over the last few days for multiple reasons. Well, I am in a better mood but I have my own reasons for not letting shit get to me today. Last night as I am leaving, I am handed a banquet sheet for 35 people for the next day (today), nice. Well I go back and adjust my ordering accordingly, not complaining that I am being handed an event sheet the day before it occurs.
This morning I walk in with a smile on my face thinking I have my day set up. Well, I go check the reservations and this party isn't in the system...not the first time that has happened. So I tell my cooks what I need prepped for the party to help me out. I don't really look over the sheet anymore because I have told when it is and I know what needs to be done. Well, the other manager pops out and tells me that he has an update for this party, that is for 35 people...for TOMORROW. I say OK, well, what about the one tonite, because it wasn't even complete last night when it was first handed to me.
Of course, they are the same party, but it is for Wednesday, not tonite. Awesome, huh? I mean, maybe I should go over and double or triple check what is handed to me, from other managers, instead of taking their word for it and then doing the work. I don't think I should have to do things like that but it sure would save me a good bit of time if I did.
Lesson learned...
OK, so my mood has been piss poor over the last few days for multiple reasons. Well, I am in a better mood but I have my own reasons for not letting shit get to me today. Last night as I am leaving, I am handed a banquet sheet for 35 people for the next day (today), nice. Well I go back and adjust my ordering accordingly, not complaining that I am being handed an event sheet the day before it occurs.
This morning I walk in with a smile on my face thinking I have my day set up. Well, I go check the reservations and this party isn't in the system...not the first time that has happened. So I tell my cooks what I need prepped for the party to help me out. I don't really look over the sheet anymore because I have told when it is and I know what needs to be done. Well, the other manager pops out and tells me that he has an update for this party, that is for 35 people...for TOMORROW. I say OK, well, what about the one tonite, because it wasn't even complete last night when it was first handed to me.
Of course, they are the same party, but it is for Wednesday, not tonite. Awesome, huh? I mean, maybe I should go over and double or triple check what is handed to me, from other managers, instead of taking their word for it and then doing the work. I don't think I should have to do things like that but it sure would save me a good bit of time if I did.
Lesson learned...
Monday, November 10, 2008
"It's Just A Case of the Mondays..."
Another bad day? Or just another foul attitude? I can't tell the difference at this point. Maybe it was that call at just before 8am about something being broken in the restaurant? If only it was that easy, she proceeded to thank me for answering the phone because no one else had, including my chef and two technicians. So the problem was able to be fixed without me moving from my bed. It was finished by the time I got in 2 hours later. Sweetness.
Here at work, after making an acorn squash puree twice...yes twice. The first time I simply wasn't happy with the flavor and it had too much water because I cooked them in cream. Lesson learned, huh? So the second time around it was roasted and came out pretty nice. Again, I digress, as I was going to make the menus for the day it took me thirty minutes to figure out why the keyboard wasn't working for the computer. No, it was already plugged in, but I had to try two other keyboards before I found one that worked. I almost put the screen through the wall after about ten minutes.
I love Mondays...
Another bad day? Or just another foul attitude? I can't tell the difference at this point. Maybe it was that call at just before 8am about something being broken in the restaurant? If only it was that easy, she proceeded to thank me for answering the phone because no one else had, including my chef and two technicians. So the problem was able to be fixed without me moving from my bed. It was finished by the time I got in 2 hours later. Sweetness.
Here at work, after making an acorn squash puree twice...yes twice. The first time I simply wasn't happy with the flavor and it had too much water because I cooked them in cream. Lesson learned, huh? So the second time around it was roasted and came out pretty nice. Again, I digress, as I was going to make the menus for the day it took me thirty minutes to figure out why the keyboard wasn't working for the computer. No, it was already plugged in, but I had to try two other keyboards before I found one that worked. I almost put the screen through the wall after about ten minutes.
I love Mondays...
A Family Affair
Saturday night...
Maybe it was the way my day started in the first place. Today at work was set off by what I may have let trail me into work, karma-wise.
It all started around noon when my chef sent me the text to take my time coming into work today. I won't ask why, but it set me up with too much time on my hands I guess. So as I go to check my email I see a few from some family members. Well, I open them and proceed to read about how my political views are all distorted and I have no right to say the things that I do about the *cough* *cough* "losing party."
Rewind back about 2 months ago and I accidentally send them an email of some propaganda about conservatives. I got ripped for that, mind you it was sent to them by accident. I apologized and said it would never happen again. After 3 more emails, my aunt seemed to get the point, all to which I apologized extensively for accidentally sending the first email.
Well up to date again, they check my Facebook page (for what I have no clue...it's fucking Facebook and they're old!) and feel the need to get all riled up again. It doesn't stop there though, they proceed to tell me it is not professional as a small bisuness owner to write such things...dude this is just a Facebook page. Hold on...I didn't know I was a small business owner, first of all. And I mean it's not like I am this kid.
Needless to say there was much more in the email that I won't get into and the point is it got the conservative part of my family all in a tiffy. That or they just have too much time on their hands and think that their money is going to be taken away over the next four years???
Well, they succeeded in getting under my skin and it has kept me in a horrible mood all damn day. I try my best not to argue with family and respect my elders. I have been in such a foul mood that I actually flipped out on one of my cooks for undercooking an item and one of my dishwashers for wanting to go home. He said he didn't feel well, but he also was asked to come in tomorrow for extra hours...think he will actually show up now? Or was it done to set up not coming in, hmm.
Least I am off tomorrow. Politics and family don't mix, thanks for the advice uncle, now tell my aunt/your wife to get over the loss and that I said HOPE & CHANGE, bitches!
Maybe it was the way my day started in the first place. Today at work was set off by what I may have let trail me into work, karma-wise.
It all started around noon when my chef sent me the text to take my time coming into work today. I won't ask why, but it set me up with too much time on my hands I guess. So as I go to check my email I see a few from some family members. Well, I open them and proceed to read about how my political views are all distorted and I have no right to say the things that I do about the *cough* *cough* "losing party."
Rewind back about 2 months ago and I accidentally send them an email of some propaganda about conservatives. I got ripped for that, mind you it was sent to them by accident. I apologized and said it would never happen again. After 3 more emails, my aunt seemed to get the point, all to which I apologized extensively for accidentally sending the first email.
Well up to date again, they check my Facebook page (for what I have no clue...it's fucking Facebook and they're old!) and feel the need to get all riled up again. It doesn't stop there though, they proceed to tell me it is not professional as a small bisuness owner to write such things...dude this is just a Facebook page. Hold on...I didn't know I was a small business owner, first of all. And I mean it's not like I am this kid.
Needless to say there was much more in the email that I won't get into and the point is it got the conservative part of my family all in a tiffy. That or they just have too much time on their hands and think that their money is going to be taken away over the next four years???
Well, they succeeded in getting under my skin and it has kept me in a horrible mood all damn day. I try my best not to argue with family and respect my elders. I have been in such a foul mood that I actually flipped out on one of my cooks for undercooking an item and one of my dishwashers for wanting to go home. He said he didn't feel well, but he also was asked to come in tomorrow for extra hours...think he will actually show up now? Or was it done to set up not coming in, hmm.
Least I am off tomorrow. Politics and family don't mix, thanks for the advice uncle, now tell my aunt/your wife to get over the loss and that I said HOPE & CHANGE, bitches!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Did I Tell You the Joke About "Taking Meat in the Back..."?
Friday morning...
At least the week is almost over and it is too bad I am not doing the pilot this weekend. Yes, it still aggravates me but it is reality, so what can I do? As I walk in this morning I see our uniform vendor exchanging chef ,so I do some update work with him on our employees to make sure everyone is getting the proper jackets. I then proceed into the kitchen and am immediately approached by 2 of my cooks about not having the right food for a family meal. OH NO!!!! What are we going to do?!?!? I mean if this is the biggest problem I have today then I have a golden horseshoe stuck up... So I took the cooks to the storeroom and grabbed some pasta...problem solved.
Next on my agenda is to figure out what I am going to do with all of this acorn squash that I see in the walk-in. I also was informed by my favorite produce vendor (those blondes, I swear) that their company will be sending a "specialty items" truck around once a week. This means that I will not only be receiving a list of things I can order that are only available at certain times, but that I will be able to see the items before I purchase them. This is fucking awesome!
One of my other vendors (that my chef and I stopped using almost a year ago) is still trying to get his foot back in the door. To put it simply his prices are too high for the same product we get cheaper elsewhere, but also when we did order from him almost half the time it would get screwed up. Half the order would come in and we would have to call and bitch about it. That just isn't worth our time. Until he goes to the 4 Horseman upstairs and complains that we are not ordering from him. Then he goes so far as to call the vendors we are using "liars" and that they are pricing us one product but delivering another.
Really? I am sorry that your company can't match another one in price, but do you have to stoop so low as to call them liars? The company I am currently using -Fells Point Quality Meats- is one of the most reputable meat companies in the area, and they are part owners of a ranch in the Midwest i.e. Trump card. The company crying about it is Maryland Quality Meats, I have used their company at 2 other restaurants in the past and not been pleased. I know of both of them very well and Fells gets my vote hands down. I have seen the warehouse, I know the product they are sending me, and my chef agrees. Now the only question is how to get the 4 Horsemen upstairs to butt the hell out and let us take care of what we do best.
Good luck with that, I guess.
At least the week is almost over and it is too bad I am not doing the pilot this weekend. Yes, it still aggravates me but it is reality, so what can I do? As I walk in this morning I see our uniform vendor exchanging chef ,so I do some update work with him on our employees to make sure everyone is getting the proper jackets. I then proceed into the kitchen and am immediately approached by 2 of my cooks about not having the right food for a family meal. OH NO!!!! What are we going to do?!?!? I mean if this is the biggest problem I have today then I have a golden horseshoe stuck up... So I took the cooks to the storeroom and grabbed some pasta...problem solved.
Next on my agenda is to figure out what I am going to do with all of this acorn squash that I see in the walk-in. I also was informed by my favorite produce vendor (those blondes, I swear) that their company will be sending a "specialty items" truck around once a week. This means that I will not only be receiving a list of things I can order that are only available at certain times, but that I will be able to see the items before I purchase them. This is fucking awesome!
One of my other vendors (that my chef and I stopped using almost a year ago) is still trying to get his foot back in the door. To put it simply his prices are too high for the same product we get cheaper elsewhere, but also when we did order from him almost half the time it would get screwed up. Half the order would come in and we would have to call and bitch about it. That just isn't worth our time. Until he goes to the 4 Horseman upstairs and complains that we are not ordering from him. Then he goes so far as to call the vendors we are using "liars" and that they are pricing us one product but delivering another.
Really? I am sorry that your company can't match another one in price, but do you have to stoop so low as to call them liars? The company I am currently using -Fells Point Quality Meats- is one of the most reputable meat companies in the area, and they are part owners of a ranch in the Midwest i.e. Trump card. The company crying about it is Maryland Quality Meats, I have used their company at 2 other restaurants in the past and not been pleased. I know of both of them very well and Fells gets my vote hands down. I have seen the warehouse, I know the product they are sending me, and my chef agrees. Now the only question is how to get the 4 Horsemen upstairs to butt the hell out and let us take care of what we do best.
Good luck with that, I guess.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
HBO, Fool...
Thirsty Thursday and I am heading into work. Yup, took off on Monday night to go to the game, only to wake up that morning too sick to even attempt to go. Thank goodness I didn't, with the outcome that I saw...that was just ugly.
Great news is Obama won, bad news is the pilot shoot date has been pushed back. Who would have ever thought that getting a PUBLIC ACCESS studio would be that difficult with already having a sponsor for the studio. Also...what is up with that pic that was posted about victory the other day?
Gotta ask The Brain about that one, and ask him what he thought about dinner Saturday night? (Note from The Brain: Apparently, The Mad Chef has never seen Entourage before. Also, my review of an evening Sea Catch is coming...)
Off to work peeps, hope everyone is as happy as I am about the outcome of Tuesday!
Thirsty Thursday and I am heading into work. Yup, took off on Monday night to go to the game, only to wake up that morning too sick to even attempt to go. Thank goodness I didn't, with the outcome that I saw...that was just ugly.
Great news is Obama won, bad news is the pilot shoot date has been pushed back. Who would have ever thought that getting a PUBLIC ACCESS studio would be that difficult with already having a sponsor for the studio. Also...what is up with that pic that was posted about victory the other day?
Gotta ask The Brain about that one, and ask him what he thought about dinner Saturday night? (Note from The Brain: Apparently, The Mad Chef has never seen Entourage before. Also, my review of an evening Sea Catch is coming...)
Off to work peeps, hope everyone is as happy as I am about the outcome of Tuesday!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Saturday morning....
Oh man, the pictures may tell too much. 3 different parties over different parts of Washington, DC. All beginning at around 9pm. I can see why I have yet to participate in Halloween over the past couple of years. I am in a little bit of pain this morning. Can't argue though, as one of my old chef's always told me, "if you are going to be hungover you might as well get paid for it." Makes no sense whatsoever, huh? Well, that's the way I feel.
I have several friends coming in tonite and my chef is probably doing inventory as I type this. I am going in several hours early to make everything that I want to have for them tonite. I intend to even make a special dessert of toffee bread pudding for them. I have to stop off at the store to purchase this stuff but it should be worth it if it comes out the way I intend it too. I have parsnips, sweet potatoes and cauliflower to play with today as I walk into work. One could say that I have some nice toys to get myself started for the evening.
I have plenty to get done today without making these 2 specials along with the dessert. My chef will have his hands tied with the inventory deal so plenty of caffeine will be needed to make this day go by. I still haven't decided what I am going to do for an amuse for 12 people. I was thinking of doing mussels because it's the only seafood variety they will not end up eating at some point during the meal.
If I am going to use mussels I then have to decide whether I am going to make them with Tuaca and cream or Limoncello and cream. 2 different flavors that when I put them together should be great, but still gotta decide because each one calls for different ingredients to enhance the flavor of the liquor I end up using!
Gotta run, have a great weekend! Hope everyone had a safe Halloween!
Oh man, the pictures may tell too much. 3 different parties over different parts of Washington, DC. All beginning at around 9pm. I can see why I have yet to participate in Halloween over the past couple of years. I am in a little bit of pain this morning. Can't argue though, as one of my old chef's always told me, "if you are going to be hungover you might as well get paid for it." Makes no sense whatsoever, huh? Well, that's the way I feel.
I have several friends coming in tonite and my chef is probably doing inventory as I type this. I am going in several hours early to make everything that I want to have for them tonite. I intend to even make a special dessert of toffee bread pudding for them. I have to stop off at the store to purchase this stuff but it should be worth it if it comes out the way I intend it too. I have parsnips, sweet potatoes and cauliflower to play with today as I walk into work. One could say that I have some nice toys to get myself started for the evening.
I have plenty to get done today without making these 2 specials along with the dessert. My chef will have his hands tied with the inventory deal so plenty of caffeine will be needed to make this day go by. I still haven't decided what I am going to do for an amuse for 12 people. I was thinking of doing mussels because it's the only seafood variety they will not end up eating at some point during the meal.
If I am going to use mussels I then have to decide whether I am going to make them with Tuaca and cream or Limoncello and cream. 2 different flavors that when I put them together should be great, but still gotta decide because each one calls for different ingredients to enhance the flavor of the liquor I end up using!
Gotta run, have a great weekend! Hope everyone had a safe Halloween!
Friday, October 31, 2008
"And the kid is not my son..."
First of all let me start by saying, Happy Halloween, and that is not my kid. It is a brainchild...or that of The Brain. Did that make any sense whatsoever?
Sorry, we are only open for lunch service today because Georgetown turns upside down after 7pm. If you don't know about it, you don't want to!
What is The Mad Chef of M Street going to be this year???
I will post a pic next week sometime, but it is bound to be a good time!!!!
First of all let me start by saying, Happy Halloween, and that is not my kid. It is a brainchild...or that of The Brain. Did that make any sense whatsoever?
Sorry, we are only open for lunch service today because Georgetown turns upside down after 7pm. If you don't know about it, you don't want to!
What is The Mad Chef of M Street going to be this year???
I will post a pic next week sometime, but it is bound to be a good time!!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Brain's Random Thoughts...
Did you ever think Yo-Yo Ma was a rap group? Like when you saw his songs scroll by on The Box (yes, 80's children, you remember The Box...)?
No chance I'm the only one who ever thought this.
No chance I'm the only one who ever thought this.
Like the SNL Skit..."Fix It!"
Yes, that is my favorite word ever and boy did it get abused over the last twenty or so minutes. I also just got here about thirty minutes ago. Recap...my raw bar cook has been asking for wood chips for smoking salmon since yesterday. She expected them to come in today though we won't need them until next Saturday, so I did not order them. She is upset because her thinking is we need everything right then and there. Um, the end of the month and inventory is less then 4 days away, so chill the fuck out.
Our garbage disposal has been acting up for 3 months. 4 different companies have come in saying that this or that needs to be replaced. I called one vendor 3 months ago and said "fix it." Hold on Mr. Sous Chef, the people upstairs want to check this out and make sure it is in their best interest to see if this really needs to be replaced. The disposal won't work some nights but does others. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.
My chef has been told several different things and vendors have come in looking at it sporadically. It still isn't fixed, and this morning the same vendor that I called 3 months ago was back in to replace only a part of what needed to be fixed. The technician told me the same thing he told me 3 months ago. Someone upstairs thought it was wise to try and only fix a part of the problem without telling anyone in the kitchen. I get on the phone with one of our accountants and ask why only part of the problem is being solved. He tells me that his chief accountant did not approve for the entire thing to be fixed because he brought in another tech guy that said it wasn't the problem. WHAT THE FUCK, people.
Embarrassing wouldn't really be the right term to use in this case. Maybe I shouldn't care this much about things that are out of my control but how hard is it to just get one piece of equipment fixed? Well, maybe I should learn my lessons, especially when this has still yet to be installed. I mean, at least someone took the time to take it out of the box so it could be on display for a while!
Yes, that is my favorite word ever and boy did it get abused over the last twenty or so minutes. I also just got here about thirty minutes ago. Recap...my raw bar cook has been asking for wood chips for smoking salmon since yesterday. She expected them to come in today though we won't need them until next Saturday, so I did not order them. She is upset because her thinking is we need everything right then and there. Um, the end of the month and inventory is less then 4 days away, so chill the fuck out.
Our garbage disposal has been acting up for 3 months. 4 different companies have come in saying that this or that needs to be replaced. I called one vendor 3 months ago and said "fix it." Hold on Mr. Sous Chef, the people upstairs want to check this out and make sure it is in their best interest to see if this really needs to be replaced. The disposal won't work some nights but does others. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.
My chef has been told several different things and vendors have come in looking at it sporadically. It still isn't fixed, and this morning the same vendor that I called 3 months ago was back in to replace only a part of what needed to be fixed. The technician told me the same thing he told me 3 months ago. Someone upstairs thought it was wise to try and only fix a part of the problem without telling anyone in the kitchen. I get on the phone with one of our accountants and ask why only part of the problem is being solved. He tells me that his chief accountant did not approve for the entire thing to be fixed because he brought in another tech guy that said it wasn't the problem. WHAT THE FUCK, people.
Embarrassing wouldn't really be the right term to use in this case. Maybe I shouldn't care this much about things that are out of my control but how hard is it to just get one piece of equipment fixed? Well, maybe I should learn my lessons, especially when this has still yet to be installed. I mean, at least someone took the time to take it out of the box so it could be on display for a while!
Monday, October 27, 2008
So, the speed hump of the day has just come and gone without a problem. It is creeping on 3pm and I have everything just about set-up for my evening cooks to stroll in, so everything is going well. I even have my special set and ready to go, and that is why I am writing this next post.
Have you ever had a brain fart and just had no clue what it is you were trying to accomplish? Well, I didn't go to that extreme when I was thinking of my special but I came close. I knew that I wanted to make some whipped sweet potatoes, that was the easy part. My sauce, well, that is never easy. I am most critical on myself when it comes to making sauces.
I pride myself in them because of working under so many chefs in the past ten years or so, I should have a plethora of things to fall back on. Come to think of it, I should be able to do that for whatever I am cooking, right? It ain't that easy, homey. I want specific flavors to go with specific foods, it's just the way I am. I have thrown away countless sauces since I started cooking that tasted "fine" to everyone else but like shit to me. It's all relative though, many of them would have passed fine, but for my particular standards for sauces.
Well, with me preaching this autumn thing for the past few weeks and after countless trips into the same 2 walk-ins for about 30 minutes, I finally came across something I thought would work. Maybe it was those special minutes in the morning at my condo when I was in my "office" and reading some Food & Wine that I kept seeing hazelnut recipes.
Bam! It hit me upside the head that that would be my sauce for the evening. Vanilla-Hazelnut cream, simple as it sounds too. Those were my 3 ingredients, well that and a double of some bourbon that I almost burnt every hair on my face off with.
Yes, sometimes I forget that alcohol is flammable.
Have you ever had a brain fart and just had no clue what it is you were trying to accomplish? Well, I didn't go to that extreme when I was thinking of my special but I came close. I knew that I wanted to make some whipped sweet potatoes, that was the easy part. My sauce, well, that is never easy. I am most critical on myself when it comes to making sauces.
I pride myself in them because of working under so many chefs in the past ten years or so, I should have a plethora of things to fall back on. Come to think of it, I should be able to do that for whatever I am cooking, right? It ain't that easy, homey. I want specific flavors to go with specific foods, it's just the way I am. I have thrown away countless sauces since I started cooking that tasted "fine" to everyone else but like shit to me. It's all relative though, many of them would have passed fine, but for my particular standards for sauces.
Well, with me preaching this autumn thing for the past few weeks and after countless trips into the same 2 walk-ins for about 30 minutes, I finally came across something I thought would work. Maybe it was those special minutes in the morning at my condo when I was in my "office" and reading some Food & Wine that I kept seeing hazelnut recipes.
Bam! It hit me upside the head that that would be my sauce for the evening. Vanilla-Hazelnut cream, simple as it sounds too. Those were my 3 ingredients, well that and a double of some bourbon that I almost burnt every hair on my face off with.
Yes, sometimes I forget that alcohol is flammable.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Brain Freeze
First of all let me apologize for the, uh...slacking that has been going on with me and The Brain. It has been a week of, uh, HELL.
Too much to talk about and to be honest my brain (no pun intended) is frozen. This pilot is quickly approaching and the script is finally coming together. Plus I have several very close friends coming in next week to eat Saturday night. Thank goodness there isn't a Skins game next Sunday because I would be looking at another sleepless night. It's not like the week was crazy busy here at the restaurant, but in my mind I haven't slowed down since the tailgate last Sunday.
The changing of the weather is upon us and I have made chicken noodle soup 3 times the past 2 weeks, as I don't intend to get sick this winter (knock on wood). As my cooks and friends alike begin to get the sniffles I see that this is going to be a looooong winter.
This week has flown by once again, back to that "Hell" thing, and I have gotten to play with several foods new to the season. Spaghetti and butternut squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and much more. Unfortunately not much more is coming to my mind though!
Have a great weekend!!!
First of all let me apologize for the, uh...slacking that has been going on with me and The Brain. It has been a week of, uh, HELL.
Too much to talk about and to be honest my brain (no pun intended) is frozen. This pilot is quickly approaching and the script is finally coming together. Plus I have several very close friends coming in next week to eat Saturday night. Thank goodness there isn't a Skins game next Sunday because I would be looking at another sleepless night. It's not like the week was crazy busy here at the restaurant, but in my mind I haven't slowed down since the tailgate last Sunday.
The changing of the weather is upon us and I have made chicken noodle soup 3 times the past 2 weeks, as I don't intend to get sick this winter (knock on wood). As my cooks and friends alike begin to get the sniffles I see that this is going to be a looooong winter.
This week has flown by once again, back to that "Hell" thing, and I have gotten to play with several foods new to the season. Spaghetti and butternut squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and much more. Unfortunately not much more is coming to my mind though!
Have a great weekend!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday Wrap Up
Tuesday morning, traffic was a bitch this morning!
But back to the Sunday was the J crew...
Sunday morning started like every other day of the week for me, early. Well, by early I mean anything before 9am that entails major responsibilities. So at 8am I was already up and packing my car in Bethesda...it was enough of a challenge storing food for 40 people in 1 refrigerator, yes I am that talented, I know.
I digress as usual, after everything was stuffed in my car shortly before 10am and I was on the road to pick up my partner. From there it was to my parents house because that's where the real equipment stays, they have a house with a shed and a yard...trump card.
At that point it was about 10:30am and time to load the truck that I take to the games. The truck gets stacked with 2 tables, a tent, the grill, 4 coolers worth of food, ice, and of course plenty of beer.
After that it was finally time to head to the stadium. We got there before the damn gates even opened. That would mean we got there 4+ hours before game time, ugghhh. After a 10 minute wait we were let in, and we were probably just over 100 cars back in line so we weren't the only crazies out! It took just over 30 minutes, with the help of some of the group, to set everything up and get the grill going just in time for the birthday girl to arrive in style, fashionably late!
All in all pics were taken, food was devoured, smiles were plentiful, beer was flowing and BAM it was 3pm and time to break down because I had a Skins game to enjoy, dammit!
Time to get into the kitchen, spaghetti squash arrived this morning, but I can't remember which fish I even ordered to come in this morning....
But back to the Sunday was the J crew...
Sunday morning started like every other day of the week for me, early. Well, by early I mean anything before 9am that entails major responsibilities. So at 8am I was already up and packing my car in Bethesda...it was enough of a challenge storing food for 40 people in 1 refrigerator, yes I am that talented, I know.
I digress as usual, after everything was stuffed in my car shortly before 10am and I was on the road to pick up my partner. From there it was to my parents house because that's where the real equipment stays, they have a house with a shed and a yard...trump card.
At that point it was about 10:30am and time to load the truck that I take to the games. The truck gets stacked with 2 tables, a tent, the grill, 4 coolers worth of food, ice, and of course plenty of beer.
After that it was finally time to head to the stadium. We got there before the damn gates even opened. That would mean we got there 4+ hours before game time, ugghhh. After a 10 minute wait we were let in, and we were probably just over 100 cars back in line so we weren't the only crazies out! It took just over 30 minutes, with the help of some of the group, to set everything up and get the grill going just in time for the birthday girl to arrive in style, fashionably late!
All in all pics were taken, food was devoured, smiles were plentiful, beer was flowing and BAM it was 3pm and time to break down because I had a Skins game to enjoy, dammit!
Time to get into the kitchen, spaghetti squash arrived this morning, but I can't remember which fish I even ordered to come in this morning....
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend Update
This weekend went by in a blur. It started with racing to the kosher market Friday night, and ended with getting home around 10pm Sunday night. After the market ordeal Friday night, I had to head straight home to meet up with everyone about the pilot being filmed in less then a month. A lot of ground was covered (finally) on that front...how does the name "Chasing Flavor" sound?
Saturday morning things got rolling by 9am with the park dedication for a relative. Numerous celebrities were there to speak including Oprah and author Khaliah Ali. My father actually got pictures with Ms. Ali without knowing who she was and was "star struck" to say the least by both of the speakers presence.
I digress, by 1pm I was in the Potomac area, the kitchen was enormous, and I started cutting away. I was there with my partner for abuout 5 hours preparing everything in detail before cleaning and leaving. There was much to be learned about using the proper plate/silverware for the various foods we were making. Dairy to one set and meat to another, these plates were practically color coordinated. I couldn't imagine actually paying such attention to my food, ever.
Out of time for now, I will update more from the weekend later! Back into the kitchen to finish up that gastrique...
This weekend went by in a blur. It started with racing to the kosher market Friday night, and ended with getting home around 10pm Sunday night. After the market ordeal Friday night, I had to head straight home to meet up with everyone about the pilot being filmed in less then a month. A lot of ground was covered (finally) on that front...how does the name "Chasing Flavor" sound?
Saturday morning things got rolling by 9am with the park dedication for a relative. Numerous celebrities were there to speak including Oprah and author Khaliah Ali. My father actually got pictures with Ms. Ali without knowing who she was and was "star struck" to say the least by both of the speakers presence.
I digress, by 1pm I was in the Potomac area, the kitchen was enormous, and I started cutting away. I was there with my partner for abuout 5 hours preparing everything in detail before cleaning and leaving. There was much to be learned about using the proper plate/silverware for the various foods we were making. Dairy to one set and meat to another, these plates were practically color coordinated. I couldn't imagine actually paying such attention to my food, ever.
Out of time for now, I will update more from the weekend later! Back into the kitchen to finish up that gastrique...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
It's Friday already...
I would love to say I had the day off yesterday, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. From 9am until about 8pm all I did was travel from place to place, making phone calls and placing orders. I must have spent an hour alone making deals with my vendors about what I specifically wanted for my tailgate Sunday.
My tuna is the best available and I could basically eat it right out of the bag. OK, that just didn't sound right, but it's about the best Sushi-grade tuna that money can buy in this area. My produce order had to have been a PITA with all of the broken cases that I ended up getting of several different fruits and vegetables. Terrible.
By Monday I will post up all of the details of what went down this weekend, along with the meeting for the pilot going on next month. The meeting for that is tonite, but first I have to get out of here early to get all of the food needed for Sunday. I ended up having to get everything from a Kosher Market in Wheaton.
They close early on Friday's and are closed on Saturday's for the Sabbath...my friend tells me I'm an honorary member of the J Squad this weekend!
I would love to say I had the day off yesterday, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. From 9am until about 8pm all I did was travel from place to place, making phone calls and placing orders. I must have spent an hour alone making deals with my vendors about what I specifically wanted for my tailgate Sunday.
My tuna is the best available and I could basically eat it right out of the bag. OK, that just didn't sound right, but it's about the best Sushi-grade tuna that money can buy in this area. My produce order had to have been a PITA with all of the broken cases that I ended up getting of several different fruits and vegetables. Terrible.
By Monday I will post up all of the details of what went down this weekend, along with the meeting for the pilot going on next month. The meeting for that is tonite, but first I have to get out of here early to get all of the food needed for Sunday. I ended up having to get everything from a Kosher Market in Wheaton.
They close early on Friday's and are closed on Saturday's for the Sabbath...my friend tells me I'm an honorary member of the J Squad this weekend!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
OK, So Maybe I'm Possibly Kind Of An Asshole...Sometimes
I wrote a while back about a lady who went all apeshit on me about requiring a meal that was gluten-free. I assumed that she had an allergy, which is actually more common than you'd realize. Said assumption got me yelled at on my floor, and didn't exactly set this lady in a good light in my mind, and representation here.
Luckily for me, my loyal readers are always here to help. Commenter Baddfrog posted the following just recently:
Some people have an autoimmune reaction when they eat gluten that causes the body to attack itself. That's called Celiac Disease and it causes a host of problems. Most people just have the gluten sensitivity of allergy.
One of the side affects of Celiac is irritability...which apparently your drama queen patron was experiencing at the time!
Well, you sir are correct. Celiac disease is indeed a disease, and though I'm no doctor I probably could have been a little more aware and/or mindful at the time. So, Ms. Crank Customer, The Mad Chef says "my bad."
And because I KNOW you're dying to learn more about Celiac disease, here are some fast facts...
Celiac disease is both a disease of malabsorption—meaning nutrients are not absorbed properly—and an abnormal immune reaction to gluten. Celiac disease is also known as celiac sprue, nontropical sprue, and gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Celiac disease is genetic, meaning it runs in families. Sometimes the disease is triggered—or becomes active for the first time—after surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, viral infection, or severe emotional stress.
Knowledge, people...that's why I'm here.
I wrote a while back about a lady who went all apeshit on me about requiring a meal that was gluten-free. I assumed that she had an allergy, which is actually more common than you'd realize. Said assumption got me yelled at on my floor, and didn't exactly set this lady in a good light in my mind, and representation here.
Luckily for me, my loyal readers are always here to help. Commenter Baddfrog posted the following just recently:
Some people have an autoimmune reaction when they eat gluten that causes the body to attack itself. That's called Celiac Disease and it causes a host of problems. Most people just have the gluten sensitivity of allergy.
One of the side affects of Celiac is irritability...which apparently your drama queen patron was experiencing at the time!
Well, you sir are correct. Celiac disease is indeed a disease, and though I'm no doctor I probably could have been a little more aware and/or mindful at the time. So, Ms. Crank Customer, The Mad Chef says "my bad."
And because I KNOW you're dying to learn more about Celiac disease, here are some fast facts...
Celiac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. People who have celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten, a protein in wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten is found mainly in foods but may also be found in everyday products such as medicines, vitamins, and lip balms.
When people with celiac disease eat foods or use products containing gluten, their immune system responds by damaging or destroying villi—the tiny, fingerlike protrusions lining the small intestine. Villi normally allow nutrients from food to be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. Without healthy villi, a person becomes malnourished, no matter how much food one eats.Celiac disease is both a disease of malabsorption—meaning nutrients are not absorbed properly—and an abnormal immune reaction to gluten. Celiac disease is also known as celiac sprue, nontropical sprue, and gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Celiac disease is genetic, meaning it runs in families. Sometimes the disease is triggered—or becomes active for the first time—after surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, viral infection, or severe emotional stress.
Knowledge, people...that's why I'm here.
Piloting the Kosher Express
Too much going on in and outside of the restaurant for my mind to contend with. Banquets that we haven't received the menus for yet, and just over 100 pounds of fish to fabricate. The kitchen ran out of too many items last night, as it was unexpectedly busy for a Monday night.
To safeguard against the same thing happening tonite I have ordered heavily, which explains all that fish to cut. Other than that, I have multiple quotes to give up by tomorrow for this Kosher tailgate this weekend. Which is not cool, I must admit.
Meeting for the pilot this Friday to finalize the script and getting with the musical acts, who are traveling down from New York for the gig. Looks like things may finally be falling in line for this to go down. I'm really excited, even if we're a little late!
Back to that tailgate this weekend, I actually had to go so far as to order new grill grates for my beast of a barrel grill. Damn thing weighs 170 pounds and I had to spend almost an hour between the computer and phone to get a hold of the manufacturer to get the proper grates for this thing. Ugh.
Time to start the specials for the day, I brought in some sunburst squash and baby zucchini...
I will roast them off and whip up some type of "fines herbes" sauce to compliment them.
Au revoir!
Too much going on in and outside of the restaurant for my mind to contend with. Banquets that we haven't received the menus for yet, and just over 100 pounds of fish to fabricate. The kitchen ran out of too many items last night, as it was unexpectedly busy for a Monday night.
To safeguard against the same thing happening tonite I have ordered heavily, which explains all that fish to cut. Other than that, I have multiple quotes to give up by tomorrow for this Kosher tailgate this weekend. Which is not cool, I must admit.
Meeting for the pilot this Friday to finalize the script and getting with the musical acts, who are traveling down from New York for the gig. Looks like things may finally be falling in line for this to go down. I'm really excited, even if we're a little late!
Back to that tailgate this weekend, I actually had to go so far as to order new grill grates for my beast of a barrel grill. Damn thing weighs 170 pounds and I had to spend almost an hour between the computer and phone to get a hold of the manufacturer to get the proper grates for this thing. Ugh.
Time to start the specials for the day, I brought in some sunburst squash and baby zucchini...

I will roast them off and whip up some type of "fines herbes" sauce to compliment them.
Au revoir!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Beet It!
Not much to say, Saturday night was a beast. Went over smooth from the kitchen side and we didn't have any returns all night long, save for one item that had gone cold at the table. Just over 300 with the banquets for the evening. According to the reservations, we did 90 people at 8pm, which was when both the parties were supposed to have sat down. I think they ended up going out just after 9pm.
Today as I walked thru the doors into the kitchen, I noticed that everything is well under way for the start of service and running smoothly. Chef is off today, so I have prepared some roasted beats I'll mix with some other fall vegetables that we recently brought in. Then 12:30 rolls around I see my chef...um, you miss this place that much, huh? Not really, the manager was short staffed this morning so my chef took the initiative to step in until the closing manager gets here, nice.
Tonite looks promising as far as being busy goes. It's a holiday, there are tons of people walking around outside and it was busy for lunch today. Gotta go finish that spicy carrot broth to go with the beets!
Not much to say, Saturday night was a beast. Went over smooth from the kitchen side and we didn't have any returns all night long, save for one item that had gone cold at the table. Just over 300 with the banquets for the evening. According to the reservations, we did 90 people at 8pm, which was when both the parties were supposed to have sat down. I think they ended up going out just after 9pm.
Today as I walked thru the doors into the kitchen, I noticed that everything is well under way for the start of service and running smoothly. Chef is off today, so I have prepared some roasted beats I'll mix with some other fall vegetables that we recently brought in. Then 12:30 rolls around I see my chef...um, you miss this place that much, huh? Not really, the manager was short staffed this morning so my chef took the initiative to step in until the closing manager gets here, nice.
Tonite looks promising as far as being busy goes. It's a holiday, there are tons of people walking around outside and it was busy for lunch today. Gotta go finish that spicy carrot broth to go with the beets!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Breaking Fish
I almost don't know where to start. I am out of time yet again and I have yet to even tell you about my past 3 days away from the blog.
Thursday, eh it was my day off so I don't know what I can possibly write about that is PC, yes it was one of those days off. How the hell does that happen? Never mix politics with family for one. Sometimes you don't want to know where other members of your family stand, because it will only frustrate the living shit out of you.
Friday, I think for the first time ever I knew what it's like to work for a large hotel and prepare banquets for well over 1000 people. I cut 90 pounds of salmon...tar tare. I didn't only do that, but that took me the better part of 6 hours to do once I broke each salmon down. After that I helped put together 1800 pieces of shrimp wrapped with bacon and phyllo dough. I also fabricated the fish and made a special for the evening.
I was at work for just over 13 hours, I think. 90 fucking pounds...can you even imagine what my hands felt like at the end of the day? And you can take 4 showers and still not get that fishy smell off of you. But, eventually I came home and mustered up the energy to cook for myself and the Mrs. before collapsing onto my bed at 2am. Right back up again to come into work at 9am the next day.
Saturday, Taste of Georgetown, 2 banquets, one of which my chef learned about at 1pm today. 240 on the books for the evening. I haven't stopped running around yet to keep everything in order. At least I know I am accomplishing things, as I've gotten everything set up for the other parties, but my chef is down at The Wharf buying fish for the parties as we speak! Should be an interesting evening!
Go Skins!!!!!
I almost don't know where to start. I am out of time yet again and I have yet to even tell you about my past 3 days away from the blog.
Thursday, eh it was my day off so I don't know what I can possibly write about that is PC, yes it was one of those days off. How the hell does that happen? Never mix politics with family for one. Sometimes you don't want to know where other members of your family stand, because it will only frustrate the living shit out of you.
Friday, I think for the first time ever I knew what it's like to work for a large hotel and prepare banquets for well over 1000 people. I cut 90 pounds of salmon...tar tare. I didn't only do that, but that took me the better part of 6 hours to do once I broke each salmon down. After that I helped put together 1800 pieces of shrimp wrapped with bacon and phyllo dough. I also fabricated the fish and made a special for the evening.
I was at work for just over 13 hours, I think. 90 fucking pounds...can you even imagine what my hands felt like at the end of the day? And you can take 4 showers and still not get that fishy smell off of you. But, eventually I came home and mustered up the energy to cook for myself and the Mrs. before collapsing onto my bed at 2am. Right back up again to come into work at 9am the next day.
Saturday, Taste of Georgetown, 2 banquets, one of which my chef learned about at 1pm today. 240 on the books for the evening. I haven't stopped running around yet to keep everything in order. At least I know I am accomplishing things, as I've gotten everything set up for the other parties, but my chef is down at The Wharf buying fish for the parties as we speak! Should be an interesting evening!
Go Skins!!!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Boxed In
It's barely noon and I'm craving that sweet bubbly to touch my lips. Yes, it may turn out to be another one of those days. I'm off to work in a few minutes but have already learned (not a day later) that before I even enter this chili cook-off I spoke of, well, it ain't gonna happen. The day of this cook-off is the same day we have scheduled to tape the TV pilot my team and I have long awaited to do. So one obviously trumps the other. Guess I will just have to wait until May to square off with the best in the city again.
Two parties tonite, so I have plenty to keep me busy along with the ongoing planning of a party that I am setting up for next weekend.
Side note: Remember that dryer that caught on fire almost 2 months ago in the restaurant? Well the dryer got delivered last Tuesday...it looks really pretty in that box. Get it?
It's barely noon and I'm craving that sweet bubbly to touch my lips. Yes, it may turn out to be another one of those days. I'm off to work in a few minutes but have already learned (not a day later) that before I even enter this chili cook-off I spoke of, well, it ain't gonna happen. The day of this cook-off is the same day we have scheduled to tape the TV pilot my team and I have long awaited to do. So one obviously trumps the other. Guess I will just have to wait until May to square off with the best in the city again.
Two parties tonite, so I have plenty to keep me busy along with the ongoing planning of a party that I am setting up for next weekend.
Side note: Remember that dryer that caught on fire almost 2 months ago in the restaurant? Well the dryer got delivered last Tuesday...it looks really pretty in that box. Get it?
Yo, I Was In Baghdad When You Were Still In Your Dad's Bag...
The hangover from Sunday definitely kicked in as I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. It's OK though, I have kept to myself as much as possible and stayed in the kitchen cutting away at everything possible, save for my own fingers. I must have cut enough vegetables to last the week. Practicing my knife cuts with precision...until I found myself looking in every other direction except for that which I was cutting. Only problem is after about an hour I found my jaw locking and teeth hurting from concentrating too much. Ugh.
OK, so it may not have been that bad. Yet, I did have some words with a female server this morning after she tried to tell me how I should sell my special, and then proceeded to tell me I was not her boss. Um, I can feel the respect just flowing from this server... Unfortunately, her father actually works in the kitchen as well. So I have yet to say a word to him except "hello" since he got here 3 hours ago. Fine by me dude, just do your job and have a nice day. But your daughter is barking up the wrong tree.
It isn't so much that it gets under my skin for the lack of disrespect, what gets to me is when someone who has no idea what they are talking about questions what I have been doing for over 10 years. Short time span for my profession, I understand. But my reply to that is I was cooking when this server was just getting out of grade school. And given that my specials sell out damn near every night, I'm not going to hear that mess from a newbie who works in the front. I have my chef and plenty of people in the biz that I trust and respect to get advice from, thank you very much.
On to more pleasant things in the kitchen. I made a golden beet & ginger soup this morning. I made almost 3 gallons and it wasn't around to use for dinner...woot!
Side note: Why didn't I learn my lesson the first time about trying to cater outside events of 30 or more? I must love to run my head through brick walls before I learn the lesson of bumps and bruises. Can't go into details because it is a surprise for the people I am doing this for, but I really have to learn when to say "no."
The hangover from Sunday definitely kicked in as I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. It's OK though, I have kept to myself as much as possible and stayed in the kitchen cutting away at everything possible, save for my own fingers. I must have cut enough vegetables to last the week. Practicing my knife cuts with precision...until I found myself looking in every other direction except for that which I was cutting. Only problem is after about an hour I found my jaw locking and teeth hurting from concentrating too much. Ugh.
OK, so it may not have been that bad. Yet, I did have some words with a female server this morning after she tried to tell me how I should sell my special, and then proceeded to tell me I was not her boss. Um, I can feel the respect just flowing from this server... Unfortunately, her father actually works in the kitchen as well. So I have yet to say a word to him except "hello" since he got here 3 hours ago. Fine by me dude, just do your job and have a nice day. But your daughter is barking up the wrong tree.
It isn't so much that it gets under my skin for the lack of disrespect, what gets to me is when someone who has no idea what they are talking about questions what I have been doing for over 10 years. Short time span for my profession, I understand. But my reply to that is I was cooking when this server was just getting out of grade school. And given that my specials sell out damn near every night, I'm not going to hear that mess from a newbie who works in the front. I have my chef and plenty of people in the biz that I trust and respect to get advice from, thank you very much.
On to more pleasant things in the kitchen. I made a golden beet & ginger soup this morning. I made almost 3 gallons and it wasn't around to use for dinner...woot!
Side note: Why didn't I learn my lesson the first time about trying to cater outside events of 30 or more? I must love to run my head through brick walls before I learn the lesson of bumps and bruises. Can't go into details because it is a surprise for the people I am doing this for, but I really have to learn when to say "no."
Monday, October 6, 2008
Hip Hip Hooray!
Monday morning...
I have a full staff finally! I mean, I have someone to fabricate the fish, cooks on the line, and a prep cook? Wow, I almost don't know what to do with myself. Clean, clean, and clean more, I guess. I have some golden beets left over from the weekend, so I may try to bust out a soup tonite with it.
Football talk, why is that my Terps will knock off some of the best teams according to national polls and then get spanked by a team like UVA? UVA!? They lost to DUKE. No, not Duke basketball, fucking Duke football! 31 nuthin...I wont speak about that the rest of the week.
As for my Washington Redskins? Winning, and the coach is still telling the team and the media we are leaving points on the field. I am horny for Zorny, this team may be about to make a statement in the NFL. The playbook isn't even completely opened up, and the defense was banged up and missing 3 starters. Sorry, I'm going off the subject.
HIP HIP HOORAY! (How gay is that anyway? I don't care!)
And happy freaking Monday, I need to start cleaning.
I have a full staff finally! I mean, I have someone to fabricate the fish, cooks on the line, and a prep cook? Wow, I almost don't know what to do with myself. Clean, clean, and clean more, I guess. I have some golden beets left over from the weekend, so I may try to bust out a soup tonite with it.
Football talk, why is that my Terps will knock off some of the best teams according to national polls and then get spanked by a team like UVA? UVA!? They lost to DUKE. No, not Duke basketball, fucking Duke football! 31 nuthin...I wont speak about that the rest of the week.
As for my Washington Redskins? Winning, and the coach is still telling the team and the media we are leaving points on the field. I am horny for Zorny, this team may be about to make a statement in the NFL. The playbook isn't even completely opened up, and the defense was banged up and missing 3 starters. Sorry, I'm going off the subject.
HIP HIP HOORAY! (How gay is that anyway? I don't care!)
And happy freaking Monday, I need to start cleaning.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Well it's the day off for the week and I have no idea how I will spend it. Beer comes to mind, but beer with food sounds even better. I have been called upon to cook for some friends this evening. What am I going to cook? Well, chili was asked for, and this is actually a different set of friends then a few weeks ago so I guess I can't complain.
This week is unbelievably slow at the restaurant. Maybe politics to come into play with the state of.. eh fuck, I could care less why it's slow. I just know it is and I won't start with excuses on as to why. So not exactly the most exciting week in the kitchen.
Last night wasn't all that bad but one clip from last night I want to share is this conversation that took place between a server and I. He walked into the kitchen and said, "Chef, please just say no so I can got tell the guests we cant do it." I replied, "Why are you even asking something you already have an answer for?" He goes on, "Well the guest would like to know if you can filet the whole fish for them." My reply, "That's something you do table side for the guest." The server finally exclaimed, "Oh hell no, thank you."
Let me fill you in on this before you think I'm smoking crack by only telling a part of the story. It is all that you should need to know about that server in particular, but I can't tell you if it is laziness or just the server does not know how to do it. The server did not even ask how it can be done, and this guy has been serving for at least 10 years in this city at numerous upstanding restaurants. Don't ask me how that person has gotten this far without ever having to do such a thing.
But I did just tell him to get the Rockfish that I had on the menu from my special the day before. The whole fish for the evening was striped bass. Kinda the same fish, it's a constant discussion with everyone who brings it up...what is the difference between Rockfish and striped bass?
For me it's simple, leave the tri-state area and ask for a Rockfish. They won't know what you are talking about. It's a Maryland thing, like crab cakes and football, ya know?
The other difference here is whenever I get Rockfish it is wild, while my striped bass is almost always farm raised. Rockfish is also a marketing name too, kinda like Chilean Black Sea Bass...do you think it would be so popular if we called it by it's real name, Toothfish???
Well it's the day off for the week and I have no idea how I will spend it. Beer comes to mind, but beer with food sounds even better. I have been called upon to cook for some friends this evening. What am I going to cook? Well, chili was asked for, and this is actually a different set of friends then a few weeks ago so I guess I can't complain.
This week is unbelievably slow at the restaurant. Maybe politics to come into play with the state of.. eh fuck, I could care less why it's slow. I just know it is and I won't start with excuses on as to why. So not exactly the most exciting week in the kitchen.
Last night wasn't all that bad but one clip from last night I want to share is this conversation that took place between a server and I. He walked into the kitchen and said, "Chef, please just say no so I can got tell the guests we cant do it." I replied, "Why are you even asking something you already have an answer for?" He goes on, "Well the guest would like to know if you can filet the whole fish for them." My reply, "That's something you do table side for the guest." The server finally exclaimed, "Oh hell no, thank you."
Let me fill you in on this before you think I'm smoking crack by only telling a part of the story. It is all that you should need to know about that server in particular, but I can't tell you if it is laziness or just the server does not know how to do it. The server did not even ask how it can be done, and this guy has been serving for at least 10 years in this city at numerous upstanding restaurants. Don't ask me how that person has gotten this far without ever having to do such a thing.
But I did just tell him to get the Rockfish that I had on the menu from my special the day before. The whole fish for the evening was striped bass. Kinda the same fish, it's a constant discussion with everyone who brings it up...what is the difference between Rockfish and striped bass?
For me it's simple, leave the tri-state area and ask for a Rockfish. They won't know what you are talking about. It's a Maryland thing, like crab cakes and football, ya know?

The other difference here is whenever I get Rockfish it is wild, while my striped bass is almost always farm raised. Rockfish is also a marketing name too, kinda like Chilean Black Sea Bass...do you think it would be so popular if we called it by it's real name, Toothfish???
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Culinary Wonders USA
See the Mad Chef's profile at this wonderful new site!
Falling Slowly
Another day at the office I suppose. Not much going on, chef did inventory this morning and was finishing up when I got here at 1pm. He left shortly thereafter to go to a tasting at one of the properties. Did I mention there are 5 hotels spread across this city that the Four Horsemen own? Not to mention the other restaurants...
Well, I hope we don't consider bringing in a product not made in house, but not my call obviously. If you have seen our dessert menu, though, you would probably agree that we have enough of the pie/cake/tart variety. I'm no pastry chef, so it's not like it is fresh on my mind to whip up a new dessert up as often as I make the nightly specials. Although there is this ginger cake I put on the menu a few months ago that seems to be doing fairly well, and an espresso pumpkin cake last year...OK, so it happens every other blue moon I figure.
Since I like to practice utilizing all the goods in the kitchen tonite, I am going to use up the rest of the butternut squash in a hash with andouille sausage, confit of leeks, pimento peppers and top it off with a port reduction. Simple and easy, not much else to say about it. Hope it sells well with the Chilean black sea bass I intend to pair it with!!!
Also, I cant help but feel like I've jumped the gun with this "changing my food with the changing of the seasons" deal. I don't see a single leaf looking to turn yet. Oh well, guess I'm just ahead of the game...and Mother Nature. Yeah right...
Another day at the office I suppose. Not much going on, chef did inventory this morning and was finishing up when I got here at 1pm. He left shortly thereafter to go to a tasting at one of the properties. Did I mention there are 5 hotels spread across this city that the Four Horsemen own? Not to mention the other restaurants...
Well, I hope we don't consider bringing in a product not made in house, but not my call obviously. If you have seen our dessert menu, though, you would probably agree that we have enough of the pie/cake/tart variety. I'm no pastry chef, so it's not like it is fresh on my mind to whip up a new dessert up as often as I make the nightly specials. Although there is this ginger cake I put on the menu a few months ago that seems to be doing fairly well, and an espresso pumpkin cake last year...OK, so it happens every other blue moon I figure.
Since I like to practice utilizing all the goods in the kitchen tonite, I am going to use up the rest of the butternut squash in a hash with andouille sausage, confit of leeks, pimento peppers and top it off with a port reduction. Simple and easy, not much else to say about it. Hope it sells well with the Chilean black sea bass I intend to pair it with!!!
Also, I cant help but feel like I've jumped the gun with this "changing my food with the changing of the seasons" deal. I don't see a single leaf looking to turn yet. Oh well, guess I'm just ahead of the game...and Mother Nature. Yeah right...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Two Day Hangover
Tuesdays are worse then Mondays, it is kind of like a hangover from the weekend that is setting in a day late.
Not much going on today, spent several hours last night going over menu ideas with a friend of mine for an upcoming tailgate. This particular tailgate is weeks away, but it's going to be Kosher. Kosher as in Hebrew, not as in just using the salt. It's going to be a challenge and a blast all at the same time. I don't even have a budget for the event, meaning I can do whatever I want. Hope I don't "wine & cheese" it too much, but how can I not when I am told I can make whatever I want AND buy all the equipment I need?
I received a case of butternut squash today. I asked my vendor yesterday if they were in full swing for the season. Maybe I should have clarified what I was asking because these are miniature versions of what I was looking for, and are just not bringing a smile to my face, dammit. So I called her (and she is lucky she's a blond, or it would have been a more forceful conversation!) to let her know what I was asking yesterday and we agreed she would be way more specific next time.
What will I do with these? Puree, hash, roast, soup...ask me in a few hours, I need my first cup of coffee!
Tuesdays are worse then Mondays, it is kind of like a hangover from the weekend that is setting in a day late.
Not much going on today, spent several hours last night going over menu ideas with a friend of mine for an upcoming tailgate. This particular tailgate is weeks away, but it's going to be Kosher. Kosher as in Hebrew, not as in just using the salt. It's going to be a challenge and a blast all at the same time. I don't even have a budget for the event, meaning I can do whatever I want. Hope I don't "wine & cheese" it too much, but how can I not when I am told I can make whatever I want AND buy all the equipment I need?
I received a case of butternut squash today. I asked my vendor yesterday if they were in full swing for the season. Maybe I should have clarified what I was asking because these are miniature versions of what I was looking for, and are just not bringing a smile to my face, dammit. So I called her (and she is lucky she's a blond, or it would have been a more forceful conversation!) to let her know what I was asking yesterday and we agreed she would be way more specific next time.
What will I do with these? Puree, hash, roast, soup...ask me in a few hours, I need my first cup of coffee!
Monday, September 29, 2008
It's A Beautiful Moooorrrrnnniiiinnngggg!!!!!
What a weekend!!!
Maryland knocks down yet another top 25 team, and the Redskins? What do you say about them? After it's all said and done this season ain't nowhere near over, but someone got a serious gut check yesterday. That game was shown to about 90% of the country too, can't wait to see what everyone thinks about this team now. I will say that I have already spoken to several friends and I don't see how it's possible that Cowboy fans can call out sick to work the following day after such a loss!
Anyways on to work, I'm very excited about football and all, but this weekend pretty much started the fall season and that means a whole new plethora of foods that I can start to play around with. This is my favorite time of the year. Only bad thing (not too bad) is that I have come to notice that my plates become slightly more complex, as I layer in more flavors. I also roast and braise more often instead of grill and saute items. First up this week will be some butternut squash. I cant wait, time to get on the phone with my vendor!!
Oh yeah, since this wasn't posted last week I have to get this out there to go along with the beautiful picture that was posted yesterday. I for one haven't gotten to up on my team yet, they still have much to prove and they know it as well. Like Redskins Head of Football Operations Vinny Cerato said this morning on his radio show, today is a day to just enjoy what took place yesterday.
Maryland knocks down yet another top 25 team, and the Redskins? What do you say about them? After it's all said and done this season ain't nowhere near over, but someone got a serious gut check yesterday. That game was shown to about 90% of the country too, can't wait to see what everyone thinks about this team now. I will say that I have already spoken to several friends and I don't see how it's possible that Cowboy fans can call out sick to work the following day after such a loss!
Anyways on to work, I'm very excited about football and all, but this weekend pretty much started the fall season and that means a whole new plethora of foods that I can start to play around with. This is my favorite time of the year. Only bad thing (not too bad) is that I have come to notice that my plates become slightly more complex, as I layer in more flavors. I also roast and braise more often instead of grill and saute items. First up this week will be some butternut squash. I cant wait, time to get on the phone with my vendor!!
Oh yeah, since this wasn't posted last week I have to get this out there to go along with the beautiful picture that was posted yesterday. I for one haven't gotten to up on my team yet, they still have much to prove and they know it as well. Like Redskins Head of Football Operations Vinny Cerato said this morning on his radio show, today is a day to just enjoy what took place yesterday.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Mad Chef Has Left the Building
Last day of the week, bitches!! It's actually going to be a Friday, for once. Why you ask? DUDE, it's Dallas week, enough said. No, not really, but hey sometimes I'm just lucky enough to get Saturdays off.
Tomorrow is actually my 10 year reunion for DeMatha. I will stop by for a few moments only to hopefully speak to some of the people I may or may not remember. OK, so it hasn't been that long but I wasn't always as slick lookin' as the pic that's on this page, or a culinary bad ass, or prom king or any of that. That was The Brain!
(Note from The Brain: Yeah, I ruled. Now I'm old, married, reproducing and drunk alone way too often... Also, nerdy pic of Mad Chef at 14 will be posted soon, I promise you.)
But I did know a lot of cool cats from DM, three of whom are helping with the TV pilot, and I hope to run into some tomorrow night.
So anyways, party of 75 I get to prep for so that should keep me busy for a little while today, and once 8pm rolls around tonite, if it's slow and all is well, I intend to kick off my weekend with a...um, nap.
Last day of the week, bitches!! It's actually going to be a Friday, for once. Why you ask? DUDE, it's Dallas week, enough said. No, not really, but hey sometimes I'm just lucky enough to get Saturdays off.
Tomorrow is actually my 10 year reunion for DeMatha. I will stop by for a few moments only to hopefully speak to some of the people I may or may not remember. OK, so it hasn't been that long but I wasn't always as slick lookin' as the pic that's on this page, or a culinary bad ass, or prom king or any of that. That was The Brain!
(Note from The Brain: Yeah, I ruled. Now I'm old, married, reproducing and drunk alone way too often... Also, nerdy pic of Mad Chef at 14 will be posted soon, I promise you.)
But I did know a lot of cool cats from DM, three of whom are helping with the TV pilot, and I hope to run into some tomorrow night.
So anyways, party of 75 I get to prep for so that should keep me busy for a little while today, and once 8pm rolls around tonite, if it's slow and all is well, I intend to kick off my weekend with a...um, nap.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Feeling Preppy
Bottom line, I stayed several hours later then I should have tonite. Why? I don't always know if it's appreciated, but I actually give a fuck for some reason. When I walked into work this afternoon, well, honestly the only thing that had been done was everything that I had done the night before...and it was 1pm. Enough said, so I had my work cut out for me.
I saw my chef for a total of maybe an hour today. He just left and it's almost 9pm, where was he? Dunno and don't care. If I had time to worry about things like that then I wouldn't have a job.
There was a party of 115 and a party of 30, not including what we did for service during the course of the night. I think we did about 130 covers. All in all everything went over great, the parties were all smooth and service was a breeze. That's leaving out the graphic language I spoke for the 4 hours leading up to service while I prepped everything else for the party, along with fabricating 85 pounds of fish from here to West Africa. That African fish is sumthin' else man...I had to take the pin bones from a "Red Mullet" fish.

The fish is as small as an infants hands, I thought I was a fucking surgeon for almost an hour!
Anyways, since I'm not going into detail about how I busted my ass to make mashed potatoes for 150 people (both parties), cut assorted vegetables for them, cut fish, make sauces, and mark all the beef, chicken, and fish...I guess that's all I got for the day!
I saw my chef for a total of maybe an hour today. He just left and it's almost 9pm, where was he? Dunno and don't care. If I had time to worry about things like that then I wouldn't have a job.
There was a party of 115 and a party of 30, not including what we did for service during the course of the night. I think we did about 130 covers. All in all everything went over great, the parties were all smooth and service was a breeze. That's leaving out the graphic language I spoke for the 4 hours leading up to service while I prepped everything else for the party, along with fabricating 85 pounds of fish from here to West Africa. That African fish is sumthin' else man...I had to take the pin bones from a "Red Mullet" fish.

The fish is as small as an infants hands, I thought I was a fucking surgeon for almost an hour!
Anyways, since I'm not going into detail about how I busted my ass to make mashed potatoes for 150 people (both parties), cut assorted vegetables for them, cut fish, make sauces, and mark all the beef, chicken, and fish...I guess that's all I got for the day!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
El Borracho
Monday morning...
My chef is off and I closed on Saturday, yet I have already been asked 5 questions that I have no answers for. All dealing with follow-ups from the weekend. It would be great if I knew how to answer them but I have no choice but to defer them until my chef is here tomorrow. Not my problem.
Saturday night I caught a dishwasher intoxicated. Plain and simple, not in my kitchen. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for drinking once the job is done. I will even go so far as to say my cooks can have a beer while they are cleaning. My name isn't on the door so that doesn't happen, but I wouldn't be opposed to it. I never abused it when I had the opportunity in other kitchens, but here that doesn't seem to be the case.
Back to the dishwasher, this guy has tried to walk in here drunk before and my chef just sent him home. It has happened on more the one occasion. I probably wouldn't be so nice the first couple times but again, that's just me. I will take my chef's back on it no matter what, that's my job. Now when I see this guy drunk during the shift I have to wonder how the fuck did he pull it off. I can figure that out later but first was getting him to admit he had been drinking.
He flat out lied to my chef and I when we first asked. He then proceeded to bitch at a line cook about me. The cook tried to explain that he wasn't drunk, just tired because it was busy. I told the cook to not lie to me (I chose a few select words that he would understand) and he went back to work, done trying to defend anyone lest he get into trouble as well.
At around 10 pm the dishwasher went looking for the other manager fluent in Spanish and spoke to him as well. At this time, get this, he said he didn't think it should be a problem for him to drink "a little" when he is working. He felt it made him work harder. What do you say to that?
I was simple with it, thanks for your time, get the fuck out. I have to get into the dishpit and finish your job. You can come get your paycheck on Friday. Lets just hope the follow thru doesn't let that liability back in the door.
The revolving door of employment strikes again...
My chef is off and I closed on Saturday, yet I have already been asked 5 questions that I have no answers for. All dealing with follow-ups from the weekend. It would be great if I knew how to answer them but I have no choice but to defer them until my chef is here tomorrow. Not my problem.
Saturday night I caught a dishwasher intoxicated. Plain and simple, not in my kitchen. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for drinking once the job is done. I will even go so far as to say my cooks can have a beer while they are cleaning. My name isn't on the door so that doesn't happen, but I wouldn't be opposed to it. I never abused it when I had the opportunity in other kitchens, but here that doesn't seem to be the case.
Back to the dishwasher, this guy has tried to walk in here drunk before and my chef just sent him home. It has happened on more the one occasion. I probably wouldn't be so nice the first couple times but again, that's just me. I will take my chef's back on it no matter what, that's my job. Now when I see this guy drunk during the shift I have to wonder how the fuck did he pull it off. I can figure that out later but first was getting him to admit he had been drinking.
He flat out lied to my chef and I when we first asked. He then proceeded to bitch at a line cook about me. The cook tried to explain that he wasn't drunk, just tired because it was busy. I told the cook to not lie to me (I chose a few select words that he would understand) and he went back to work, done trying to defend anyone lest he get into trouble as well.
At around 10 pm the dishwasher went looking for the other manager fluent in Spanish and spoke to him as well. At this time, get this, he said he didn't think it should be a problem for him to drink "a little" when he is working. He felt it made him work harder. What do you say to that?
I was simple with it, thanks for your time, get the fuck out. I have to get into the dishpit and finish your job. You can come get your paycheck on Friday. Lets just hope the follow thru doesn't let that liability back in the door.
The revolving door of employment strikes again...
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! (Part Deux)
Did I mention that this week is one of the most hyped in professional football each year? At least in this city it is, and as the week goes on I'm sure there will be plenty of smack talking going around as the Washington Redskins head down to Texas to play the Dallass Cowboys. Did I misspell that? Didn't think so! (Note from The Brain: Does he misspell everything else? You betcha!)
Since it's only Monday and I have plenty of time to post messages about this football team. Let me first start out by expressing feelings through the words of Chris Paul...
Since it's only Monday and I have plenty of time to post messages about this football team. Let me first start out by expressing feelings through the words of Chris Paul...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Never the Bride, Always the Bridesmaid...
317 on the books to start the evening as I stroll through the doors at 2pm. Awesome.
We had a wedding reception of 130 people at 5 pm as well so it was pretty busy tonite. I love weddings, not so much the cooking part but the eye candy that it brings. I fully believe in crashing a wedding and I've done so a few times, but this is a blog about cooking, not my personal endeavors *wink wink*
Back to the reception, 5pm, 130 people, open bar (3 bottles in my office for my collection) and a buffet consisting of Black Grouper and 10oz filet. I cut the filet and the grouper yesterday. Yes, I did that along with the 70 pounds of salmon and all that other shit I had to fabricate. It was great, actually reminded me of my days of working all day in a 42 degree walk-in 5 years ago. Great stuff, again I digress.
My chef and the other 2 managers we have in the restaurant are running around like chickens with their heads cut off to keep everything in order. Short staffed would be an understatement, since we also have regular service for the evening. This party cleared, just in wine alone, 6 cases of red and 5 white. That's not including the 8 cases of Amstel Light and 6 cases of Heineken that are now empty boxes upstairs. Don't ask me about the liquor, I was told by several servers they "are drinking like fish" from the time they got here.
Its 10pm and they just left....I'm almost jealous because from the noise my kitchen heard it must have been a good time.
317 on the books to start the evening as I stroll through the doors at 2pm. Awesome.
We had a wedding reception of 130 people at 5 pm as well so it was pretty busy tonite. I love weddings, not so much the cooking part but the eye candy that it brings. I fully believe in crashing a wedding and I've done so a few times, but this is a blog about cooking, not my personal endeavors *wink wink*
Back to the reception, 5pm, 130 people, open bar (3 bottles in my office for my collection) and a buffet consisting of Black Grouper and 10oz filet. I cut the filet and the grouper yesterday. Yes, I did that along with the 70 pounds of salmon and all that other shit I had to fabricate. It was great, actually reminded me of my days of working all day in a 42 degree walk-in 5 years ago. Great stuff, again I digress.
My chef and the other 2 managers we have in the restaurant are running around like chickens with their heads cut off to keep everything in order. Short staffed would be an understatement, since we also have regular service for the evening. This party cleared, just in wine alone, 6 cases of red and 5 white. That's not including the 8 cases of Amstel Light and 6 cases of Heineken that are now empty boxes upstairs. Don't ask me about the liquor, I was told by several servers they "are drinking like fish" from the time they got here.
Its 10pm and they just left....I'm almost jealous because from the noise my kitchen heard it must have been a good time.
Friday, September 19, 2008
First of all let me set the record straight about cutting myself. It's been several months since I cut myself in a meaningful way, and by that I mean while I actually had a knife in my hand. So being that I cut myself more frequently on something other then a knife...well, The Mad Chef of M Street doesn't really know what to say.
I actually was stabbing a check when I did it. We keep our checks on something that looks like a 6 inch pin, though it's not horribly sharp by any means as it's only meant to hold the checks. Well, I stabbed my index finger right on the nail...talented I know. It was more of a PITA because of the bruise that was left in its wake...
On to today, raw bar cook suddenly left work and said she needed the day off tomorrow, which is today. Then I hear that she called back later and said she was taking the next 2 weeks off. Um, I don't know what my chef told her but I don't care if you have been here for umpteen years, you don't tell ME you are taking a vacation for 2 weeks on no notice. No one died, so "Homey don't play that" but again, like always, it's not my call. Though it's a perfect opportunity for fresh blood in the restaurant as far as I'm concerned.
Had 60 pounds of Tasmanian Salmon to fabricate for a party this evening. 3 banquets of different sizes, specials to make and menus to write. I would think I have my work cut out for me, but since I did all the fabricating within the last hour my day may have just been cut in half. My chef is coming in early, don't ask me why, he must of forgotten who he had working for him...
First of all let me set the record straight about cutting myself. It's been several months since I cut myself in a meaningful way, and by that I mean while I actually had a knife in my hand. So being that I cut myself more frequently on something other then a knife...well, The Mad Chef of M Street doesn't really know what to say.
I actually was stabbing a check when I did it. We keep our checks on something that looks like a 6 inch pin, though it's not horribly sharp by any means as it's only meant to hold the checks. Well, I stabbed my index finger right on the nail...talented I know. It was more of a PITA because of the bruise that was left in its wake...
On to today, raw bar cook suddenly left work and said she needed the day off tomorrow, which is today. Then I hear that she called back later and said she was taking the next 2 weeks off. Um, I don't know what my chef told her but I don't care if you have been here for umpteen years, you don't tell ME you are taking a vacation for 2 weeks on no notice. No one died, so "Homey don't play that" but again, like always, it's not my call. Though it's a perfect opportunity for fresh blood in the restaurant as far as I'm concerned.
Had 60 pounds of Tasmanian Salmon to fabricate for a party this evening. 3 banquets of different sizes, specials to make and menus to write. I would think I have my work cut out for me, but since I did all the fabricating within the last hour my day may have just been cut in half. My chef is coming in early, don't ask me why, he must of forgotten who he had working for him...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sliced and Diced
The Mad Chef was so excited work yesterday and all the chores he had to do, he went and stabbed him index finger with a chef's knife. So like John McCain, he's unable to use the computer (until it heals up), but we'll find a way to make it work and we'll have this story on the blog by tomorrow.
It'll be the best thing since Jesus. Or at least as good as, um, watermelons. I don't know.
Uh, I'm gonna go ahead and stop tying now. Right.
It'll be the best thing since Jesus. Or at least as good as, um, watermelons. I don't know.
Uh, I'm gonna go ahead and stop tying now. Right.
Gym or Work?
Wednesday morning...
My schedule has been thrown under the bus like a rag doll. I don't usually open during the week and since I consider myself to still have somewhat of a dismal life, well it's gone this week. I have gotten used to not being in bed before 2am and being up for the gym by 9.
However, being here before 9am is just not that high on my agenda. Prep cook out the door, no call/no show yesterday so I have a good bit of work to be done this morning as I train 2 others that my chef hired yesterday.
That's all I've got...shit, I have to make a soup as well.
My schedule has been thrown under the bus like a rag doll. I don't usually open during the week and since I consider myself to still have somewhat of a dismal life, well it's gone this week. I have gotten used to not being in bed before 2am and being up for the gym by 9.
However, being here before 9am is just not that high on my agenda. Prep cook out the door, no call/no show yesterday so I have a good bit of work to be done this morning as I train 2 others that my chef hired yesterday.
That's all I've got...shit, I have to make a soup as well.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Los Borrachos
Oh yeah, back to that place again. At least my boys won! I'm short a prep cook today so I have my work cut out for me. As I said on Saturday, the recipe for the Tequila Lime Salsa:
10 ears of roasted corn, cut off the cob
5 plum tomatoes diced
1 jalapeno minced
2 red or orange peppers, small diced
1 red onion small dice
1 bunch of cilantro chopped
2 shots of tequila if you're like me
2 oz of lime juice
olive oil and plenty of salt and pepper
When I first made this dish it reeked of tequila and might have well have been named "salsa borracho" (meaning drunken salsa). The next day, however, it couldn't have tasted better. The brine for the wings went 5 hours instead of 3, though I think 4 is perfect if your going to use bbq sauce. 5 was great and I didn't add anything once they hit the grill.
Oh yeah, those people who say black folks don't get sunburn are full of shit.
Oh yeah, back to that place again. At least my boys won! I'm short a prep cook today so I have my work cut out for me. As I said on Saturday, the recipe for the Tequila Lime Salsa:
10 ears of roasted corn, cut off the cob
5 plum tomatoes diced
1 jalapeno minced
2 red or orange peppers, small diced
1 red onion small dice
1 bunch of cilantro chopped
2 shots of tequila if you're like me
2 oz of lime juice
olive oil and plenty of salt and pepper
When I first made this dish it reeked of tequila and might have well have been named "salsa borracho" (meaning drunken salsa). The next day, however, it couldn't have tasted better. The brine for the wings went 5 hours instead of 3, though I think 4 is perfect if your going to use bbq sauce. 5 was great and I didn't add anything once they hit the grill.
Oh yeah, those people who say black folks don't get sunburn are full of shit.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
As I write this I must admit the last thing on my mind is work. Even though I will be heading there in just a few moments. I am jammin out to my favorite DJ, Chris Paul of WPGC, and the new song that he puts up every week for the Redskins.
I am closing tonite so I will be preparing all of my food for tomorrow's home opener at work. While also running the line and putting out a banquet for 110 people. Busy? Yes, but focus and efficiency will be at a max so I can pull this off.
Hot dogs, burgers, wings, dip and salsa. The burgers will be seasoned with mushroom and onion soup mix before they hit the grill. The wings are going into a brine for about 3 hours while I make a bbq sauce for them as well. I will make a 9 layer dip that I have yet to make the same way in the past 3 years since my mother gave me the recipe. As for the salsa I have no clue what I am doing yet but it will have tequila in it.
I will post up the recipe for everything Monday if my boys win. If they lose I probably won't speak about football for the week until next Saturday. That's just how some of us Skins fans are. I see the world through burgundy glasses!!!
I am closing tonite so I will be preparing all of my food for tomorrow's home opener at work. While also running the line and putting out a banquet for 110 people. Busy? Yes, but focus and efficiency will be at a max so I can pull this off.
Hot dogs, burgers, wings, dip and salsa. The burgers will be seasoned with mushroom and onion soup mix before they hit the grill. The wings are going into a brine for about 3 hours while I make a bbq sauce for them as well. I will make a 9 layer dip that I have yet to make the same way in the past 3 years since my mother gave me the recipe. As for the salsa I have no clue what I am doing yet but it will have tequila in it.
I will post up the recipe for everything Monday if my boys win. If they lose I probably won't speak about football for the week until next Saturday. That's just how some of us Skins fans are. I see the world through burgundy glasses!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
DeNiro Is Feeling Blue...

For those of you who love celebrity eco-scandals, this one's a doozy. Perhaps inspired by the recent fish fraud uncovered by those teenagers in New York, Greenpeace decided to do some investigative work of its own at Nobu, the swank sushi restaurant chain owned in part by Robert De Niro. They found that De Niro's restaurants, consisting of 21 locations across 4 continents, are serving unwitting customers endangered bluefin tuna.
Bluefin isn't illegal to serve, however it is listed as critically endangered due to overfishing by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List. Not only that, but the US has called for a total ban on Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin -- so, it's not exactly a secret that eating bluefin is a eco-sin. To make matters worse, Nobu's clientele consists of Hollywood elites like the greenwashing queen of pop, and the über-aware Leonardo DiCaprio. Both of whom might have unintentionally enjoyed some endangered tuna. Oops, way to make De Niro look bad.
Hmm....I could have told you De Niro was a douche way back when him and his entourage took a banquet area at Zola back in '01. Not only did he take a room fit for 300 with only 15 people, but we were also told...get this, not to make eye contact with him or speak to him directly. True story. And just for the record we serve the, mocking the article a little here, über-popular and tasty yellowfin tuna at Sea Catch!
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Back to Reality
Time to scale back a bit it seems. Maybe my chef did turn out to be a small distraction by coming in last night. It's over now anyways, he is back and I get to step back to the role I played before he left weeks ago. More time to concentrate on what The Mad Chef of M Street wants to get started.
First things first, it's time to start organizing this tailgate for the home opener of the Washington Redskins!! Burgers, brined and bbq'd chicken wings, hot dogs, brats, 9 layer dip, salsa and homemade chips for dipping. Yeah, we gonna have some fun. I have no clue yet as to where I will be setting up this week, but I hope to have that planned out by tomorrow night. I'm trying to contain my excitement from actually being out drinking on a Sunday afternoon.
Did I mention the beer pong table my friend Wes and I made up last year? More him then me because I don't deal with paint all that well, I become more of a kid on the playground then a contractor. I will try to get a pic of it in action while at the game Sunday...maybe even a few pics of my friends and I in rare form.
Oh well, off to work it is and I have the day off tomorrow. Day off eve anyone?
First things first, it's time to start organizing this tailgate for the home opener of the Washington Redskins!! Burgers, brined and bbq'd chicken wings, hot dogs, brats, 9 layer dip, salsa and homemade chips for dipping. Yeah, we gonna have some fun. I have no clue yet as to where I will be setting up this week, but I hope to have that planned out by tomorrow night. I'm trying to contain my excitement from actually being out drinking on a Sunday afternoon.
Did I mention the beer pong table my friend Wes and I made up last year? More him then me because I don't deal with paint all that well, I become more of a kid on the playground then a contractor. I will try to get a pic of it in action while at the game Sunday...maybe even a few pics of my friends and I in rare form.
Oh well, off to work it is and I have the day off tomorrow. Day off eve anyone?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Not So Special
After being told that my chef was coming back (after dealing with a family issue for the last week), I got excited at the idea of walking out of this place prior to 11pm for once. Not the case evidently, as I will be having a sit down with my chef tonight.
For what I have no clue, and personally I don't want to see him until he is ready to work. It's none of my business how he feels or acts right now. He is my chef and I have no reason to see him at the workplace until he is ready to be in charge again. Cold huh? Trust me, I am a compassionate person, really. It's just that I can't find the logic in what is about to happen. Do I need him here? Of course, but if he isn't ready it's only a distraction.
Case in point...my specials, since he has taken his leave, have had a different flair or cuisine each shift. I could keep going for at least 2 more weeks before repeating myself somewhere along the line. Today's special...not so much. I took the easy road of what some in this biz like to call a "walk-in special," meaning I am simply utilizing everything I already had in house to do the dinner special. The lunch special was no different. Serves me right, I guess, for letting my guard down.
We will see how long this continues, but tomorrow is right back to day one with my specials, today I have to let it slide because everything is already in place. Tomorrow I think we will try some French cooking for a fresh challenge.
After being told that my chef was coming back (after dealing with a family issue for the last week), I got excited at the idea of walking out of this place prior to 11pm for once. Not the case evidently, as I will be having a sit down with my chef tonight.
For what I have no clue, and personally I don't want to see him until he is ready to work. It's none of my business how he feels or acts right now. He is my chef and I have no reason to see him at the workplace until he is ready to be in charge again. Cold huh? Trust me, I am a compassionate person, really. It's just that I can't find the logic in what is about to happen. Do I need him here? Of course, but if he isn't ready it's only a distraction.
Case in point...my specials, since he has taken his leave, have had a different flair or cuisine each shift. I could keep going for at least 2 more weeks before repeating myself somewhere along the line. Today's special...not so much. I took the easy road of what some in this biz like to call a "walk-in special," meaning I am simply utilizing everything I already had in house to do the dinner special. The lunch special was no different. Serves me right, I guess, for letting my guard down.
We will see how long this continues, but tomorrow is right back to day one with my specials, today I have to let it slide because everything is already in place. Tomorrow I think we will try some French cooking for a fresh challenge.
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